

Chapter 6.

"Here you go dear, at least you have something to eat when you get hungry" Aunt Rose says, handing me a lunch box that contains a handsome portion of the sherpherd's pie she baked this morning.

"Oh Auntie, you are a blessing" I say with a smile, getting up to give her a hug. "I'm definitely going to miss your cooking for sure"

"At least you will come back soon" Georgie says, descending the stairs

"Of course. I can't live more than a few months without you guys"

"And mama you tell me I exaggerate" she says with a laugh

I finish the breakfast I'm having, an omelette with melted cheese and onions, sardines and tomatoes, along with a cup of coffe.

My phone beeps with a text.

I'm right outside

I send a quick reply back and lock my phone, before reaching for my luggage and purse.

"Okay guys. Time for me to go. Group hug" I say, extending my arms wide open to accommodate what has become my family, with the exception of Uncle Sam because he has already left for work.

"Don't miss me too much"

"Don't flatter yourself Georgie" I giggle and kiss her on the cheek. I do same to Aunt Rose before leaving the house.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you again before you left. Andrea told me she had the opportunity to say goodbye and I'm like "Nah ah, my drunk ass ain't gonna let me miss all the goodbyes and shit", so here I am" he says and I chuckle, Andrea chuckling along.

"You came?" I turn to look at her

"I wouldn't miss a last chance at a good hug and a good bye" she says with a wink.

I'm going to miss these people.


Arriving in Seattle is like a breath of fresh air, and nostalgia hits me like a storm. It has been three years since I left this place. Three years since I left and never looked back, and I am happy to be back, even if it's only for a short while. I grew up here, through my puberty and my teenage years. I can walk through the streets and navigate it like the back of my hand. Seattle is all I've ever known.

I see Sara arrive in her car, checking the car number she texted me with because according to her, she doesn't have the time to get down and look for me.

"Em!" She squeals so loud, squeezing me in a hug.

"I m-missed you t-too Sara, b-but I c-cant breathe" I choke out and she immediately lets go off me.

"Oh sorry"

"How have you been?" I ask and she doesn't say anything, revealing the diamond princess cut engagement ring on her left finger, as if that is suppose to answer all my questions.

"Congratulations on that again"

"Thank you Em! I am so excited. It is actually the reason why I came to get you, to let you in on all the events that will come up before the Big Day!"

I snort before saying, "Wow. Thank you for giving me so much importance Sara"

"What? I had to make a use of my trip the whole way here somehow"

"Sometimes you are so mean it's annoying and tiring" I say truthfully, watching as her face deflates


"What?" I shrug "You and I both know that our friendship is based on truth, nothing but the honest truth"

"Whatever. So I said we were going to have a ball. You have to cut off all those sweets and stuff so you can fit into the bridesmaids dress I have for you, because you are my Maid of Honour. You also have to join the therapy and facial exercise to look flawless. You also have to join me along with the other girls for the dance choreo, spa treatment and-

"Sara!" I cut her off and she turns to me

"Anything I missed?" She asks and I roll my eyes

"Would you mind? I just got off the plane. I am tired, hungry, jet-lagged and I have a migraine. So if you would at least save all that for later when I actually hear you" I say, because the only thing I'm hearing now it's my rumbling stomach and I would do anything to have another bite of Aunt Rose's shepherd's pie. I miss her already.

"Fine" she huffs out

I ignore her and her facial and flawless nonsense. Am I the bride? Or she is?

I fan myself with my hands, wanting to get rid of the heat. I take off my jacket before turning to Sara who has resorted to the company of her phone.

"Can you turn up your A.C? I am dying of heat here"

"Mike please turn up the A.C for my friend here" she pauses and turns to me "It is not my fault it is always raining in London"

I want to reply her that it is not always raining, but I ignore her and turn to the driver.

"Oh Hi there Mike. Sorry for not noticing you earlier. My friend here brings the worst in me"

"Em!" She shrieks and I ignore her again

"Hello Miss" he replies in a deep voice

"If she gives you a hard time just resign. I'll be sure to give you a job"

"How can you give him a job when you just arrived?" She asks, throwing her honey blonde hair over hair shoulder, and narrowing her slightly thick haired eyebrows at me.

"Not to boast or sound like you Sara, but have you forgotten who my father is? The fact that I left three years ago to find my footing doesn't mean that if my old man - God forbid it happens- is to drop dead today, I am not going to be richer than your husband-to-be"

"You are actually not going to be" she says with an eye roll

"Talking of your husband-to-be, when am I going to meet him?"


"Its still a surprise isn't it?"

"Yes. It is, and you will meet him soon"

"Anyway, I don't mind. I can always object to your marriage and break it up"

"Emerald!" She growls this time "That is not funny"

Never said it was. I just love to rile her up.

"Speaking of finding your footing" she starts, changing the subject "How has life been in London?"

"Life has been great honestly. I have my own coffee shop now"

"Wow. That's great. Hopefully when my husband and I arrive from our honeymoon after our wedding, I'll drop by to come and hang out"

I nod before responding, "You are really excited to play wife aren't you?"

"It is not playing wife, Em. It is being a wife"

"And possibly as time goes on a mother. Or do you still hate kids?"

She gives me the look.

"I don't hate kids. And well, it depends. I have sacrificed enough for us to be together, my amazing figure won't hurt"

"Sure it won't"

"So where are you going to be staying?"

"At my dad's. Duh"

"Are you going to be able to deal with your step mom and step sister?"

"I deal with you, don't I?" I smirk

"You make me sound so bad Em. I am not that bad."

"But at least you are half bad and that gives me some training"

"I hate you" she says and I laugh.

It's good to be back.


Emerald's friendship with Sara is quite something isn't it?😂
It is nothing like that compared to what she has with Andrea, but I guess they all have their personalities and I wanted that to stand out.

So during the next few chapters, what do you think you are going to see?

Please Vote, Comment & Share. Let me know what you think.

Until then,
- Sam.
