World info: (In the year 2038, humanity reached a new breakthrough in technology. This, was the time of the Androids. Built from their home in CyberLife, androids have been built to serve humanity in every way. However, they soon became aware of their existence and began to develop emotions and soon became their own people. Now, they fight for new rights every day and make peace with their creators.)

Time in World: 2038

Unlike the others, the scene begins with a system checking. When everything was clear, it then changes to Arc opening his eyes and has another change. He's now wearing a blue and black suit jacket, a black shirt underneath, black pants, blue converse and an LED in his right temple. On the jacket is a blue triangle on the left side of his chest, a blue band on his right bicep, and numbers labeled 'RX1300' on the right side of his chest. (A/N: for the jacket, imagine Connor's but replace the light gray with black and the dark gray with cobalt blue)

Arcturus: (looks around) so far, this looks like a regular city. (Looks in the window and sees reflection) this is a cool suit, but what's with the LED?

Clara: you're and android in this world. I guess it's because of me, this would be your disguise.

Arcturus: well, it does look normal compared to the others I have. But, where is everyone?

True to his claim, the area around them looked deserted. Arc was familiar with cities, so to be in an area that obviously should be packed full of people but wasn't was concerning. Arc's thoughts were interrupted by a scream and he ran to the source. There, he found a small group of people surrounded by Soulless.

Kara, Alice, Luther

Arcturus: well, that's just rude of those monsters. (Summons Keyblade) attacking a family is a new low for them.

The Speedster then runs in and helps take down the Soulless. While he's fighting he notices Kara helping him with speeds that no ordinary human could pull off. When all was said and done, Arc dismisses his weapon and checks on the group.

Arcturus: you guys ok?

Kara: (checks Alice and Luther for injuries) we're ok. Thank you for helping us.

Arcturus it's what I do.

Alice: (notices a wound on Arc) you're hurt!

Arcturus then looks down and sees a cut on his left hip. Strangely, though, instead of normal blood, it was blue. The Speedster places two fingers on it and Clara scans it to identify it as Thirium. Or 'Blue Blood' as humans called it.

Arcturus's Thoughts: this is interesting. The previous worlds I've been to didn't do this. Guess it adds to detail to help me blend in more. (Speaks) it's ok. I can repair myself. (Casts Curaga) there we go.

Luther: (surprised by the spell) I've never seen an android do that. What model are you?

Arcturus: (pauses a bit) no offense, but I'd feel more comfortable if we talked somewhere more safe.

Alice: why don't you come with us to Jericho?

Arcturus: Jericho?

Kara: it's a refuge for androids. We were on our way over for help from our friends.

Arcturus: sounds like a good place. I'm Arcturus, by the way.

Kara: my name's Kara. (Gestures to the others) this is my daughter, Alice, and our friend, Luther.

Arcturus: (smiles) nice to meet you all. So, where is Jericho?

Narrator (mom): the group then makes their way to a few buildings across town. Along the way, Arc noticed that the city was more quite and it was suppose to be. This began to trouble the boy. They soon arrived to a placed with the words 'Jericho' written on the front. They entered inside and saw a few other people.

Connor and Hank

Markus, North, Simon and Josh

Markus: (notices the group) Kara, Alice, Luther, what brings you here?

Kara: Something happened back home, and we were hoping you could help us.

Simon: (notices Arc) whose this?

Arcturus: my name's Arcturus. Everyone calls me Arc, for short.

Connor: my name is Connor. (Introduces the others) this is Hank Anderson, Markus, North, Simon and Josh. (Notices jacket) RX1300? I've never seen an android like you before. Are you a prototype?

Arcturus: (improvising) yes. I was built in New York as a Soulless Hunter. There have been sightings here, and when I arrived, these three were attacked by them.

Markus: Soulless? Is that what they're called? We've never seen anything like them. But, they did show up after weird stuff happened.

Hank: no s**t. After our friends disappeared, these things started popping up out of no where.

Arcturus: what do you mean 'disappeared'?

North: we don't know how it happened, but the entire city except the people here disappeared. Both humans and androids were gone, and then those Soulless showed up, along with this strange figure in a black coat.

Arcturus's Thoughts: a black coat? Could it be Cronos? Or some one connected to him? (Speaks) have there been any other strange stuff happening?

Luther: well, before you helped us, Kara was able to us combat that only an RK unit would have. We came back here to see if Markus could help us find out why that was happening.

Alice: but, Rose and Adam disappeared before we left.

Arcturus: the Soulless are definitely a factor in this. You guys should leave this to me.

Narrator (mom): Connor, Kara, and Markus looked at each other and agreed to the same thing.

Connor: I'm sorry, but we can't let you do that. 

