Chapter 28: FAMILIAR FACES (REMNANT part 3)

The scene picks up some time after the last chapter. Arcturus was making final repairs to his gauntlet and it was fully restored to its original condition. He also got in contact with the fairies from Yen Sid's tower and they made the girls some new clothes to help make sure they don't get turned into Grimm again until his fight with Cronos was done. During that time, he removed the bandages to see his right arm burnt up to his forearm. He was about to put on regular cloth wrappings over it until he hears a knock.

Arcturus: (turns to see Ruby) hey, Rubes. You look good.

Ruby: (In outfit from station of awakening) thank you. I came by to make sure you're ok.

Arcturus: I should be asking you that. How are you feeling?

Ruby: better. Getting use to being the old me again. (Looks at his arm) I guess I really wasn't dreaming when I saw that.

Arcturus: what do you mean?

Ruby: (steps closer) I saw your memories. When you helped me, I somehow saw everything you've been through.

Arcturus: I saw your memories, too. And not just yours, but, I guess the silver eye was strong enough to see the other's memories, as well. (Sigh) that's one big way of invading privacy.

Ruby: (places a hand on his burnt one) what I'm trying to tell you, is that there's no reason to blame yourself. You've been saving so many people on the worlds you've been on. You're like a huntsman helping people. But, you can't keep blaming yourself for everything. If you do, then you'll never be able to move on. Plus, (holds his hand) you don't need to carry the burden alone.

Arcturus: (small smile) since when did you get so wise?

Ruby: I've had good friends to help me.

The two then were in silence and just looked at each other while holding hands. They didn't know how long they were like that until they heard the snapping sound. They turn to see the girls in their new outfits from the stations and Yang holding her scroll taking a picture.

Yang: you two look cute together.

Ruby: (blushes and pulls hand away) it's not like that! (Speeds to grab scroll) and give me that!

Yang: (holds scroll out of reach) relax, I'm just messing with you. We came by to tell you we made it back to the ship.

Arcturus: (finishes wrapping his arm) good. (Puts on fixed gauntlet) let's go.

After recovering, the girls had the chance to catch up on what they've been through. During that time, Blake explained to them that the White Fang were on their way to Mistral to attack Haven Academy. She and other Faunus were going to help stop them, but Blake was captured by Cronos after they set sail. Now that they were free from the darkness, Blake asked Arc to drop her off back on the ship so she could help her people.

Arcturus: (steps out on the ship with Blake) you sure you don't want to come back with us, yet? They forgive you, and they could use all the help they can get.

Blake: they will. We'll be there to fight the Fang and whatever other forces will be there. But, to do that, I need to be here and help my people. Besides, (notices Sun) someone's gotta keep an eye on him.

Arcturus: alright, but if you change your mind, give me a call and I'll be back in a few seconds.

Blake: (remembers something) hey, Arcturus, can I ask you something?

Arcturus: sure, what's up?

Blake: on one of the worlds you were at, you said that androids were people just as much as humans are. Do you believe the Faunus are, too?

Arcturus: (without hesitation) of course. Even if you're different, you're still people. I don't judge people based on their appearance, but their actions. It's true that there will always be bad people no matter what. But, there's also good people, including the Faunus. You're one of those people, Blake.

Blake: (smiles) thank you, Arc. I'll see you later.

Arcturus then returns back to the ship and they head off to Haven Academy. Everyone was relieved to see their friends and asked various questions on what happened to them and what's with the new outfits. Right now, Arc was getting to know Jaune, Ren, Nora and Oscar.

Arcturus: so, you all teamed up against a giant Grimm?

Jaune: yeah. It wasn't easy, but we managed to beat it. Aside from the Grimm from Beacon, have you fought anything like them?

Arcturus: all the time. My job is basically like being a huntsman; travel around, save people, in a way, family business.

Nora: what about your semblance? How did you unlock it?

Arcturus: it was an accident that put me in a coma for three months. When I woke up, I could move faster than the speed of sound.

Nora: that's so cool! Your's is like Ruby's.

Ruby: sorta. It looks like you're faster.

Arcturus: and at least you don't have to worry about your clothes burning up when you run. I can't go more than a few minutes in normal clothes without putting them out.

Ren: that does seem to be a downfall.

