

Chapter Eighteen.


clean the part of the red nail polish that had landed on the skin instead of the nail, frustrated. Whoever said painting your right hand while using your left is going to be easy?

On the days when I was too busy to visit the salon to get my nails done, Andrea would be the one who would paint them for me, and she was amazing at it, especially mixing the colours together.

I miss my coffee shop, I miss work and I miss my family back in London.

"It is a shame how idle you are. Don't you have anything doing young lady?" Hannah asks and I roll my eyes.

"I should have known" I mutter under my breath

"Excuse me?"

"I said I should have known" I say, looking at her "I should have known it was too good to be true, that you finally had something to do with your time other than bother me." I roll my eyes

"You are the one who is always dressed up fancily as if you have something doing when in reality, the only thing you are doing is wasting my father's money" I say, looking at her adorning a red bodycon dress with black stiletto heels and a ponytail so tight that I feel a headache for her.

"How dare you?!" She snaps, narrowing her eyes at me.

"No Hannah, how dare you? If you don't have the courage to accept the truth, maybe you shouldn't poke it from me, because trust me when I say, I will give it to you!" I say and get up from my seat, swaying past her without a second glance back.


"Miss Emerald, Madam Esther sent me to let you know there is someone looking for you" one of the maids say after entering my room

"Thank you Jordan, and please, I won't tell you again, my name is Emerald and that is it"

"Sorry Mis-" she pauses and corrects her self "Sorry Emerald. Please excuse me" she says and I nod.

I get up from my bed, and clearly I can't go downstairs in just a bra and panties, which is what I'm currently wearing. One of these days I will have to put a post outside that says "No visitors".

I shrug on a pair of black jeans and a blue knit sweater, throwing my hair in a bun and fixing on my plain glasses.

I have Myopia, which makes me near-sighted. Most of the time, I wear contacts that match my eye colour so that I won't have to deal with the glasses, but other times like today, I find them cute.

I leave my room and go to the lounge area where Nanny Esther directs me to my visitor, and I stop in shock.

"Mrs Valetti?" I question, even though there is no need for that. Seated before me is Sebastian's mother, one of the women who treated me as if I was their own. She has always been kind to me, and I looked forward to the holidays just so that I could go to their house with Sebastian and spend the time there.

"Emerald, dear" she greets, getting up from her seat to pull me into a hug. The short plump woman, wearing a multicoloured silky boubou dress, wraps her arms around me and that brings some warmth inside me.

"How have you been, my child?"

"I'm very fine thank you" I say, taking a seat infront of her and picking up one of the pink macaroons that have been arranged for tea.

"Sebastian told me you were back in town. I am hurt that you didn't think to visit me even once" she says and I look down at my hands in my lap.

"I didn't think I had the right. There is no place for me there anymore"

She sighs before speaking, "That's nonsense and you know it. My dear, there is always going to be a place for you in my home. Mhm" she questions and I nod, the statement touching my heart more than she knows. She continues, her brows furrowed "I heard the bride that my son is planning to marry, Samantha, I think is her name, was your bestfriend"

I can't help the giggle that escapes me, Sara can't pull of a Samantha. She is just what she is, a Sara.

"Her name is Sara, and we are still friends. Infact she is the one who invited me"

Amy shakes her head, "That's just shameless. After knowing your history with Sebastian she actually invited you? I thought she would at least try to hide her shame" she scoffs and I shrug

"I guess she doesn't want me to feel left out of such an important event"

"I just feel it is so wrong, albeit, I asked Sebastian and he said you are okay with it" she says and I try to conceal my gasp.

The fuck he means by I am okay with all of this?

"Uh... yeah" I ask, clearing my throat "We spoke about it"

"I really do not approve of the woman he is about to marry. Honestly when I think about it, I always thought you were going to be his wife, because you both had something that can never be mistaken for anything other than pure, unadulterated love"

"Well, I guess life does not go the way we always want it"

"And you are right about that. If he is happy, at least I am willing to agree with it. But my dear, are you still in love with my son?"

Her question takes me by surprise, and the intent look she is giving me makes it difficult for me to think.

"That Sebastian and Emerald is in the past, Mrs Valetti"

"Dear I thought you and I were on the first name basis a long while ago?"

"I'm sorry Amy" I say, blushing

"I am older than you Emerald, and I know it when a woman is in love. I just want you to be truthful with me, admit it out loud"

"What good is that going to do?" I ask, can't help but scoff

"I won't push you to go in the wrong direction my dear. But you are only young once, and it is true that they say if something belongs to you, no matter how long it wanders, it is always going to come back to you. That is not wrong, but in my personal opinion, I think you should apply a little force to get what is yours and what you want. We are in a dog eat dog world, my dear child. I know it when my son is in love, and it is true that love isn't the only thing we take to marriage, but it is what forms the idea in the first place. Love is what forms the idea of marriage. The Sebastian that is going to marry Samantha or Sara or whatever, is not in love, but the one that was with you three years ago, was. Now it is up to you, whether you are going to wait, or work for it and own it" she says, before taking a sip of the tea that she hasn't touched since she arrived.

Now what do you exactly say to that?