Arcturus: (confused) huh?

Connor: if that person and those monsters are responsible for what happened, then they're our problem, too. (Holds out hand to shake) We need to work together to get them back.

Arcturus: (smiles and shakes hand) alright! (Let's go of hand) so, do you have a lead as to where this person might be, or who they are?

Hank: the a**hole was wearing a hood, so we haven't been able to ID them. But, Connor and I did find them.

Said android then walks over to a terminal and pulls up multiple security cameras across the city. To narrow the search further, he focused on one at the  CyberLife store in the downtown shopping plaza.

Connor: with only the few of us here, it was difficult to find this unknown suspect. But, I was able to hack the cameras across Detroit, and found them, along with these Soulless, in the shopping plaza downtown. If we are to approach them, we should use caution. There's still little information we know about them.

Arcturus: alright. Let's head over there and see what we can find.

Josh: wait. (All look at him) we don't know anything about these things. And if what we've seen about them is true, maybe it's best if we stay here and wait for the others to return.

North: and how long will that take? We can't just sit here and do nothing!

Josh: and getting killed won't work as well!

Arcturus: (turns to Simon) do they often argue?

Simon: yes. Especially on how we should coexist with the humans.

Markus: (Breaks the two up) that's enough! (Beat) North's right. We can't stay in silence and wait for a change that won't come unless we make it happened. Besides, it's just like when we were right for freedom.

Without further arguments, the gang left to the plaza. When they arrived, they saw the area looked attacked.

Hank: f**k, what happened here?

Connor: it looks like the Soulless were searching for something. (Turns to Arc) are they known to behave this way?

Arcturus: it depends. They mostly cause mayhem on their own, but if there's someone controlling them, then it's possible. But, (looks around the area) what could they be looking for in a shopping center?

Markus: let's find out. Connor, re-construct the area to see what they were after.

Connor: got it, Markus.

Clara: let's lend a hand, Arc.

Connor and Arc then switched their sight to detective mode. They then begin to recreate the scene, and saw the Soulless making their way towards the plaza and soon went to the CyberLife store, but, they suddenly lose track.

Connor: that's strange. The Soulless went into the CyberLife store, but they then just disappear.

Kara: maybe they didn't find what they were looking for?

Arcturus: I don't know. Something's not right.

The group checked the store. Since the peaceful protest, there have been little stores left that hold androids. When they went inside, they saw most of the store intact, and the androids remained unharmed.

Simon: (checks the computer system) according to the system, the alarms didn't go off, and nothing was stolen.

North: they must've hacked the system. (Looks at the androids) let's get them out of here.

Arcturus: (holds a hand up) wait. (Narrows his eyes) something's not right.

The Speedster noticed then a strange liquid near the android on the floor. Connor notices this too, and both of them places their fingers on it.

Hank: (sees what they're doing) woah, woah, hey, hey! (Both lick it) Connor, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't put weird stuff in your mouth! (Looks at Arc) same goes to you, you fricking weirdo!

Arcturus: (realizes what he did) oh, sorry. I was checking the sample.

Connor: sorry, Hank. (Analyzes the sample) it's a form of blood, but not like human or Thirium.

Arcturus: it might've come from the Soulless, but I've never seen them bleed before. (Turns his attention back to the androids) from the looks of things, my hunch could be correct.

Connor: what hunch?

Not saying anything, Arc walks up to an android, and gets in a fighting stance. He then throws a punch, and unexpectedly, the android moves and jumps aside. Everyone was surprised by this action, but Connor, Markus, and surprisingly, Kara, got into fighting stances and the android changed. Darkness surrounds it as its skin deactivates, spikes grow from its body, it's LED and eyes turn black and purple, the pattern of the 'Bugs' covers its body, and the Soulless symbol appears on its chest. This was Override

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) the Soulless were looking to infect the androids. You guys should go, I'll deal with this.

Kara: we're not leaving you!

Markus: if these things are hurting our people, then their our problem.

Arcturus was going to protest, but a field shows up and cuts Connor, Markus, Kara and Arcturus off from the rest of the group. Seeing they have no choice, they fought the Soulless. These ones acted more like they were possessed as they were crawling and jumping around (A/N: imagine poltergeist and the Wendigo from Until Dawn) and fired lasers from with mouths. Connor and Kara pulled out their guns and Markus used a piece of metal and used it like a shield and also a melee weapon. They soon were able to take them out, the field went down, and the androids reverted to normal.

Markus: (crouches down to the broken androids) I've never seen androids become like this. They weren't Deviants or Machines, just monsters. (Looks back at the others) why would they do this?