Arcturus: I've gotten use to it. What about you guys? What are your semblances?

Nora: I can absorb lightning, Ren can hide his aura, Jaune... hasn't gotten his yet.

Jaune: (looks down sadden)

Oscar: same here. Even though I have another soul inside me, I can't really do anything else.

Arcturus: don't beat yourselves about it. I'm sure they'll come at the right time. And who knows, they'll be something extraordinary.

A little while later, Arc is out on the balcony with Ruby, looking out at the shattered moon.

Arcturus: this one of my favorite parts about this job.

Ruby: hm?

Arcturus: the worlds I've been to. It's weird that when you spent so long in a place you're so familiar with to then go to some where so new.

Ruby: yeah. For a long time, I've only really been to my home in Patch, Signal and Beacon. This journey took me farther than before. But, it's nothing like what you've seen.

Arcturus: it's not a bad thing. Your home has much to show. This one, and all the others, are special in their own ways. It's beautiful. They would make good landscapes to paint. (Grows a little sadden because it reminds him of Richard)

Ruby: (sees his expression and decides to comfort) I'm sorry about your dad and Chelsea. I lost my mom when I was really young.

Arcturus: what happened?

Ruby: I don't know. Dad just said they went on a mission and it ended badly. But, I understand how you feel.

Arcturus: at least you didn't see her death. No matter how many times I try to move on, Dad and Sea-Sea's will haunt me for the rest of my life. (Beat) let's change the subject.

Ruby: sure. What do you plan to do after your mission?

Arcturus: probably take a break. I've been doing this for a while. I spent the past few months fighting so much, I haven't really taken a breather.

Ruby: yeah, that does sound nice.

Narrator (dad): the two then found themselves in silence and enjoyed the peaceful night.

Clara: this your chance, Arc. Kiss her.

Thankfully, he was saved by Weiss walking over to them to inform them of something.

Weiss: am I interrupting something?

Ruby: (blushes a bit) n-no, nothing at all! Just enjoying the view!

Arcturus: (clears throat) so, what's up?

Weiss: Qrow got word from Lionheart. He says he has an update from the council, and wants us to meet with him.

The group then gathered their weapons and went to the academy's main hall to see Lionheart at the balcony. Arcturus couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.

Clara: you getting that feeling too, Arc?

Arcturus: (whispers) yeah. Something's not right. Are there any Soulless or Grimm nearby?

Clara: I'm not picking up anything like that. However, I am detecting another life signal near by. Keep your guard up.

Lionheart: hello. Thank you for... coming. (Pauses a bit) There... seems to be more of you than last time.

Qrow: eh, you know what they say, "the more the merrier." So, what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: (dodges the question) why... did you bring your weapons?

Qrow: what? Leo, we're huntsmen. You ok?

Lionheart: of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.

Arcturus's Thoughts: he's nervous. If he wasn't prepared for more people or us having our weapons, then something's up. Strangely, though, I'm getting an unnerving feeling from the raven that's in here.

Just like he said, there was a raven not far from where they were.he couldn't help but sense that it wasn't an ordinary bird. His thoughts were interrupted when Qrow shot it, but it dodges and flies behind Lionheart. The bird then changes into a woman with a red and black kimono with armor, black hair, a Grimm mask and a katana on her left hip. This was Raven Branwen, Yang's mother.

Ruby: Raven...

Nora: they... they really are magic...

Arcturus: (whispers to Yang) can we trust her?

Yang: (whispers) not even. Don't let your guard down.

Raven: (removes her mask) if you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting.

Qrow: what are you doing here?

Raven: I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own sister.

Qrow: Leo, what have you done!?

Lionheart: I...

Raven: Leo did what any sane person would in his position; he looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation, and made a choice. And it seems you all have, too.

Qrow: you have the Spring Maiden.

Raven: I do.

Qrow: then hand her over and let's work together! We can beat Salem!

Raven: all that time spent spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with. There's no beating Salem!

Arcturus: at least we're trying, instead of running away like you!

Raven: (notices Arc) I remember you. You're Arcturus. I should've excepted you being dragged into this. But, if you're Lightning's son, then you should know that Salem can't be stopped.

Ruby: you're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together. Please.

