the strong girl

that one happy girl,
the strong girl,
she widely smiled,
hysterically laughed.

wept in the bathrooms,
her sadness gone unnoticed,
covered with a flick of mascara,
a dab of concealer.

she inhales the cigarette,
blowing smoke out her nose,
pretending she forgets.

she downs the shot,
one turns to ten,
she's out cold.

she harms herself,
with new body modifications,
and sex.

she plays four instruments,
barley knowing any basics,
strumming along to tunes,
singing the lyrics under her breath.

fingers playing notes,
on the black and white keys,
the melody engulfs her whole,
and in those moments,
her suffering stops.

in those moments,
she is not the strong girl,
she is just,