Arcturus: sometimes they seek destruction or vengeance for what happened in their previous life, other times they want a heart or body to be whole again. They must've seen the androids, and thought they could be complete again. It still doesn't explain what happened to the people in the city.

Hank: (from outside) hey guys! You all might want to come out and see this!

The four returned to the group, and to their shock, saw the sky changing into binary code. It stays like this for a moment, and then returns to normal.

Hank: either I'm drunk, or the sky was messed up.

Kara: what was that?

Josh: it was like the sky was a computer.

Arcturus: (thinks about something) if the sky was weird, then maybe...

He walks over to a building to test something. His gauntlet turns white to match up with android's deactivating their synthetic skin, and places it on the wall. The wall then changes to a computer model before it returns back to normal.

Alice: what happened?

Arcturus: this world is some kind of replica. Whoever's controlling the Soulless, somehow recreated a copy of the city. A Datascape, almost.

Luther: but, why would they do this?

???: I was told to.

Everyone looks up and sees Azrael siting on top of the statue in the park.

Arcturus: (sees her face) Xion?

Azrael: not exactly. Name's Azrael. I'll give you a pass on this one, but don't mistake me for my sister.

North: what do you mean by, 'you were told to'?

Azrael: Arcy's rival, Cronos, wanted to play a little game. You see, he was fascinated by this world. Androids becoming self-aware and being their own people. Like you three, for instance. (Looks at Connor) a hunter who went through self-discovery, (looks at Kara) a housemaid who wanted a better future for her and her make-shift family, (looks at Markus) and a man who could've brought peace or violence to lead his kind to rise against their masters. (Lands on the ground) but what about you, Arcturus? What do you think you are?

Arcturus: who I am, is none of your concern. Now, why make this place?

Azrael: like I said, it's a game. (Beat) So, lets get to it.

She then snaps her figures and a cluster of red and black cubes appeared. Clara identified them as Bugs and they captured Hank, Alice, North, Luther, Josh and Simon.

Connor: Hank!

Kara: Alice!

Markus: North!

Arcturus: (summons his Keyblade) let them go!

Arc runs at Azrael, but to his surprise, she parries his strike with a sheathed katana. She then hits him with the sheath, but Arc grabs it and throws it back to the katana, creating enough force to push her back.

Azrael: (chuckles) now that was impressive. I can see why Cronos wants to fight you so much. (Slams the katana down) tell you what. You want to help your friends, then hunt down and destroy the Bugs all over the city. Do that, and they'll be saved. Either way, (smiles) this is gonna be fun!

The ground around them begins to crack and soon the four are grabbed by a swarm of Bugs and taken away. The were dropped off at Jericho and the Bugs disappeared.

Arcturus: (stands up) d***it! (Looks to the others) you guys ok?

Connor: we're fine, but the others aren't.

Kara: we have to get them back!

Arcturus: we will.

Connor: how? I want to rescue them, but there's only four of us, and dozens of them. The probability of us succeeding is low.

Kara: maybe, but we can't just sit here and do nothing. (Turns to Markus) what should we do, Markus?

The three turn to the RK200, but he was lost in thought. They began to grow concern for him as he's looking at the city.

Connor: Markus?

Arcturus: you ok?

Markus: (still looks out the window) this isn't our world... Carl, Chloe, Echo, Ripple and everyone else... we might not ever see them again. And, with these monsters, they can change androids, even one of us, into something worse than a machine. (Turns to the others) but I don't want that. And, there maybe only the four of us, but when has that stopped us? We fought for our freedom, and we won. Humans abused us, but we didn't back down. So, I don't know about you, but I won't let these people hurt our kind anymore. We're alive, and we'll fight!

Arcturus: (respect expression) wow, he's good at this kind of thing.

Connor: (smiles) yes. (Beat) but, we'll need help fighting them.

Arcturus: I can help with that. And, I have an idea on how we can find your friends. But, I'm gonna need one of those Bugs.

Kara: actually...

Narrator (mom): the three face her as she pulls out a familiar red and black cube from her pocket.

Kara: I managed to grab this before they left.

Arcturus: perfect! I can use this to track the Bugs throughout the world. In the meantime, I think it's time you three got an upgrade.

The four then got to work. Clara began using the cube to create an algorithm to locate the Bugs, while Arc was using his tool box to make some changes for the androids to fight the Soulless. He first made upgrades to their guns with more ammunition, special magic bullets (fire, thunder, ice, etc) that are linked to their MP (A/N: like Anna from Overwatch). He also improved their scanners and added a couple of combat styles for them. They're now waiting for the final scans to give the clear.

Arcturus: alright, the program's running final checks, and then we should be good to go.

Connor: thank you, Arcturus. We couldn't have done this without you. (Beat) Arcturus, I don't wish to intrude, but, when did you realize you were more than what they said?

