Sara's POV

Emerald wants to have a sleepover. Honestly, at first, I was doubting her, but then I thought, she was too stupid the first time to even notice that I potentially and happily destroyed her relationship, who says she is smart now all of a sudden. So even when I decided to get rid of the silicon baby bumps due to that stupid pajamas tradition I myself invented which I hate myself for right now, I still fix it in.

I have come so far with this plan that I cannot allow anything or anyone to get in my way.

Sebastian and I must get married. Whether push or shove, by hook or by crook.

Nothing and absolutely nothing must come in the way.

That is why I went as far as faking a pregnancy. That man has never touched me, the only woman he has ever known is Emerald, which irks me to the core, but that will change. That will change immediately we get married because I will claim him in every way I can.

Emerald cannot always have the good things in this life, I deserve some too.


Emerald's POV

"Is everything set?" Sebastian asks when I sit in his car a few blocks away from my house

"Yup. Everything is done and dusted. The cameras along with everything else are ready. Aria really is smart"

He nods in agreement before looking at me in the eyes, intensely, "Are you nervous?"

"Are you?"

"No, I trust you," he says, grabbing me from my seat in the front and placing me on his lap. His strength amazes me sometimes.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asks and I nod, with a smile "I love you so so much"

He places his mouth on mine, slowly moulding it with mine, in perfect place, the perfect rhythm, a powerful connection with beautiful understanding of what is to happen and what will happen.

I love Sebastian, I don't think there was ever a moment when I didn't love him, and for what we shared and for what we can be, I will never stop fighting for this.

"Everything is going to be okay" I mutter when I pull away for some air


The next day comes quickly, and I stare in triumph as I look at the videos. Everything worked out perfectly.

For a split second I thought it was all going to fall apart when Sara was willing to change infront of me. I had to remind her that we are not in college anymore, and that now her body belongs to Sebastian, which was I think the second hardest thing I've ever had to say, but it made her happy and it worked, and now I have everything I need.

Sara is skillfully taking away the silicon baby bump to change and then fit it again.

It is pathetic really, the lengths she would go to and the things she is willing to do.

The ringing of my phone pulls me out of my thoughts, and I pause the video to pick it up.

"Did you get the videos?" Chris asks over the line.

"Of course. I got all of them. It's amazing the extent she is willing to go, really."

"I don't know how Sebastian is going to take it, knowing that she is actually not pregnant with his child. I guess part of him will be happy and part of him will be..."

"Disappointed," I say, completing his statement. "I guess we will have to wait the last minute for him to know, or we can just rip the bandage off" I sigh

"Let's worry about all of that later. I am being told to bring you over somewhere. Dress casual, and maybe a little warm, it's a bit cold outside" Chris says

"Wait where are we going?"

"At least wait for me to get there before you start asking the questions, geez, women" he mutters and I can't help but chuckle.

"Alright then, I'll get ready," I say and hung up. I put everything away, my laptop and the videos, in a safe place. That is the weapon that is going to help me get my man back

He is already yours.

That is true. No going back on that. Sebastian is mine, was mine and is forever going to be. Not even Sara can stop me now.

I take a shower so that I can get ready. To me when I hear casual, jeans is the first thing that comes to mind. So I take out my light blue wash jeans and pair it with a white low neck cashmere sweater with little cute white pearls on it.

I pair it with my white heel boots. I slip on a pair of pearl dangling earrings and a tear drop white gold necklace.

I stare at myself in the mirror, and I don't only see a beautiful and strong woman who is willing to fight for what she wants, but I also see a potential future, a happy future. Where I am the one getting married to Sebastian, carrying his baby, and be the mother of his kids.

But then maybe that can never happen, because no matter what the end might hold for us, the painful truth is that I may never be able to bear his child, and that is more painful than anything else.


"You look stunning, Emerald," Chris says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" I comment, and take a seat in the car that has been opened for me. "You know, for a man as handsome as you are, it is quite unbelievable that you are single"

"Who told you I'm single?" Chris asks, narrowing his eyes at me "The fact that you rejected me doesn't mean no other woman wants me beautiful Emerald. Your rejected stone might be someone's Cornerstone" he says and I can't help but burst out laughing

"Of course, I know that, after all, another man's meat is another man's poison. Besides, you know that is not what I meant. It's just that I haven't seen any woman around you"

"So you are assuming I am single?"

"Am I wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head slightly, a small smile playing on his lips

"Let's just say that after getting over you and any possibility of us ever getting together, work has been my full priority" he answers

"Have you at least tried to put yourself out there?"

"You seem very interested in my love life Emerald"

I shrug before responding, "Let's just say you and I were so close. And at the time you showed interest in me, another woman was so hung up on you"

"Ah, Rita. I remember her. She's married now"

"You don't say?" I ask, surprised, turning fully towards him in my seat

"I am. That is why even though it didn't work out or didn't even begin between the both of us, I am happy you were honest with me. Other women would have loved the attention and would have led me on, but you were honest and showed me that between my best friend and I, it's him you want and that didn't cause bad blood anywhere. I will always admire you for that maturity Emerald. Always" he says, taking his eyes off the road for a second to smile at me

"I'm happy I still have you in my life though," I say and look out the window.

It was during this time that I had started showing interest in Sebastian. The college guy wouldn't leave me alone, and my hard nut was beginning to crack after rejecting him so many times, but then I found out that not only one of the best friends were into me, both of them were. Chris and I were so close, and I honestly saw him as nothing less of a brother. So when he proposed to me, initially I was too surprised to do anything, but later on, I made my intentions known. I had grown to like Sebastian, and I couldn't break the poor guy's heart. But it was too late, and one of us was bound to get hurt in a situation like this, but the right thing had to be done, and I am happy I had the courage to do the right thing.