Ruby holds out her hand, but Raven just looked at her. Arc then felt time go a bit slower as he knew something was gonna happen.

Raven: you sound just like your mother.

She grabs her sword and opens a portal. Arc immediately runs in front of Ruby and catches a fire ball before it hit her. He throws it aside as Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and and girl named Vernal emerge from the portal.

Cinder: hello, boys and girls.

Ruby: Cinder...

Mercury: c'mon guys, is that any way to greet your old friends?

Qrow: (tries to stop the situation from escalating) everybody, stay calm.

Narrator (dad): they then heard the doors shut and everyone turns to see Hazel at the doors.

Oscar: oh no.

Hazel: the White Fang is prepping the demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no one's getting out.

Weiss: this was all a trap?

Ren: it appears so.

Qrow: Raven, tell me, how long have you been with them?

Cinder: (mockingly) aww, don't take it personally, little bird. You're sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand? Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right professor?

Lionheart: (ashamed) stop it.

Qrow: (puts it together) it was you. You sit on the Mistral Council. You had information on every huntsman and huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?

Lionheart: I-

Qrow: (angered) I couldn't find any of them, because you let her kill them!

Arcturus was getting more and more angrier by the second. He was soon on the verge of just losing it. After seeing their memories, Arc felt deep pain from each of them. The pain from loosing their loved ones, pain from losing their ambitions, pain from feeling so helpless to help other. But, from that pain... was hatred. He was beginning to feel the darkness in him grow again, and knew if he activates a Drive Form, the Wraith would return. And, hearing what they had done, was increasing it more and more.

Cinder: aw now, don't beat yourself up about it, Lionheart. I'm sure Hazel and Tyrian, if Cronos didn't kill him, would've found them on their own eventually.

Jaune: what is wrong with you? How can you be so broken inside, to take so many lives, and then come rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of!?

Arcturus: simple, because they're pathetic.

Cinder: what?

Arcturus: to simplify it, they would rather find an easy way out by working for someone who everyone's afraid of. It's actually kind of sad. Not to mention, it gives me an excuse to just cut loose.

Clara: Arc, what are you-? (Senses the Wraith) Arc, calm down. If you bring Wraith out, everyone will get hurt.

Arcturus: (ignores her) alright Raven, you want to escape Salem so badly? (Black aura grows around him). Then I'll give you a quick and painless death.

Clara: (quickly goes to Ruby's scroll) Ruby, stop him!

Ruby: (realizes what's happening) Arc, stop! Don't let that monster take cover!

Arcturus: you want to see a monster? (Reaches up to his gauntlet) then here it is!

Ruby: (runs to him) Arc, no!!!

Too late. The gauntlet activates and the Cobra emerges to change him. Everyone is pushed back and the Wraith returns. At that cue, Soulless are summoned and attack Arc. Meanwhile, everyone else gets their weapons out and starts fighting the each other. Jaune goes for Cinder, Qrow and Raven fight, Ruby clashes with Emerald, Ren and Nora fight Hazel, Weiss against Vernal and Yang and Mercury have a rematch.

Raven's Thoughts: (looks at Arc) that monster... it isn't that same boy I saw all those years ago. Arcturus, what happened to you?

Oscar: (sees Arc fighting) what happened to him?

Nora: it's like he's not even human any more.

Clara: it's his Wraith Form.

Yang: but, why does it look worse than before? It's just like the first time he triggered it.

Clara: of course! He doesn't have Ruby's light. When she first gave it to him, it helped control his darkness. That's why when the transformation did happen, we retained some form of his humanity.

Weiss: and now that he doesn't have it-

Ren: there's nothing to stop him from killing everything in sight.

Ruby: (tries to get to him) Arc, stop! You have to fight it!

She gets stopped by an illusion of Cinder that tries to fight her. She pushes past it, but Emerald still tries to keep her back.

Ruby: why are you doing this!? Salem's-

Emerald: I don't care about Salem or Cronos! But I owe Cinder everything.

She's about to push her back, when suddenly she's hit with purple lightning and is held at the neck by Arc. He growls and almost kills her, but Ruby stops him by shooting him. He then turns to her and starts walking slowly towards her.

Yang: Ruby, careful!

Qrow: he's not in his right mind!

