Our scene first begins at a grand castle. In what appears to be a conference room, Sentinel and Arcturus (in his uniform) are waiting to meet with the king. Arcturus is messing with his watch and whistling the Steamboat tune, until Sentinel lost his patience.

Sentinel: will you stop messing around. We are in the highest in the land.

Arcturus: (pockets the watch) I get that I'm suppose to be a bodyguard, but how long am I doing this?

Sentinel: until we say so.

Arcturus: forgive me for saying this, but I can't help but feel like you're saying this as an excuse to get rid of me.

Sentinel: believe me, I would rather live than face the wrath of your mother. I still remember hearing stories about what she did to Snow. So, do us both a favor and don't do anything reckless that could easily get you killed.

At that moment, the royal family entered the room. Sentinel immediately stands up and shakes their hands.

Beast: thank you for coming.

Sentinel: the honor is ours, you majesty. (Gestures to Arcturus) this is Arcturus Farron. He's a new recruit joining us, and will be Prince Ben's bodyguard.

Arcturus: hello

Belle: (surprised) Arcturus! It's good to see you again.

Arcturus: again?

Belle: (realizing something and whispering) oh. You haven't gotten that far yet (normal voice) forgive me, you reminded me of someone we met years ago.

Beast: I believe we're on a time table.

Sentinel: yes, of course. Have the students arrived yet?

Ben: a few days ago, yes. At first, the only bad things that happened were pranks on some of the students. But, recently, there have been rumors of monsters like the heartless popping up. Everyone thinks it might be because of the four students, but I don't think so.

Arcturus: did you happen to see any monsters in gray with this symbol?

Ben: (looks closer) it does look familiar. But, nothing for sure.

The group continued discussing on what to do, when a loud crash was herd outside. Without a moment of hesitation, Arcturus runs out and sees a girl with purple hair fighting off the gray monsters. One was about to attack from behind, when Arcturus summoned Timeline Key and attacked the monster.

Arcturus: one against a dozen? Those odds seem a little unfair. (Turns to the girl) you ok?

Girl: fine. I didn't need help.

Arcturus: didn't look like it where I was standing.

Girl: (notices the weapon) what is that?

Arcturus: fight first. Talk later.

Nodding in understanding, the pair worked fast to take the monsters out. The girl then noticed the way Arc fought. She then started to get the feeling that she knew him from somewhere before,  but couldn't place it. After the fight, Arc dismisses the Keyblade and turns to face the girl.

Arcturus: where did they come from?

Girl: don't know. One minute, I was minding my own business, then the next, they showed up and were attacking me. (Beat) who are you?

Arcturus: (Offers a hand) Arcturus. Call me Arc for short. What's your name?

Girl: (shake hand) Mal. Never saw you before, you new here?

Before Arc could answer, Ben, a girl with blue hair (Evie), a boy with white hair (Carlos), and another with long brown hair and a bandanna (Jay), arrived to see the group.

Ben: man, my parents said you were fast, but I didn't think you were that fast!

Arcturus: Yeah, I'm still getting use to it.

Mal: Ben, you know this guy?

Ben: yep. He's a new student joining us today. Arc, this is Evie, Carlos, and Jay. I see you've already met Mal.

Evie: (gets a closer look at Arc) never seen you before. Where are you from?

Arcturus: far from town. My parents sent me here on a temporary visit until further notice.

Evie steps back a bit and walks over to Mal.

Ben: now that that's done, how about we give Arc a tour here?

Ben began leading the group back inside. The others thought they were at a distance, but Arcturus could hear their conversation.

Mal: did you summon those monsters?

Jay: no. You girls are the ones with the magic.

Carlos: yeah, we figured it was one of you. What were they?

Evie: no clue. Mal?

Mal: not me. They were attacking me until Arcturus came. Speaking of which, does he look familiar to any of you?

Evie: (thinks about it) now that you mention it, he does look familiar. We should keep an eye on him.

Jay: why, cause you think he's hot?

Evie just fired off a glare at him.

Mal: Evie's right. Until we get the wand, we should be careful around him.

Narrator (mom): the next few days have been interesting to say the least for Arcturus. The classes were very different from what he's use to, he got to know Ben a little more, and so learned that his clothes were slowly catching on fire, especially his shoes.

(Because of his powers, his clothes can't take the force and eventually burn up.)

Narrator (mom): the monsters popped up every now and then, and some were in new forms with pal colors on them, but Arcturus took care of them. But, he knew the four children were suspicious of him. One day, Arcturus decided to ask Ben about the students.

Arcturus: Ben, can I ask you something?

