"What's been going on girl? What's up?" Andrea asks the moment I answer FaceTime with her and Patrick

"I'm so sorry guys. You always have to be the ones calling me"

"It's not a hustle boo. We love you. We just want to know what's up" Patrick says and I sigh

"Well, I have both good news and bad news, which one y'all wanna hear first?"

"Shoot both," he says and I laugh

"Right answer"

"Anyway, Sebastian recently told me that his marriage with Sara is based on blackmail. She blackmailed him with something that happened in his family and can potentially ruin it, and that is why he has to marry her, to keep his family safe and happy"

"Wow" Patrick answers

"So their marriage is not legit?" Andrea asks and I shake my head

"It's not. So we have to come up with a plan that will put a stop to the wedding altogether. But something has been bugging me, something I haven't told Sebastian"

"What is it?" They both ask at the same time

"The thing is, a few days ago Sara held a dinner party where she announced she was pregnant with Sebastian's child"


"Language Patrick" Andrea scolds, rolling her eyes

Okay?? That's weird.

"The news rubbed me the wrong way," I say softly, looking at my hands before looking back up at them from my laptop "So I went out and wandered around till I came up to her room, and I saw fake bumps. Fake silicon baby bumps, for every stage of the pregnancy"

"So you are saying that there is a ninety percent chance that she may not even be pregnant?" Patrick asks and I nod

"I think she is not. It is Seb's first time being a father, this whole charade is already hard on him and I didn't want to throw a bomb like that on him, but I'm pretty sure Sara isn't pregnant, and another thing. She has changed the date of the wedding and has brought it forward"

"Okay okay, let's backtrack a bit. Did Sebastian tell you he remembers doing something with her...?" Andrea asks, trailing off

"He said he doesn't exactly remember anything like that, and per the day she said it happened, he was drunk"

"Okay, then. But how do you manage to prove that she isn't pregnant?"

"The wedding is in three days. I plan to have a girl's sleepover with just Sara and I. In the past, anytime we held a special sleepover day or hang out, we always bought special pajamas for it. So I will buy some new pajamas. That tradition comes in handy here because then she would have to change her clothes, and when she does, we will know whether she has fixed any of that silicon stuff"

"Okay but how? If she has it on she isn't exactly going to change in front of you" Patrick says

"That's right. I'll be holding the sleepover at my place. In my room, I have a bathroom and my book room where I used to read and study. She will use either of those rooms, and I will have cameras fixed there. Is an invasion of privacy, but it is the only way I can think of, and she won't know. Besides, it's my house so I think that's a bonus for me"

"You have this planned out huh?" Andrea asks

"Yes, yes I do." I nod firmly.

I want my man back, and I'm not going to allow anyone or anything to stop me or take him away from me.

"What else is there?" Patrick asks

"Well from the looks of things, I am very sure Sara was the reason for my breakup with Sebastian three years ago. I don't know how she did it, but I am sure she is the one who provided Seb with the photos, and I am one hundred and ten percent sure that those we photoshopped. I don't have much time to look for the guy, but I can check the photos. I am sure Seb still has them"

"Wow. All this is overwhelming"

I sigh, "I know. It's a lot to take in. Knowing that Sara isn't who I thought she was. I was ready you know, I was ready to leave Seb for her and be happy for them if they were in love and happy, but after receiving this new information, I just can't go down without a fight"

"Yes, girl. Fight for your man" Patrick says and I laugh, Adrea nods in agreement.

"He's right"

"You seem to be agreeing with me a lot these days," he says and she rolls her eyes

"Shut the heck up" she huffs. She seems on edge.

"You weren't saying that when my tongue was dancing with yours" he smirks and I frown in confusion

"First, ew! Second, what kiss? Andrea, I thought you had a boyfriend!"

"We broke up. Dylan wasn't who I thought he was. He cheated on me"

"Wow. I am so sorry Andrea"

"No, it's nothing. I was at my most vulnerable moment and you took advantage of me" she directs at Patrick

"Me? Took advantage of you? I can't believe this Andrea! You are the one who kissed me!"

"And you kissed me back!" she retorts and I can't help but watch in amusement and amazement how well they are bickering.

Andrea and Patrick... kissing?!

That sounds like a joke.

Yes, indeed, I never missed the sexual tension between them, the eye contact, and the touches that lingered a little bit too long, but I never knew they would act on it. Especially Andrea making the first move.

"And I would do it again and again and again and a thousand times without any regrets Andrea. I do not know exactly what that kiss meant to you, but to me it meant everything. I have never hidden how I truly feel about you Andrea, and I do not intend to. The ball is in your court, if you want me to pretend it never happened and never mention it, I won't. Otherwise... well. You know where to find me" he says to her, before turning to me "Let's talk later, Emmy. Let me know whatever happens. Good luck on getting your man back, at least one of us deserves to be happy" he says with a forced smile and leaves the video call, hanging up.

"Andrea..." I whisper, shocked and not knowing what to say

"I know I know. It was stupid of me to kiss Patrick"

"That wasn't what I was about to say. But let me ask you this, how did you feel when you were kissing him?"

"It was magical. It was the farthest from every kiss I have ever had. It felt as if his mouth was made to fit perfectly and only with mine. I still remember the feel of his lips on mine, and anytime I touch them, it's like it's happening all over again. It comes with a whole new feeling I've never experienced before, and that scares me Emmy" she says frustratedly, running her fingers through her hair, tears welling in her eyes. My heart breaks for her

"Oh Andrea, I understand babes. I truly do."

"I just ended a relationship Emmy, and I gave it my all. Let's not lie to ourselves, Patrick is a playboy, who says he won't toss me out and forget my name once I give in to what I feel and he gets what he wants?"

"I think you should speak to him Andrea, that is when you would only know if he wants this. If it's real, you would know, if it's not, you would know that too"

She nods, "I just need some time"

"Again, I understand, and whatever that happens, I am right here by your side."

"Thank you, Emmy"