Ruby: Arc, listen to me, I need you to calm down. When I was that Grimm, you did everything you could to help me. So, I'm going to help you. Go back to the way you were. For your parents, for Chelsea... for me.

Arcturus then stopped. For a moment, it seems that he was fine, but than a Soulless almost grabs them. He roars and smashes right into it, then starts beating it relentlessly. He stops and hears Ruby screams. He turns around and sees she's down and a spear had stabbed Weiss.

Jaune: (runs to her) WEISS!!!!

Arcturus: (roars in pure hatred) (demonic voice) Death's Judgment!

A pentagram forms underneath him and the purple lightning crackles even more. His arms gained three spikes between his shoulders and elbows, and his hands grew into big demonic claws with purple electricity coursing through them. (A/N: think Death the Kid's Death Cannon and Dante's Sin Devil Trigger Judgment Cut)

Clara: he's going to do his finishing move. Everyone get back!

Everyone barely manages to cast defense as his claws grew larger and the area blackens. Then in the blink of an eye, he creates multiple slashes that go across the room, damaging the Soulless. Ruby opens her eyes to see what Arc was doing, and using every bit of her strength, she uses her semblance to run and hug Arc right as he makes the final cut. There came an explosion of lightning that destroyed the Soulless and cracked everyone's defense shields. When it cleared, time stops (except for Arc and Ruby) and Arc is back to normal with Ruby hugging him.

Ruby: (tears fall down her face) please, Arc, stop. I don't want to lose you, too.

Arcturus: (returns hug) I'm sorry, Ruby. I completely s***wed up.

Ruby: (pulls back) why did you do that?!

???: because his guilt forced him.

Narrator (dad): the two turn to see the woman again.

Mysterious Woman: this seems to be a recurring theme for you, Arc.

Arcturus: you're wrong.

Mysterious Woman: no, I'm pretty sure this happened before.

Arcturus: meant you're wrong to give me these powers. I can go faster than any other person, and yet, all I can do isn't helping them! I couldn't even keep my own darkness under control and I almost killed everyone!

Mysterious Woman: (doesn't answer immediately) that is true. From seeing all of this, I honestly couldn't tell if I was talking to you, or Cronos.

Ruby: he's not Cronos! He couldn't be Cronos.

Mysterious Woman: and yet, he was able to do all of this. (Looks at Arc) you make them so afraid. When you first started traveling with the Keyblade, did you except to become this? The boy who could defeat an army with a snap of his fingers? The Sapphire Speedster. The name everyone knows as the one who could change the destinies of others and save people. But, if you carry on by holding your darkness in and going down this path, what might that name become? (Walks away a bit) maybe that's what happens when you touch the Keyblade. Even for a second. It changes you in ways you can't imagine.

Thinking about it more, Arc began to realize what he was becoming. Looking back, his hatred first began when Cronos beat him in their first fight. Since then, he wanted to get stronger to help the ones he loves. Then after becoming the Wraith for the first time, it started getting worse and worse and almost killed the one he cares about. Still though, there's one question Arc has had since the day he met this character.

Arcturus: who are you?

Mysterious Woman: (slides the question a bit) Ruby, will you be there for him? Even in a place he might not be reached?

Ruby: of course! He's my friend. But, you didn't answer his question.

She remains in silence for a moment, and then reaches up to pull her hood back, revealing her face. Upon seeing it, Ruby's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands. Arc is just as surprised to see who it was.

Summer Rose: a friend.

Author's note: third part is done! This was inspired by Doctor Who when River makes 11th realize the path he was going down in "A Good Man Goes To War." I hadn't even realized that it was happening to Arc until I went back to previous chapters.
Team RWBY are now wearing the outfits from the stations. They'll have these for the rest of the story.
Raven makes an appearance. In case you're confused, she met Lightning years ago. She didn't talk to him directly, but she saw Arc when Light went to pick him up from Patch before they left.
Drive Form Wraith returns. Arcturus did turn into it in the past, but he had control because of Ruby's light. Now that it returned back, the wraith went back to what it was. Don't worry, Arc will gain a new light to help.
Yes, Summer Rose is our mysterious friend. This will be explained in the next chapter.
I have one more part, and Remnant's done.

Next chapter: maidens fight.
