
After his bath and getting clean Marinette took her kitty for a broom ride to see the view of the city. Never in his life would a witch be able to fly with a broomstick.

"Incredible" Adrien looked over the city.

"Indeed, I can fly with a broom" Marinette giggled.

"Best flight ever, Bugaboo," Adrien said.

"Hold on!" She dives down with him holding her waist.

"Whoa! Wooooohooooo!!!" He meowed.

"Enjoying this, Kitty?" Marinette asked.

"Yes," He nodded.

"And I thought cats don't like heights" Marinette teased.

"This one likes them," Adrien said.

"Good" Marinette flew to the Eiffel tower.

"There she is. Our favorite landmark" Adrien said.

"Yeah, the symbol of the city of love" Marinette said.

"And she's still standing tall," Adrien said.

"Since 1889," Marinette said and flies to the top of the tower.

"Of course" They landed at the top.

"I know you'll get your justice, kitty. If you succeed, you'll be the rightful heir to the Agreste mansion. The entire fortune will be yours" Marinette said.

"Yes. I just can't wait to confront him" Adrien said.

"Kitty, please don't get in a fight with him. Paris won't know who to side with" Marinette said.

"Any other suggestion?" Adrien asked.

"Confronting him will be the best option while the hidden cameras will record everything to expose your father's true colors," Marinette said.

"Very well, Princess" Adrien held her hand.

"You know I love you, kitty. If your mother was alive, she would be so proud to see how much you've grown as a man and an animal at the same time" Marinette said.

"And getting a pretty girl like you," Adrien said.

The two teenagers leaned in to kiss. The feline's tail wrapped around her waist, and his hand traveled on her thigh. Marinette cupped his face as they kiss. Purring through the kiss, the kitty pecked her neck. Biting gently on her delicious strawberry-scented skin, he growled lowly, marking her again.

"Haaaah...... Adrien" Marinette moaned.

"My witch, my princess" He purred on her neck.


Later in the early morning near 3am, Cat Noir sneaks into the Agreste manor. He jumps to the balcony and circled his claw on the glass door.

He reaches his hand inside to open the window, "It is time" He snuck inside.

He walks inside, observing his former home, walks into his father's office, and briefly sat on his chair, then he walks upstairs to look for his father.

He then got whacked in the face and fell down the stairs. The lights turned on and there stood a woman, "Cat Noir"

"Agh....." Cat Noir weakly stands up, "Nathalie?"

"You picked the wrong house" She held up a golf club.

She came downstairs and Cat Noir kicked the weapon off her hands, "Nathalie, it's me, Adrien" He removed the mask, "I can sense that you're still sick again as I remembered"

"Adrien?" She saw it was him, "I thought you were dead long ago" Nathalie was beyond shocked but then coughed in sickness.

Adrien helped her stand and brings her to her bedroom, "I'm still alive. You knew my mom was a Werecat all these years"

"Yes, she told me to keep it secret from your father," Nathalie said.

"And he also didn't tell you his, huh?" Adrien said, remembering this room when he was a kid.

"No, he didn't" Nathalie replied.

"You remember what happened to my mom? She died from a terrible disease?" Adrien said, looking at the picture frame of Nathalie and his mom.

"Yes. I did" Nathalie said.

"That's not the case. Lila told me what really happened." Adrien said and threw the dagger artifact at the portrait of his father, "The real truth was that he killed her with gold poison. He never wanted monsters in the family. That's why he tried to kill me next but I survived. Big mistake to betray me and my mom just because we are not pure humans"

"He what?!" Nathalie was shocked.

"I didn't want to believe it but that witch showed me the dark truth I never saw" Adrien saw the book containing the history of catwomen.

He picks it up and opened it, "The stories that my mother told me were true. Catwomen were werecats and I'm....." He looked through the pages that started all the way to ancient Egypt.

"Your mother loved those stories of her ancestors that fought for freedom. She thought that someday you would be the first cat boy but you didn't have her trait" Nathalie walked up to him while using her cane to support herself.

"Until I turned 10, my mutation began," Adrien said and removed his gloves to show her his real claws, wiggling his cat ears, and his tail swishing.

"It explains the scars your father has," Nathalie said.

"It was an accident. He tried to have his authority to kill me. Like I was nothing to him. He has lied to you, me, and all of Paris. He needs to be brought to Justice. That's why I came here to place hidden cameras to expose him" Adrien explained as he puts his gloves and his mask on.

"Do what you must. Make your late mother proud" Nathalie said.

"You trust me over my father?" Cat Noir asked.

"After all, he lied to me, yes," Nathalie said.

"Take care, Nathalie" Cat Noir said and closed the door.

He sighed in relief that Nathalie believed the cat and that someday when he has the title of the mansion, she can be his guardian now.

He walked downstairs to his father's office to place hidden cameras so that he can confront him without a fight. He had to be sure he won't notice the cameras. He jumped to the ceiling to place a small camera.

"There. That should do it" He placed the last camera.

His cat ears twitched so that he can hear his father coming and he had to leave right now.

"Gotta go now" He got out the window.


The next day, Adrien disguised as a human was spending some time with Marinette and her friends at the amusement park.

"So dude, what do you wanna ride on?" Nino asked.

"Um, the Ferris wheel. With my princess" Adrien held her hand.

"Um, yeah, just him and I" Marinette held his hand.

"You guys are totally like Romeo and Juliet," Alya said.

"Only that love isn't forbidden between us," Marinette said.

"That's a joke," Alya said.

"Anyways, we are going" Adrien drags his princess to the Ferris wheel.

"Have fun" Marinette waved.

Soon they were on the Ferris wheel as which goes around slowly for couples or friends to enjoy the ride. But then, it suddenly stopped and it shook aggressively that the gears aren't properly working.

"Hold on!" Adrien got out of his seat when he noticed one boy's seat was about to break at a dangerous angle.

"Adrien, what are you doing?!" Marinette panicked.

"Trust me" Adrien climbs down.

Marinette then decides to climb down to do something at the levers while Adrien goes to save the boy. The safe bar breaks at the boy's seat and he hangs on for dear life.

"Mom!" He screamed.

Adrien gasped and quickly does his feline agility to jump around to save the child, "I got you!" He caught his hand.

Marinette ran up to the gears and jammed a wrench into them to stop the Ferris wheel, "Coast clear" She said to them.

The people saw Adrien saving the boy from falling to his death. He climbs down carefully to bring the boy to safety.

"You're okay, kid. You can open your eyes" Adrien said.

"Thank you, Mister," The boy said.

The crowd cheered for him but he realized he's not in his catsuit. He hopes they don't realize that he's the real Cat Noir.

"You're a hero," Marinette said.

"Thanks, Marinette" Adrien replied.

"My son! Darling, are you okay?" The mama rushed towards her son.

"I'm okay. This guy saved me" The boy said.

"Thank you for saving my baby" The woman hugged Adrien.

"You're welcome," Adrien said and hands the child to the woman and looks at the Ferris wheel still standing.
