dear sister

my sweet darling,
this one is for you,
i don't tell you,
how much i appreciate you enough.

my point of view in the story of,
the tale of your fairy tale begins,
the day mother asked me,
to feel how you were kicking,
in her tummy.

i did not quite understand,
why mummy grew so big,
but i have been told,
that i would press my ear,
to where you were growing,
for the first time.

my dearest sister,
perhaps i was bitter,
the attention was on you,
but there are captured moments,
of me holding your tiny unaware frame,
in my arms,
at the age of merely three.

my precious friend,
now sometimes,
we have indifference,
and for all the spiteful,
or petulant things,
i have said,
and likely will say,
i sincerely apologize.

slowly over the years,
we are growing closer,
i cherish our peaceful times,
we have a tight bond sis,
lets never lose it.

i am scared to say,
i promise to protect you from harm,
but i boldly say,
as long as we are alive,
i will always be there for you,
to run into my arms.

so dear sister,
i love you,
i love you,
i love you,
and i really can't,
stress that enough.

