
The next day, Adrien was glad to have Nathalie as a parent guardian since the judge court sent Gabriel Agreste to life sentence and Nathalie has the contract to watch over the hybrid child.

Now he's got his childhood room back, he was happy to have his home back and a good night's sleep with his cat Plagg. He even joined Marinette at her school as well, he however still used a charm to hide his feline features to not bring up too much attention. As he can hear everyone talking about him being alive. As much as he wants to be himself but it's best to not get too popular.

"So how does it feel being free?" Nino asked.

"Never been better, Nino," Adrien said.

"So you're the Werecat from the skatepark the other day?" Nino asked.

"Yes, that was me" Adrien admitted.

"Wow, neat" Nino replied.

"But I'm half human. I still got wild instincts like a cat. So this is my chance to be accepted by humans" Adrien said as he have a seat next to him.

"You will in time" Nino assured him.

Adrien saw Marinette arrive with her best friend Alya. The blond ponytail girl walks in rudely and starts making fun of Adrien, "You're cute but black is an utterly depressing color, little kitten"

"Who you calling little?" Adrien glared and he let out a furious beastly roar at her.

"GAAAAH! Don't hurt me!!!" She yelps.

Adrien growled angrily for insulting him, "Do NOT insult me"

"Careful, Chloe. He can bite" Marinette warned.

"Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe huffed.

Adrien just smirked at Marinette for putting Chloe into place. He almost licked his hand like a cat since he's trying to fit in like a human. But he decided to act casual.

As the day went by, the classmates really liked Adrien for who he is, even if he was in his human disguise. They showed him around the school. Asking questions about his feline abilities.

"So you have every cat's abilities, including purring?" Alya asked.

"Qui" Adrien nodded and smells fish in the cafeteria, "Yep it's fried fish today" He knew what they served.

"Dude, did you just....?" Nino was lost for words.

"Yes, enhanced sense of smell" Adrien confirmed.

"That's crazy" Nino was amazed.

"Yeah. You could say that." Adrien replied.

"What else can your nose detect?" Max asked.

"Even the vegetables and rice," Adrien said.

"I guess you want milk, Kitty" Marinette teased.

"Indeed I do, princess" Adrien teased back and their classmates laughed at their silliness.

He removed his bracelet revealing his feline self. The girls couldn't resist how adorable he is as they squealed so loud.

"Oh my god so cute!" A girl named Rose held his tail.

"A real werecat hybrid," Alix said.

"Please.......puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr..........stop" Adrien liked being petted but he likes to be petted only by his princess.

"Okay, girls, that's enough" Marinette steps in.

"But he's so fluffy" Mylene pouts.

"Sorry girls I just need personal space," Adrien said.

"Calm down, kitty. I'll see you guys tomorrow. My kitty needs my attention" Marinette scratched her kitty's chin.

"Thanks, milady" Adrien purred.

The girls awed at how cute he purred in happiness at his lovely princess.

"He looks happy" Nino snickered.

"He sure does" Alya smiled.

"Is that my good kitty?" Marinette scratched his chin faster.

"Yeaaaaaah" Adrien closed his eyes.


Later at the mansion, Adrien cuddled next to Marinette while being petted by her.

"Is my kitty loving it?" Marinette petted his ears.

"Meow" He purred and nuzzled her hand.

"Good boy" Marinette held him close.

"Puuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr!!!!!!" He purred so loud he felt embarrassed.

"Oh, silly Adrien" Marinette giggled.

"Oh princess" Adrien kissed her.

Rolling on top of her and prickled his fangs on her neck, being careful not to pierce her lovely skin.

"Haaaaaaah...... Adrien" Marinette moaned.

"My witch. I just can't get enough of you" He licked her neck.

"Neither can I with your gorgeous looks" Marinette giggled.

"Meow, you think I'm gorgeous like the cat goddess?" Adrien smirked.

"Yeah, kitty cat" Marinette replied.

"My princess, why do you have to be so cute?" Adrien asked with a tease.

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm not bugging you?" Marinette replied with a giggle.

"Was that a pun, bugaboo?" Adrien chuckled.

"Yeah, given I'm the Ladybug Witch," Marinette said.

"And my cute little mouse" Adrien licks her cheek.

"Squeak squeak" Marinette playfully imitates a mouse.

"Meow, you look good enough to eat, mousinette" Adrien purred.

"Good one, Kitty" Marinette kissed him again.


Later that night, Cat Noir was jumping from roof to roof to find that dark witch and tell her to leave Paris, "Where could she be?" He wondered.

His senses tingled and he felt a burn on his back head by a gold staff, "AAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!"

"Gotcha Kitten!" laughed Lila.

"AAAGGGHHH!!! Fuck!!" Cat Noir kicked the gold staff out of her hands, "What the hell?!"

"So now Gabriel is out of the picture but now you got me to deal with," Lila said.

"Yes. And don't make me claw your ass again. I want you to leave Paris and never return" Cat Noir bared his fangs.

"Scare me all you want but I'm not going to be told what to do" Lila scoffed.

"So you have chosen to fight?" Cat Noir unsheaths his claws.

"You think I'm gonna let you whoop my ass this time?" Lila laughed.

"If I have to" Cat Noir replied.

He swept at her feet as Lila tries to kick at her, but it soon results in Cat Noir pinning her down and rolling over to throw her through several billboard signs.

"Is that all you got?" Cat Noir got up.

"Not quite yet!" Lila got up.

Cat Noir then spins his entire body to kick at her. He let out a roar of the panther and tries to claw her. Lila dodged him and tries to punch him. They crashed into the abandoned apartment and continues to fight aggressively. Cat Noir slammed her many times at the walls and then at the shelves in the kitchen.

"STAND DOWN!" Cat noir pins her at the sink.

But Lila threw a porcelain plate at him. She tries to grab him, with Cat Noir turns around with his back facing the kitchen, then Lila threw him over her head. Lila draws a kitchen knife while Cat Noir takes out his baton to fight her.

"Are you out of your damn mind?!" Cat Noir dodged.

"Maybe!" Lila tries to stab him.

He then got pushed against the wall by her, "And I hope I kill your nine lives, pussy cat"

Cat Noir growled and headbutts her face, "Not a chance Lie-la!" Cat Noir stood tall over her.

"Ow......How dare you make a pun of my name!" Lila yelled as she tries to zap him with lightning.

"Because that's what you're good at!" Cat Noir jumps above the lightning.

"Damn you!" Lila yelled.

"I'll damn you to hell!" Cat Noir lands on her shoulders and locks his legs around her neck.

"Let me go!" Lila screamed.

"Not until you do as I say!" Cat Noir gripped her harder.

"AAAAARGH!!! ALRIGHT!!!" Lila screamed in pain.

"You better not return to Paris ever again!" Cat Noir grips harder to prove his point.

"AAAAGH!!! ALRIGHT!!!" Lila groaned.

"If you ever come here again, I won't show mercy next time" Cat Noir removes his legs from her.

"All right, all right! Sheesh! You seriously have anger issues!" Lila screamed.

"Like that matters!" Cat Noir crossed his arms.

Lila summons her broom and flies away.
