
The next morning on the Liberty houseboat, the girls wanted to give the kitty his ears pierced but he felt very nervous since he never had one.

"I don't know. Doesn't it hurt?" He wondered.

"Yes, but you'll get used to it" Marinette scratched his cat ears and he let out a purr.

"Awww.... he's purring" Rose adored.

"Ummmm..... no way" Adrien blushed.

"Oh, kitty. Now just relax and trust Juleka to pierce your ears" Marinette said.

"Alright" Adrien calms down.

"Okay, this might sting a bit" Juleka took out the tools.

"If you panic, bite on the chew toy" Alix hands him the squeaky mouse toy.

"Thanks" Adrien takes the mouse toy.

Juleka then carefully used the piercing gun and clicks a hole in his ear. Adrien bites the squeaky toy with his fangs to get used to the pain in his ears.

"Okay hold still" Juleka then cleans his ear.

"And please no gold earrings. Gold is my werecat weakness" Adrien said.

"Understood. Stainless steel it is" Juleka said.

"Thank you," Cat Noir said.

Juleka picked one piercing that had a green paw logo on it. Adrien saw what it is in the mirror and he really liked paw print logos.

"They look puuuuurrrrrfect" He commented.

"You're welcome, Adrien" Juleka said.

"I love the new look, Kitty," Marinette said.

"Meow" Adrien meowed.

"Can we pet you?" Mylene asked.

"Sure," Adrien said before Mylene petted between his ears.

Alix petted his tail and they can hear the teenage kitty purr so loud he couldn't help himself.

"Awww so cute" Alix couldn't help but giggle.

"And I thought wild cats don't like to be petted" Marinette teased him.

"Well, you tamed me," Adrien said.

"Awww....." The girls awed.

"I should thank you for everything, Princess" Adrien said.

"It was nothing," Marinette said shyly.

"It was something. You changed my life" Adrien said, using his tail to pull her close.

"Yeah, a lot" Marinette blushed at how close they were, "Excuse us, ladies" Marinette used a teleportation spell to appear in the alley with him.

"Did I make a scene, Princess?" Adrien asked.

"No, I just didn't want the girls to go crazy on you. Girls just love cute animals" Marinette said.

"Oh, I see. Besides we need some personal space" Adrien said.

"You sound like you're being a prince charmeowing" Marinette scratched his chin.

"Mmmmm.... maybe" Adrien closed his eyes.

"Why do you have to be so cute, kitty?" Marinette giggled.

"You have no idea, my charming face?" He joked.

"If you had soft fur" Marinette stroked his tail.

"And you are always the ladybug witch," Adrien said.

"I know it's stupid to ask but have you ever been in love?" Marinette asked.

"Not exactly. I've been single all my life" Adrien replied.

"Well, me too," Marinette said.

"Rawrr......Am I attractive?" Adrien purred.

"Ummmm....... Well, you are handsome, I mean gorgeous or whatever I should say" Marinette messed up her words.

Adrien slowly licked her cheek and nuzzled her neck, "Maybe I'm both, Bugaboo" He whispered.

"What about me then?" Marinette asked.

"You're just too puuuuurrrrrecious" Adrien purred.

"Really Kitty?" Marinette blushed.

"Would I lie, puuuuuurrrrrrincess?" Adrien puts her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

"No, come here, kitty, kitty" Marinette leans in to kiss him.

Adrien leans in too and kissed her. He makes her sit on his lap, purring into the kiss. He never fell in love until now but it seemed very quickly. She is human but he himself is half-human. Marinette cups his face as they kissed. They soon pulled apart from the kiss.

"You bewitched me again, princess" Adrien smirked.

"With my loving charm" Marinette joked.

"Every witch always has their cat by their side" Adrien purred again.

"True, and you get to be my cute little kitty" Marinette boops his nose.

"And you my princess" Adrien held her close again.

"A witch princess that is," Marinette said.

"Do I get to be your knight?" Adrien grinned.

"Of course, Kitty," Marinette said.

Suddenly, a white cat with blue eyes meowed at them, wanting attention from Marinette as she rubbed her side on Marinette's ankle.

"Tikki?" Adrien picks her up.

"Meow" Tikki cooed and Adrien held her in his arms.

"She likes you, princess. Don't white witches have white cats?" Adrien asked.

"Yes," Marinette said while petting Tikki.

"She wants to be with you," Adrien said and hands Tikki to her.

"Yeah, come here Tikki" Marinette carried Tikki.

"I gotta go. Cat Noir has hunting to do. I'll see you again, my princess" Adrien kissed her cheek.

"See you soon, Kitty" Marinette waved.

"I'll be back for you" Adrien headed for the rooftops.


Later that night, Cat Noir heard a damsel in distress in the park and he came here just in time before the crook tried to beat up a young lady.

He caught his wrist and pins him at the wall, "Get away from her now!" Cat Noir threw the man roughly.

"She took my—-" The man didn't finish when Cat Noir nearly clawed him against the wall.

"Now" Cat Noir did not have to repeat himself and the man ran away in fear.

"You sound upset but I only got 80 euros from him," The woman said.

"Not with a watch from him" Cat Noir smirked as he held out a watch and tossed it to her, "Pickpocket always comes in handy"

"Thank you, Mr..."

"Cat Noir will do" Cat Noir replied.

"Thank you Mr. Noir," The woman said.

Cat Noir jumps to the roof and has a mission to do, the Gabriel brand headquarters. He needs to know what his father is up to and why he sent a dark witch after him.

"Time to find out, Gabriel" He used his father's actual name.

He found the headquarters building and went inside by clawing the glass window. He had to find the office without getting caught by security guards. He snuck inside the vents at some point when three guards came. He opens the vent and lands on all fours, walking to the hall but saw the guard guarding the door. He grabs the guard by the neck and spins on him to throw him to the floor in a tight grip.

He also knocked him out cold and grabbed the guard's hand to scan it for the door to open.

"Yes" Cat Noir whispered as it opened.

He noticed the cameras and he had to take them out first. He leaps up and crushed the first camera, then smashed the lens of the next one, and then tore off the next camera.

"Too easy!" He smashed the last camera.

He walked to the computer on his father's desk to see his latest fashion design, "Let's see what you got" He scrolled and saw many had butterfly themes.

Not a single theme about cats and he figures that his father hates cats. Just like the time when Adrien wanted a pet cat as a kid but his father forbids him. He also found peacock and fox themes.
