

Chapter twelve.

Sebastian's POV

It was a mistake. I made a mistake letting her go. Letting her slip through my fingers, that was not how it was supposed to play out. That was not how it was supposed to work out. I was supposed to listen. I was supposed to trust her. I was supposed to trust and believe in what we had. During the time we were together, I was always the one who told her how "Trust should be the basis of every relationship", and when it came to the time for me to exhibit that trust, I didn't, and I lost her.

I loved her, scratch that, I love her now. I have gone through three years without her by my side, without hearing her laughter, without seeing her smile. I have gone three years without my heart skipping a beat at her presence. I have missed three birthdays, three Christmasses, three Thanksgivings, three times of every holiday that was supposed to be the most special for the both of us. I have missed a lot of Friday date nights and Saturday picnic hangouts.

I let my stupidity and jealousy get the best of me, and I finally came to know of how life was without her, and I hated every second of it.

Looking at her now, in my bed, in my arms, is like a dream come true. It is just like old times, and maybe even better. Things are so messed up right now. Things are complicated and messy, and sometimes, infact most times when I think about it, I don't even know how I got here, but all I can really blame it on is me and my stupidity. My jealousy. My irrationality.

But at least I know, that with her here, with me, right now, is all I can think about.

Emerald's POV

My eyes slowly peel open, and an extended yawn comes from my lips. I rub my eyes with the back of both hands, feeling a warmth deep inside me. My senses are trying to get accustomed to the sight before me, but I can't seem to remember where I am.

Just as my head snaps to see the figure lying beside me, all memories of last night come rushing back, and I can't help but gasp at the mistake I have made.

Oh dear Lord, how could I have been so stupid?

Sebastian is in deep sleep, and I look around to see our clothes littered and scattered around everywhere. I am in nothing, but nudity.

"Goodmorning" Sebastian murmurs, causing a pit of pleasure to go deep in my stomach. Oh how wonderful it would be to wake up to this sight each morning? His pink plump lips dry from sleep, his hair tousled from lots of movements during the night, and me in his arms like this, both of us naked, and warm, but that cannot happen, because someone has already taken that position.

Someone that is not me. And not just anyone, but my very own bestfriend.

How did things get here?

His arm tighten around me, his thumb tracing circles on my waist, his fingers skimming my hip.

This is not supposed to be happening. He is not supposed to be having it this easy. I went through hell for three years, trying so hard each and everyday to forget him. And as per what happened last night, I know it is going to be even harder for me to forget him now.

"How did you sleep?" He asks and I scoff, throwing the covers off me. I don't care that the air conditioning here nips at my skin immediately, neither do I care about him looking at me like a candy bar. This isn't the first time he is seeing me naked, but it is surely going to be the last, for the good of all of us.

"Emerald, what is going on?" He asks and this time, the scoff that comes out of me has nothing to do with my permission, is was a natural reaction.

I hurriedly pick my clothes from the floor, wanting to get the hell out of here before someone sees what they are not meant to see. Whoever thought there would come a day when I would do the walk of shame?

"Emerald, baby, please, talk to me" he says, sitting up on the bed and staring at me.

I scoff again, "Talk to you? Too late. That should have been the first thing you said to me three years ago before you accused me of cheating"

"Emerald I know I made a mistake and I regret it every single day. Please, give me another chance baby please" he begs, his eyes watering.

"Another chance? Sebastian you must be delusional. After yesterday, my friendship with Sara is never going to be the same, especially after what happened last night. How do you expect me to give you another chance when you are getting married to my bestfriend? Do you want me to become your second wife?"

"Emerald I know things are complicated-

"What happened last night was a mistake, Sebastian!" I snap, cutting him off "It was never supposed to happen, and I regret it" I lie, knowing that I loved every second of it. Every second where his hand touched, flipped. Every second where his tongue sucked and his mouth kissed, but I can't admit that out loud.

What kind of friend would that make me. He is no more mine to have, and no matter how much that kills me inside, I must accept it for what it is.

He sprints up from the bed, standing in front of me, in all his naked glory, and I try not to ogle at those perfect six pack abs with that strong mark of V-line, and I try not to stare too hard or too long at his raging manhood that is standing tall right infront of me, begging to be touched and sucked.

"You don't mean that, please tell me you don't mean that" he says, his voice holding so much pain as he cups my face with both his hands.

"It doesn't matter what I mean and what I don't" I whisper, trying so hard to not let my emotions betray me and not let the tears fall "What matters is that you are engaged and to be married to my bestfriend, and I can't hurt her like this" I pause, before looking into his beautiful grey eyes "We can't hurt her like this" I say before taking a step back, his hands dropping from my face.

"What happened yesterday, must never happen again" I say, and the tears in both our eyes, slips down on our cheeks at the same time.
