
colossal consequences,
of destroying the globe,
our globe,
our planet,
our world,
our home.

perhaps one day we will arise,
from the warmth,
and comfort,
of our beds,
only to look around,
and be mortified.

cracks in the floor,
thousand meter waves engulfing countries even,
ground is rumbling,
furniture falling,
glass shattering.

extreme weather warnings on the news,
the light buzz of the telly in the background while,
your mother is crying,
your father is praying,
the baby lies limp in his cot,
you cant reach your friend,
maybe shes dead.

half the planet is wiped,
the rest wishing to turn back time,
the rich and important boarding ships to save them,
although even then,
there is no chance,
because it is a massacre,
because it is the end.