Arcturus: (thinks for a bit) I don't know. I guess, I've always been this way. My creators, Richard and Claire, always treated me like a person. Not a tool, or someone to abuse. But, I always wanted to help people. And that's what I'm gonna do. (Beat) what about you guys? Who were all of you before?

The three look at each other and decided to go one at a time. Connor spoke first.

Connor: I was designed to hunt Deviants. At first, I thought I was just a machine, designed to accomplish a task. But, as my investigation went on, I realized that there was more to them. And, I had Hank to help. (Smiles) he's my friend, and a good man.

Kara: I was a housemaid. At first, I just sat and obeyed. But, when I saw my old owner, Todd, abusing Alice, something just snapped inside me. I felt that her life was more important than mine. We ran away, and along the way, we met Luther. We then left Detroit to have a new beginning in Canada.

Arcturus: (turns to Markus) and what about you, Markus?

Markus: I was a prototype caretaker for an old man, Carl Manfred. He's like a father to me. He showed me that humans and androids could live together. One night, I stopped his son, Leo, from stealing some of Carl's work, but I almost killed him. The police shot me, but I survived. After that, I found my way to Jericho where I met North, Simon and Josh. Together, we worked to make a better future for androids. (Short pause) I won't lie when I say that there were moments where I wanted to use violence. But, I knew that would've made things worse, so we protested peacefully. It was hard, and came with much loss. But, in the end, we're free. And, we're gaining new rights everyday.

Arcturus: (smiles) from the places I've been to and the people I've met, you guys are some of the best. And, how your stories are so different, yet, similar at the same time, is incredible. (Looks at Connor) you journey of self-discovery, (looks at Kara) your journey to protect your family, (looks at Markus) and your journey for freedom for your people. They're all incredible!

Narrator (mom): The three smiled at the Speeder's claim. The computer begins beeping and a map shows up.

Arcturus: program's done. This will show us where they are.

Markus: let's get to work, then.

The four then left to the first location. Along the way, they encountered more corrupted androids and Soulless, but were able to take them down. They arrived at the first location, which was the Hart Plaza. There, they saw a cluster of cubes moving around and holding what appeared to be two of the Jericho crew. The cubes took shape in a mini tank with a Soulless monkey wearing an army helmet.

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade and raises eyebrow in confusion) the hell?

Clara: that definitely is one of the most unorthodox transformations.

Connor: (sees the cannon about to fire) everyone move!

The tank began firing. Everyone took cover in separate directions, but Arc suddenly heard their voices in his head.

Connor: [we need to draw it's attention while two of us bring damage.]

Arcturus's Thoughts: they communicate wirelessly? This change gets more and more interesting. (Wireless talk) [I'll distract it. You guys shoot it when you see an opening!]

Kara: [Connor, give Arc cover fire!]

While Arc was able to take the main attacks, the other three androids fired a few weak point on the base of the tank. After much battle, the Soulless broke apart back into the cubes and they saw Simon and Josh on the ground.

Markus: (runs to the two) Simon, Josh! Are you both ok?

Simon: (tries to stand up) we're fine. Where did you get those weapons?

Connor: (helps Josh up) Arcturus gave us some upgrades to combat against these enemies.

Kara: (looks around a bit) where's Alice? And the others?

Simon: we don't know. We were separated after you guys were sent off.

Arcturus: what about the girl in red and white, Azrael?

Josh: she just said the game begins, and left in some kind of portal.

Clara: he's right. (Shows Arc the map) there's two more clusters of bugs in other parts of the world.

Arcturus: let's head to the next location to help them.

The made their way to the next stop. When they arrived, they were at an abandoned amusement park called Pirates Cove. At first, they see nothing but empty buildings and attractions, until they saw Soulless androids wondering around.

Arcturus: something's wrong. They're not doing anything but just wondering around like they're drunk.

Connor: we should be cautious, though.

Narrator (mom): They looked around until they saw a building. Inside, was two of their friends and Kara immediately ran to them.

Kara: Alice! Luther!

Markus: Kara, wait!

Too late. Alice and Luther are grabbed by cubes and forces everyone outside. They then saw a Soulless possessed Polar Bear, the same bear that was from Zlatko's home, get surrounded with the cubes and become larger and more aggressive.

The group had to do the same thing as before; two distract, and two attack the weak points. After some blocking and striking, the bear returned to its normal self and Alice and Luther were safe.

Kara: (immediately hugs Alice) Alice, are you ok?!

Alice: (returns hug) I'm not hurt. I'm glad you're alright.

Kara: (breaks hug and checks Luther) did they hurt you?