Ben: of course. What's up?

Arcturus: why did you choose to pick the children of some of the most baddest villains to come here?

Ben: I saw those kids as victims of their parents. True, their parents are evil, but I believe that with the right guidance, they can make up for what their parents did in the past. They're not evil like them.

Arcturus: (pauses for a bit) I'm not an expert when it comes to royalty, but I think you're making the right decision.

Ben: thanks Arc. (Beat) I've noticed your uniform has seen better days.

Arcturus: (looks down at the scorch marks) yeah. Another thing to add to the list of new discoveries about me. I maybe friction proof, but this is not.

Ben: if you want, I know a few fairies who can makes some special clothes for you.

Arcturus: they can?

Ben: Yeah. Let me give them a call and see what they can do.

Later that night, Arcturus found himself on the roof looking out over the kingdom.

Arcturus's Thoughts: I can't believe I'm on another world. Well, I've been to one before, but I never knew about it until now. If this mission goes great, I'll be able to go explore other worlds! It's too bad I can't tell the others about it, but I can give a modified version of the truth. And, maybe along the way, I'll find out what these powers are.

Mal: didn't think I'd find you up here.

Arc turns around and sees Mal walking up to him.

Arcturus: needed to think. My friends and I will come up to a high place and look out over the city. Plus, wanted to see the kingdom from a bird's eye view. What brings you here?

Mal: same thing. Wanted to think.

The two stand in silence until Arcturus points to a far island with a gold dome over it.

Arcturus: what that place over there?

Mal: the Islale of the Lost. I live there.

Arcturus: what's it like?

Mal: a dump, mostly. All the villains and their children were sent to live there. The dome prevents them from using their magic, so we can't break out and take over the kingdom.

Arcturus: is that why you want Fairy Godmother's wand?

Mal looks at Arc surprised. He doesn't even face her, until he turns to her asks something.

Arcturus: would that make you happy?

Mal: you wouldn't understand.

Arcturus: let me try; at first you didn't want to come but your mother convinced you, saying that you get the wand, the villains will be free and they can take over. Now, this would be an opportunity to make your mother proud of you. Did I hit the nail on the coffin?

Mal: (surprised) y-yeah. I don't really care about what she plans, but I want her to be proud of me. (Beat) is your family like that?

Arcturus: not all the time. My dad's an artist, and my mom's a soldier. She's often busy, so she's away a lot. But, she calls me every night and doesn't stay away for more than two weeks. But anyways, would doing this make you happy?

Mal: ...

Arcturus: stealing the wand would be someone your mom would be. But, what about you? What kind of person do you want to be? Someone in your mother's image, or in your image?

Mal doesn't know how to respond to Arc's question. She had already prepared a love spell to get closer to Ben, but after hearing Arcturus's talk, she's not not sure what she should do. Next thing Mal knew, Arc bolted in blue lighting, and came back a second later with a canvas, some paints, and a paint brush.

Mal: what are doing?

Arcturus: I've seen your artwork. It's amazing, so how about you paint something.

Mal: paint what?

Arcturus: (Hands her the paint and brush) anything. But first, do something for me. Close your eyes. (Mal just looks at him confused) it's something my dad taught me. Try it, please. (Mal closes her eyes) try to imagine something you've never seen before, something that doesn't exist. Now, concentrate on it, and let your hand drift across the canvas.

Mal begins to reflect on her time here at the school. From her days at the island, to meeting Ben and his friends. She began to paint. When she finished, she opened her eyes and was surprised at her work.

Arcturus: it beautiful.

Mal: (smiles) it is. (Turns to Arcturus) thanks Arc.

The two went their separate ways and Arcturus found himself in the library. Suddenly, the monsters appeared and Arcturus summoned his weapon and destroyed them. When the fight was over, he was about to leave, when a voice stopped him.

???: wait... you're him...

Arcturus: (begins to look around) who's there?

???: you're him... you finally came... I knew you'd come!

All the sudden, a book bursts open, and Arcturus quickly turns around, and is greeted by a girl with white skin, a gray suit, and blue hair that looked looks binary-code.

Arcturus's Thoughts: what the?! Is that an, A.I.?

The girl pins Arc to the wall and Arc looks up slightly scared. Her, however, had a smile on her face.

Girl: you're him! Quick, download me! Download me! (Grabs the sides of Arc head)

Arcturus: (struggles through her grip) what the hell are you doing?!

Girl: You need to download me! I was sent to find you, and you came!

Arcturus: sent? Who sent you?! And how do you know me?!

Girl: there's no time. I still can't believe you're him! Though, I thought you'd be older.

