control is an illusion

control is an illusion,
you don't have the power,
to sway people,
or course of events.

self control is yet partially possible,
however even at that,
not adapted by most,
being unaware of their inner conscious.

power is an illusion,
visible through,
social status,
and manipulation.

all authority should be questioned,
small factors place one above you,
one below,
maybe not lawful,
but you are in your rights,
to deny an order,
no matter whom.

charge is not born leadership,
modern anarchy is a phantom,
precept by the top tiers,
yet communism,
is too a broken idea.

would chaos occur at total freedom,
who would rein then,
would the human race,
collapse on itself,
that's a complete other topic.

a chosen leader to keep order,
not to follow,
is in place,
they do not in fact have control,
as control is an illusion,
not truly possible to anyone.

live without needing to control all situations,
life will flow,
live questioning all authority,
they are not ever right,
follow not one.

control is an illusion,
and move on.