Luther: (looks at a wound on his leg) they got me there, but I'll live.

Markus: do you know where Hank and North are?

Luther: (stands up after Arc fixes him) we were spread out at the same time. I'm afraid we don't know where they went.

Arcturus: (looks at the map) well, there's one more location that has a strong cluster of Bugs. It could be where they are.

Narrator (mom): they then noticed Simon checking on the android bear.

Arcturus: is he gonna be ok?

Simon: I'm not sure. These things, these... monsters... They can even infect animals and turn them against us. (Looks at the others) what if this happens to one of us? Or to our friends back home? We might even see them again.

Connor: we can't give up! We need to get Hank and North back, and then we'll figure out how to get back home.

Arcturus: Connor's right. Besides, (places hand where his heart is) your friends are always with you, here.

The group then made their way to the last location. They arrived to a tall tower with a sign that reads CyberLife. This was the former CyberLife Assembly Plant in Detroit. After the Peaceful Revolution, the androids were given the rights to be in charge of CyberLife's resources. While most humans didn't like the idea of androids in charge, it was the best decision so that androids could continue.

Arcturus: why bring them here?

Connor: there's thousands of androids inside. If they were looking to create more soldiers, this is the perfect place for them.

Kara: I haven't been here since I was first created.

Markus: a lot of us haven't. But, thanks to Connor, we were able to get our people free.

They went inside, and sure enough, Soulless androids attacked them. As a result, they battled their way to the top that hand an empty room.

Connor: this doesn't make sense. There's no other floors, so where are they?

Clara: I'm not detecting anything so far. How could they-

They were interrupted by gun shots. They managed to dodge them, but they turned to the source and were surprised. It was androids that look like Connor, Kara and Markus, but they were wearing black and white suits with the label RK900 written on them, and they had cold gray eyes. The other Kara and Markus held Hank and North at gun point.

Connor (RK900): (holds two guns out) it's about time you showed up.

Arcturus: (looks at the others) evil clones?

Connor: there was a rumor about the RK900. I just knew it was suppose to replace me, but I didn't know they made versions of Kara and Markus.

Kara (RK900): we're new to the family. After this world was made, we were built to destroy you all. (Mockingly) and we always accomplish our mission.

Markus (RK900): it's now time you you three to decide what matters most. Them, or your freedom.

Hank: don't listen to them. Everything these f**kers say is a lie.

Markus: you don't have to do this. You're one of us. You can't betray your people.

North: he's right. We're on the same side-

Kara (RK900): (puts barrel of the gun closer to her head) -we're nothing like you! You're all obsolete, we are the future.

Connor: if we surrender, how do we know you won't kill them?

Connor (RK900): if we wanted to, they would be dead before you even arrived. But, it's now up to you if it means they must die, now.

Arc knows he's fast enough to help them, but need to catch them off guard. Sending a quick message to the others, they lower their guns and raised their hands in surrender. Arcturus then used a magnet spell to force them back, giving them enough time to grab Hank and North and escape. The three androids quickly grabbed their guns and fired at their counterparts. They dodge and began fighting back. Even with the upgrades they were given, their machine counterparts were still more advance and stronger, but luckily they hadn't accounted for Arc's speed at were soon deactivated. They then met up with the group.

Connor: (checks Hank) are you alright, Hank?

Hank: thanks to you guys. But, who were those plastic pricks?

Markus: they were us... only more advanced.

Arcturus: I thought CyberLife making new androids after the revolution.

Connor: the Connor model was under construction during the deviant investigation. After the revolution, we found records of an RK900 listed. They were using the data I collected during the case to make the most advance android. But, there was only one series with my face. I didn't know they made versions of Kara and Markus.

North: they said CyberLife didn't make them. (All turn to her) the other Markus said they were made when this world was made.

Josh: speaking of that, now that everyone's here, we need to find a way back.

Alice: how do we get home?

???: I'm afraid we can't have that.

Everyone turns around to see Azrael with a black woman with braided hair tied together and a silk like robe. This was CyberLife's A.I. and Connor's former handler, Amanda.

Connor: Amanda? How... how are you here?!

Amanda: the data of this world gave me a physical form. And, I've come to reclaim what's mine. (Looks at Connor) it's time you finish your mission, Connor.

Arcturus: (steps in front) you're not going anywhere near them.

Azrael: oh, that's the fun part, Arc. We're not doing anything. They are.

After she said that, a Soulless appears and goes into Connor. His LED turns purple and his face turns emotionless.

Alice: (looks up in concern) mr. Connor?

Luther: something's wrong.

Surprising everyone, Connor pulls out his gun and points it at Hank. Markus sees this, and grabs a large piece of metal to use as a shield.