Arcturus: what kind of A.I. are you?! Let go!

Girl: That's not important right now!

The two crashed behind some books, so the audience still hears them, but can't see what's happening.

Arcturus: it is important! Who sent you and what do you mean by download?!

Girl: stop talking! If you don't download me right now, I'll force you to download me!

Arcturus: stop it!

Girl: (finished with what she was doing) there we go! Download's complete.

Arcturus: GET OFF OF ME!!!

There then a burst of blue lighting and books scatter everywhere and the lights began to flicker and short circuit.

Narrator (mom): a couple days later, the coronation ceremony was about to begin. Ben and Mal had begun a relationship with each other at the time, and the other kids were growing more accustomed to the school and acting nicer than before. Arc was the same, but something was different about him. After the meeting with the A.I., the others were curious as to what happened to him. He didn't say the whole truth, but said the monsters attack the library. Now, the ceremony was taking place.

Snow White: At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king!

Ben is walking with Mal and Arc at his sides. Arc decided to give the couple some privacy and patrol for enemies. When he finished, he looked to see the Fairy Godmother giving the ceremony to Ben. However, he noticed a girl named Jane grabbing the wand and casting its magic. Unfortunately, it backfired and broke the seal on the island. Mal grabs the wand and the kids try to get out, but Arc and Ben try to stop them

Ben: Mal, give me the wand.

Mal: stand back.

Ben: it's okay.

Mal: Ben, I said stand back!

Carlos: let's go!

Jay: revenged time.

Arcturus: is this really what you all want?

Mal: we have no choice. Our parents-

Ben: made their choice. You can make yours.

Arcturus: it's time to decide who you really are.

The kids look conflicted, until they made their minds.

Mal: I think I want to be good.

Ben: you are good.

Jay: I choose good, too.

Evie: I choose good.

Carlos: So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad.

Maleficent then appeared and everything stopped, except the kids.

Maleficent: well done, Mal. You really had me fooled there. Especially loving the prince. It's not what you want.

Mal: you don't know what I want! You've kept trying to turn me into you, but I'm not!

Maleficent: enough of these games. Hand me the wand, now!

The witch suddenly felt a hand grab her arm, and she looks to see Arcturus, crackling with blue lighting.

Arcturus: sorry, but I'm afraid you weren't invited today. Leave now, before I escort you out.

Maleficent: (evil smirk) well, well, well, if it isn't the Sapphire Speedster. You haven't aged a day.

Arcturus: You know me?

Maleficent: (turns to face him fully) How could I forget one of the people who foiled my plans, along with that wretched Keyblade wielder, Sora?

Jay: Sora?

Evie: wait. One silver eye, key shaped sword, blue lightning. Oh my gosh, he really is the Sapphire Speedster!

Jay: from the stories?

Carlos: I knew I recognized him somewhere.

Arcturus: what are you guys talking about?

Maleficent: (realizes something) you haven't gotten that far yet. You're still learning. Wait. If I kill you now, will that in turn stop you from traveling to the past and ruining everything?

Arcturus: oh boy.

Maleficent: Heartless, destroy him!

The heartless appeared as Maleficent changed into her dragon form. Arc took his fighting stance and fought back. At some point, the heartless were suddenly destroyed by the gray monsters. Mal and the others help Arc against the enemies, until Maleficent tried to squish Arcturus with a claw. He brings the Keyblade in a block position, but it was failing.

Maleficent: ha! You're no where near as strong as the man I fought. First I'll get rid of you, then I'll teach these brats not to disobey me!

Girl: Arcturus, we need to break off.

Arcturus: (grunting) any ideas?

Girl: Mal has the power to stop her. But first, how about we use some magic of our own?

Arcturus: you got it.

Arcturus casts a fire spell and escapes his position. Mal's eyes glowed green as it looked like she and her mother were having a stare off. Arcturus then began to run around the stadium for a few laps, until he pull his arm and Keyblade back, and actually threw lightning directly at the dragon. She screamed in pain and she began to shrink until she was the size of a pet lizard. When Arc stopped, his uniform is nearly burnt to a crisp and his shoes were almost complete ash.

Mal: (running over to him) are you ok?

Arcturus: (doesn't notice his clothes) Yeah, why?

Jay: your clothes are burning. Again.

The boy looks down and begins to put the clothes out.

Arcturus: not again.

Evie: hold on. (Reaches in her bag and pulls out a blue jacket) it wasn't easy to make, but I made this out of a friction proof material. It should help your wardrobe problem.

Arcturus: (puts it on and vibrates his arm for a test) wow. Thank you.

