cheek of you

you have no right,
to complain,
when you are lucky,
to be blessed,
with a fairly stress free life.

although everyone harbors,
their own dilemmas in life,
your pathetic worries,
amount to little compared to others,
but you are incapable of seeing that.

living your shallow,
minimal life,
but once again,
that is proper for you,
being the fact that you are incapable of seeing that.

living under the pretense,
of having substantial problems,
to try relate.

you are crying,
for the sole reason,
of having no reason,
to cry,
do not deceive your self.

making a big enchilada out of,
things others find absurd,
out of reason,
and lacking of importance.

you have your head,
stuck in your ass,
you can't possibly see,
or even partially,
grasp the concept of emotion.

you are tied up,
in your selfish world,
of ignorance,
and immaturity.

you are a fibber,
you speak,
about how you don't,
whether you are dead,
or alive,
and how you don't,
have a purpose on this planet.

you proclaim your rot,
your garbage,
but it is all bullshit,
because if you were,
held at gunpoint,
you would weep,
and sob,
for mercy.

you can't probably realize,
that thousands fight,
for their lives,
every day.

you claim,
that you are willing,
to fuck,
your fortunate life away.

you have the audacity,
to utter these lies,
for attention,
cheek of you.