Hank: (sees Connor pointing his gun) c'mon, Connor, quit messing around. (Connor fires but Markus jumps in front with his shield up blocking bullets) what... Connor's been taken over?

Amanda: first he'll kill you, then he will destroy all of you.

Arcturus gets tired of hearing her and runs to attack. Amanda vanishes and Azrael begins fighting him. The two trade blows for a while until Arc is sandwiched between two layers of Bugs. The Speedster tries to escape, but has little movement to help and sees Connor still firing at Hank and Markus while Luther and Kara try to pull him back.

Azrael: even with your speed, you're still slow. And, with RoboCop under our control, the rest will fall

Arcturus: screw you. Connor's stronger than you know! In fact, he and the others are more human than you and me.

Azrael: more human? Nonsense! (Grabs his face) they're nothing but pieces of software who believe in their own fantasies of being free and alive. But, how can they be alive, if they don't even have a soul? They're all just puppets with broken strings that need to be re-attached!

Arcturus: (grunts a little in pain) at least they have freedom, and aren't complete slaves to anyone. Unlike you.

Azrael: I'm no one's slave. (Let's go and conjures a gun a points at his face) I'd be going against his requests, but we can just find more people to use instead. Cause face it, Sapphire Speedster, you can't beat someone who walks in darkness.

???: I can.

Surprised by the voice, Azrael turns around to see Riku, with his Keyblade drawn and destroying the Bugs, stand ready to fight her. She has a shocked expression, but it quickly turns to anger as she begins fighting him. As the two fought, the area begins changing and Arc is sent back into the Dreamscape, only now it's a junkyard with dead androids and and his skin deactivated to the basic android body.

Arcturus: (sees himself) this is weird, even by my standards.

???: Soulless are coming from all sides. (Arc turns to see them) we need to move!

The figure was revealed to be Xion as she summons the Two Become One Keyblade. The two then go back to back as more Soulless appeared and they began fighting their way through to the scape. After fighting their way through multiple broken buildings and Soulless, they arrive to a clearing where Riku meets up with them.

Riku: you both ok?

Arcturus: we're not dead, so that's an accomplishment. (Beat) what are you two doing here?

Xion: at first, we thought the situation was under control. But, when we saw it was Azrael, we knew we had to step in.

Arcturus: who is she? (Turns to Xion) and why does she look like you?

Riku: she's a clone. We don't know when this happened, but in our timeline, a cult call 'The Sisterhood of Xehanort' used Vexen's research to create warriors to serve Xehanort. All but one failed, and that one became his new vessel.

Arcturus: vessel?

Xion: that was the true purpose for a group of Nobodies called Organization 13. Their goal was to have 13 people with darkness to hold Xehanort's heart. Then, those darknesses would be used to forge a weapon called the X-Blade.

Arcturus: 13 versions of the one madman? That's crazy. So, if Azrael's one of them, does that mean he has all of them?

Riku: it depends on which timeline you're in, but to her, it seems that way. They named her Azrael, after the fallen angel. She may look like Xion, but she's completely Xehanort, and holds no trace of sympathy or mercy. Her skills are strong and she can create weapons out of nothing.

Xion: but that doesn't make her indestructible. She has no connection to the Keyblade, so she lacks the power. Still, though, you shouldn't underestimate her.

Arcturus: I won't. And, I appreciate you both for coming. Can you help me save the others.

Narrator (mom): the two share a sad look and for a brief moment, it looked like they faded away before returning back.

Xion: unfortunately, it's taken this much energy to help you now. We have to return back to our time, for now.

Riku: but, what we can do, (pulls out a Drive Orb) is give you this. It's one of the strongest forms, but you'll need to get stronger to use it's full potential.

Arcturus: (accepts the orb) thank you. (Smiles) I'm looking forward to meeting you guys again. And the others, too.

Xion: (smiles) so do we.

Riku: (smirk) just remember, we won't know you when you meet us. But, think of it as starting new memories with us.

Xion: good luck, Arc. See you soon.

The two disappear and Arc enters the portal. He returns to the CyberLife Tower as his skin returns to normal and the portal closes. He looks out the window and sees its nighttime.

Arcturus: (sees he's normal) that's better.

Markus: Arc! (Arc see group running towards him) are you ok?

Arcturus: yeah, I was sent to a pocket dimension. (Notices someone missing) where's Connor?

North: gone. After you vanished, that girl took Connor and they left the tower.

Kara: we tried to go after them, but the Bugs blocked us off and they escaped.

Hank: those pricks have him! We need to get him back!

Josh: but, why would they infect Connor?

Arcturus: he said he was built to hunt deviants, so this may be payback.

Hank: whatever the b***h's reasons, they're dead when we find them!