Narrator (mom): Fairy Godmother uses her wand to fix everything, and Ben was crowned King. The guards take Maleficent away, but not before she gave a warning to Arc.

Maleficent: this isn't the last you've seen of me, boy! I'll make sure you pay!

Arcturus: good luck with that.

Girl: that was impressive. You threw that lightning with ease.

Arcturus: I just did it when the thought came to mind.

Girl: it's an advance move. Especially with a Keyblade, no less. You're a fast learner, Arc.

Fairy Godmother: Mr. Farron... (Arc turns to face her) thank you for your help. Ben is safe, and the children are now beginning to be their own people.

Arcturus: I'm glad to have helped. But... what were they talking about? Why did they called me the 'Sapphire Speedster'? And, who's Sora?

Fairy Godmother: I can't tell you everything. Your journey still has a ways to go. But I can tell you that your nickname comes from the color of your clothes and lightning, and that Sora is one of the most important people I have ever met. (Smile) you'll meet him one day. But for now, keep your light strong.

Suddenly, the wand began to glow and Timeline Key appears. Arcturus grabs the handle with both hand and the tip of the blade glows. A crown symbol appears underneath Arc, and the world changes into a strange sky. The wand shoots a beam of light and it reveals a keyhole with a clock ticking in the background. Arcturus spins the blade a bit, points it to the keyhole, fires a beam of light, and the hands land of 12 and everything returns to normal.

Girl: you sealed the keyhole.

Arcturus: keyhole?

Jay: what was that?

Carlos: awesome, that's what it was.

Beast: a new path is opened.

Belle: I haven't seen that in a long time.

Ringing is suddenly heard, and Arc pulls out his phone and sees a number on the screen. He hits the answer button, and an image of Sentinel is on the screen.

Sentinel: I almost thought you weren't gonna answer.

Arcturus: good to see you too. Is my mission done?

Sentinel: yes. The council wants to meet with you. Rendezvous outside of the kingdom and we'll bring you home.

Arc pockets his phone, and begins to say goodbye to everyone.

Ben: will we see you again?

Arcturus: I'll come back. We're friends now, aren't we?

Evie: (hugs Arc) don't take too long. And, feel free to change up the jacket.

Arcturus: (returns hug) don't worry, I won't undo your work.

Carlos: (shakes Arc's hand) glad to have met you.

Arcturus: you too.

Jay: (fist bumps) next time, you have give a try at the team.

Arcturus: (smirks) I'll keep that in mind.

Mal: (hugs Arc) thanks for helping me be my own person.

Arcturus: you're welcome, Mal. (Whisper) but, I think a certain king hand a bigger hand in it than me.

Mal blushes and breaks the hug. Arcturus then receives a key chain that when attached to the Keyblade, it changed form.

(A/N: reader can choose to change the Keyblade as the story goes, but like the Kingdom Key, Timeline Key will be the main Keyblade used.)

Narrator (mom): Arcturus waves goodbye and heads outside of the kingdom. However, as he's walking the rest of the way, he's stopped by a voice.

???: gotta say, I'm impressed with that performance.

Arcturus turns to see a boy around his age. He's wearing a black and red armor with a black visor and glowing red eyes. When he spoke, his voice was vibrating to make it harder to understand. He's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

???: barely started after three months in a coma, and already throwing lightning. Keep this up, and you'll be ready for a real challenge.

Arcturus: you know about the accelerator explosion? Who are you?

???: where are my manners? My name's Cronos. But you can call me your new rival.

Arcturus: rival? If you're looking for a fight buddy, we'll have to raincheck. I'm needed elsewhere right now.

Cronos: (stands up) please. At your current pace, you couldn't beat with or without those powers or blade. But, if you really want to fight me, keep traveling to other worlds and fight more darkness. Only then, will I fight you.

A dark corridor opens and Cronos steps through. The corridor disappears and Arcturus is left confused. Who was he? And, how did he know about him? Those questions would have to be answered later. For now, Arc runs to the rendezvous point to return home.

Author's note: Mission Successful.
The movie is not fully accurate, but all the worlds will be changed slightly for the story to work.
Clara makes her first scene, but we won't see what she meant by download until the next chapter. For the scene itself, it's based off of Kill La Kill when Ryuko meets Senketsu for the first time.
Maleficent knows Arcturus, but that won't be explained for a while.
Cronos also has his first cameo. The two will fight, but that won't be until after the first three worlds.
These chapters will mostly be longer than the other story, but I will try to keep it minimal as possible.

Next chapter: Arcturus gets an offer.