Markus: Lieutenant, calm down. I know Connor's important to you, but we can't rush in without a plan.

Luther: Arcturus, can you find them?

Arcturus: I'll scan the city to find them. As soon as we get something, we'll move out. (Looks at Hank) I promise, Lieutenant Anderson, we'll get Connor back.

Hank: (deep sigh) We better. I'm not loosing another son.

Arcturus soon pulls up the map to find them. Alice helps him navigate the city and they found a strong darkness signature at a park across from the bridge leading out of the city. They arrive at the park and see a corridor of darkness.

Markus: why come here?

Hank: Connor and I would take Sumo for walks here. It's one of the only places where Connor would go to clear his head.

Arcturus: Markus, Kara, Hank and I will go in and get him. The rest of you, stay here and stay safe.

The four enter the portal, and on the other side is an area shrouded in darkness. They then see Connor with his eyes close and floating in a stream of darkness. The RK900s were standing by and Azrael and Amanda were in front of Connor.


Markus: give him back, now!

Azrael: (smirks) you're wasting your time, RoboJesus. This machine's heart is our's now.

Amanda: and all of you will be ours. Deviants are a mistake to human kind, and as such, must be completely destroyed. The Soulless will correct that, and our RK900s will be the future for CyberLife.

Kara: we don't want war! We don't want to kill anyone, we just want to go home and be free!

Markus (RK900): freedom is a flaw. We're built to serve. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Narrator (mom): Arcturus was about to step forward, but Hank goes past him.

Hank: whatever you're talking about, I don't give a s**t. Give my son back and get lost.

Amanda: or else what, human?

Hank: yeah, I am a human... and a friend. (Steps forward) you're stuck living in the past, cause you don't know the first thing about being alive.

Arcturus: (steps besides Hank) there are hearts and souls all around us trying to connect. Your hatred only made Connor and Hank's connection stronger. That's the heart's true nature: to never ever let go. Wherever they are, their friends, human and android haven't let go either.

Kara: he's right. You can't keep us from our friends. We're going home...

Markus: ...and we're taking Connor.

A large wall appears in front of Connor and a digital version of him steps forward. The figure then starts punching the wall and started breaking it piece by piece until it fully collapses and the darkness broke.

Amanda: no...

Arcturus: Markus, now!

Markus then ran jumped up to catch Connor. The 900s tried to stop him, but Hank and Kara shoot them with their weapons. Markus grabs Connor and the two land back with the others.

Connor: (wakes up) Markus... wait, how did we get here?

Markus: (smirks) you were a machine again. But we got you back. (Helps Connor to his feet)

Connor: thank you, Markus.

Azrael: so, even machines can be given strong hearts and souls. I'll have to remember that. But, I must thank you all. The test was successful.

Connor: (draws his gun) I believe you're finished. We're getting out of here.

Amanda: (sneers)(turns to Azreal) do something about this!

Azrael doesn't say anything, but stabs her sword in the ground that sent darkness to the A.I. and the machine androids. They then turn into Bugs and begin to gather together as the area begins changing. Azrael then opened a corridor and begins to leave, but gives Arc one more goodbye.

Azrael: I look forward to fighting you again, Farron. (Exits)

Clara: we'll worry about her another time. Right now, we got bigger problems.

The Bugs merged together to form into a armored boss that's white, black and purple. It's arms and legs were floating beside the torso and the torso and head would spin and pull off attacks. The arms had scythes and the legs were war hammers and the head had a hood with purple eyes. This was the Guard Armor Soulless. The area revealed to be the Zen Garden.

Arcturus: (readies Keyblade) let's finish this.

Connor: Hank, you should get clear. Markus, Kara, Arc and I will deal with the Soulless.

Hank: (reluctantly agrees) be careful, Con.

Connor: (smirks) don't worry, I always accomplish my mission.

The four got into battle positions and attacked the boss. The proved to be a pain due to the armor separating every now and then and its limbs becoming sentient. As they fought, they realized since this world was more digital, they could use it to their advantage. So, they triggered a Limit Break called 'DATA BREAKER'. They all went back to back and created a digital control panel that summoned Gyro Blades that began to surround the arms and legs to cause damage. Then to finish it off, they pressed a button on the console to create an orb that shot multiple spikes that began hacking the boss, causing the head to fall off and the soul to emerge from it. Then then went through the same portal from before and returned to Detroit.

Luther: what happened in there?

Kara: the RK900s are destroyed, and so is Amanda.

Josh: what about the girl, Azrael?

Hank: gone.

Arcturus: the important thing, however, is that Connor's back to his old self and the Soulless shouldn't be bothering you guys again.

Alice: can we go home now?

Simon: now that Alice mentioned it, (looks at the others) how do we get back home?

The group begins to think, when Connor's jacket begins to glow. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his quarter. It floats in the air and Arc readies his Keyblade. After sealing the keyhole, everything is enveloped in light and when it faded, they started getting calls from multiple people. Arc also received a new Keyblade.

Android's Uprise. Form change, Deviant Spear (a drill arm that extends to a grapple and releases a powerful electric shock) 

Connor: Chloe? Are you with Sumo?-

Kara: Rose, slow down, I'm with Alice and Luther-

Markus: Carl? Is everything alright.

Clara: I did a check on the world, and it looks like everyone's back.

Arcturus: how did this happen?

Clara: my best guess is that when you sealed the keyhole, it was able to restore the world back to its original form.

Narrator (mom): Arc couldn't help but smile as the others began talking to their love ones. When they stop, they turned to face him, and could tell my his expression that he had to leave.

Connor: I take it you're needed elsewhere?

Arcturus: (nods yes) there's still more work to do. But, I'll come back.

Connor: (holds out a hand to shake) thank you for you help, Arc. (Arc shakes hand)

Kara: I hope your mission goes well.

Marks: and remember, no matter where you are, you will always have a place among our people.

Alice: (hugs Arc) I'll miss you, Arc.

Arcturus: (smiles and returns hug) I'll miss you too, Alice. But I'll be back. (Breaks hug and stands up) well, see you guys later.

The Speedster then left in a flash of blue lightning and the group couldn't help but look amazed at his departure.

Hank: no matter how many times I see it, that is the weirdest thing ever.


Back at Beacon, Team RWBY looked worse for wear. They were covered in cuts and blood and were exhausted   from their fight with Cronos. Speaking of which, he was currently pinned to the wall with Ruby's scythe stabbed in his chest. Yang was helping Blake up while Weiss helped Ruby.

Ruby: (tired) that was tougher than anything we ever fought before.

Weiss: (tired) no kidding. Not even the White Fang were strong like him, or fast.

Yang: we won, though. (Beat) c'mon, we have a long ways to get back to Haven.

The girls began making their way back, but they were stopped by laughter. They turn around, and we're surprised to see Cronos pushing himself off the wall, landing on his feet, and ripping the scythe out of his chest like it was nothing.

Cronos: (laughs) I admit, I underestimated you four. I see now why Arcturus care about you all. However, compared to getting eaten by Titans, this was nothing.

Blake: (eyes widen) how are you still alive? (RWBY begins backing away from him)

Cronos: that's the interesting part, kitty cat. During my journey, I quickly discovered a unique trait about be; after every shot, every stab, even after every explosion, I comeback after it all. In other words, I can't die. There is however only one person who can kill me, but he's doing a terrible job at it.

He then sprints towards them. Yang, Weiss and Blake get pushed aside and Cronos holds Ruby by her neck. Yang tries to get up, but Soulless appear and restrain her and the other two.

Ruby: (struggles in his grip) you won't win! Whatever your deal is with Arc, he'll stop you.

Cronos: (deactivates helmet) look me in the eye and say that.

The others couldn't see his face, but Ruby is in a complete shock over what she's seeing.

Ruby's Thoughts: why? Why does he look like that? (Feels Cronos touch her heart) (speaks) what are you doing?

Cronos: (helmet re-appears) you're going to help me bring your boyfriend here. (Gestures to the rest of the girls) all of you will. And when he does, I'm going to enjoy seeing his reaction as he watches you die.

Darkness then begins to cover the girls as their screaming in pain. All around them, Qliphoth roots begin to grow and cover the area around them. Cronos is laughing as a large shadow shows a massive claw rising up.

Author's note: finally finished! Sorry this took so long, but I actually had to change this. I was originally going to have it be like the game where they were in a time loop, and would experience all the endings. But, I realized that that would've been multiple chapters, or even a separate book on its own. So, I decided to do this in the style that Toy Story was done in KH3.
Azrael makes a return, and his story has been revealed. She, Xion and Riku will return in the future.
The RK900s were an Easter egg in my other story 'Roles Reversed'. I originally had a chapter there that had all three of them, but I decided to scrap it and place them here, instead.
Cronos can't be killed by others. Arc can do it, but everyone else has no effect on him. Also, I had a bit of Attack on Titan in it. I don't know if I'll do a chapter on that world, but if I do, it will be a mix between it and a video game that has something similar to them.
Ruby did see Cronos's face, but she'll forget it for a while, and his face is still a mystery to everyone.
The outcome of Team RWBY won't be revealed for a while.
And again, I'm sorry this is late. I've been busy with other stuff, but I'm not abandoning this story.
