Dance Battle

It was now night time and Cat Noir was jumping from roof to roof, searching for any criminal activity going around. He ran on all four and then saw some thieves stealing from a store.

"Meow. Another mice snack to eat" Cat Noir purred.

He jumps down and posed on the street, "Urgh, that was disgusting" He got up and sneaked up.

He so wanted to kick ass but he's gotta avoid getting shot. The jewelry can have gold and that is his Werecat weakness. He snuck up on the truck's roof. Jumping down quietly and puncture his claws on the tire wheels in case the bad boys try to escape.

"What the hell?!" The thieves saw the punctured tires.

"Meow, I just enjoy my claws, boys" Cat Noir grinned, "Totally wild tonight for a mice snack"

"It's Cat Noir!" They gasped.

"Miss me, boys?" Cat Noir purred and noticed what they got in the bag, gold jewelry.

"Don't come any closer!" They aimed their guns at him.

"You all should know cats have nine lives" Cat Noir brought his main weapon, the whip.

"Open fire!" The thief leader shouted and they fire at him but missed.

"Not so fast!" Cat Noir strikes his whip at them.

He smacks their guns off one by one before he lunges at them with a kick to the leader.

"MEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" He howled at the moon.

He grabs the gun and shot them in their legs to immobilize them from escaping, "Sorry but you won't be going anywhere but jail." Cat Noir blew his gun.

"You just shot my damn legs!" The leader groaned in so much pain.

"That's what happens when you mess with Cat Noir," Cat Noir said.

Then he clawed the truck as his signature, "My paw-tograph is free. See ya" Cat Noir chuckled and ran off, heading to the nightclub.

He found the place and heads inside before any bad guy tries to put a collar on him. 'Mi gente' song played in the background and boy did Spanish make him wild.

The club saw him coming and smirked with his fangs, feeling extremely wild to the Spanish beat of the song. He saw Marinette on the dance stage which surprised him that she's under 18 to be at a nightclub.

She walked up and would often lift her arms left or right and rolled them rapidly forward. She got sideways and moved her hips seductively before lifting her arms up and forward again.

"Wow, she got moves" Cat Noir was mesmerized.

Marinette proceeds by moving her hips faster and lifts her arms over her head again before rolling her head.

This was making him purr like crazy as he joins in with her, synchronizing the moves with her, "Care to battle?" He asked seductively.

"Sure kitty" Marinette smiled.

They started to dance in rhythm, doing the exact same dance movements like stepping sideways and pointing outward with their hands. Marinette steps forward with her hands before crouching down on one leg and the other stretched.

"Meow" Cat Noir did the same too.

"You got some moves, Kitty" Marinette swished her hair.

The feline bumps his hip against hers, making her shiver, "Merci. It seems you bewitched me" He purred.

"Yeah, under a lucky charm spell" Marinette teased.

They proceed to spin one arm on each side before jumping a little. The crowd cheered wildly for the girl and the mysterious feline.

"Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen. You were a pawsome audience" Cat Noir bowed.

"Thank you" Marinette bowed as she and Cat Noir goes to the bar.

"Meow, how did you get past security?" Cat Noir asked.

"Used some magic to give the impression I'm older," Marinette said.

"Bad girl," Cat Noir said and got his glass of milk.

"Yeah" Marinette giggled and drank some water.

"Spanish music makes me very wild," Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, me too," Marinette said.

His tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his lap, "I really love your own dance moves, princess" Cat Noir said.

"Thank you, kitty cat. I hope my nightclub outfit doesn't make my bum look big" Marinette said.

"It makes me meow" Cat Noir purred.

"You bad kitty" Marinette scratched his chin and Cat Noir chuckled.

"Your tail is on my waist" Marinette smirked.

"Oops, seems it got a life of its own" Cat Noir teased.

"You're too funny," Marinette said and drank what's left of her drink.

"I'm starting to like being Cat Noir, princess. It makes me feeline free" Cat Noir purred.

"Wild and free like a panther" Marinette scratched his chin.

"Mmmm... yes" Cat Noir closed his eyes.

Eventually, they left the nightclub together, walking to the alley to have some privacy.

"You really like to get your chin scratched?" Marinette giggled and scratched his chin again.

"I do my princess," Cat Noir said.

"And your tail petted?" Marinette stroked his tail.

"That too, milady" Cat Noir said.

"You really do wanna be petted. I can't believe you haven't been petted for a long time" Marinette scratched his ears.

"Meeeeoooowww" The kitty let out a relaxed meow.

"Good boy" Marinette pets his ears.

"Puuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" He purred so loud that he nuzzled his cheek on her hand, wanting more attention.

"Hehehe.... good boy" Marinette giggled.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning at your place, princess. Your parents are very caring" Cat Noir purred.

"Thank you, Kitty. See you soon" Marinette gives him a peck on the cheek.

Cat Noir licks her cheek slowly, "Meow"

He jumps to the roof and decides to howl at the moon with a meow, "MEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOW!" He meowed loudly at the moon.


The next day, Marinette puts an illusion spell on him to look pure human. She was bringing him to the houseboat to show the girls about the boy she's been with but she hopes they don't freak out about his half-side.

"Oh, this is the guy you were talking about?" A girl wearing pink asked.

"Uh, meow?" Adrien waved shyly.

Marinette removes the illusion spell from him so the girls can see what he is. It took them a few seconds before they screamed in excitement at how cute he is.

"OH MY GOD! So cute!" Alya gasps after seeing his true form.

They all tackled him to feel his ears and tail, making him very uncomfortable by them.

He looked at his princess for help, "Help me please, Princess!" He pleaded.

"You are the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Mylene squealed.

"Please get off me!" Adrien pleaded again.

"Okay, girls. Let him breathe before accidentally claws you" Marinette said and they all did as they were told.

"Were you born like this?" Rose asked.

"Yes, I'm part werecat and human," Adrien said.

"Wait a second. You look familiar" Alya noticed his face from the model magazines years ago, "You're that missing boy, Adrien Agreste."

"That was before these appeared on me." Adrien pointed out his ears and tail.

"It is him" Juleka gasped.

"He's alive!" Alix said.

"But how?" Mylene asked.

Adrien sighed and explained his story about his father giving him away to be executed and he escaped to survive on the streets.

"He did what?!" The girls were shocked.

Adrien flattened his ears, "Yes. He lied to everyone to think I'm dead but the truth is, he couldn't get used to my changes"

"Some father he is," Alya said.

"Yeah, I never want to see him again, no matter how many times his brand appears on the billboards. Anyways, what are your names, ladies?" Adrien said, changing the subject.

"I'm Juleka and this is my best friend Rose" Juleka introduced herself and Rose.

"I'm Mylene," Mylene said.

"The name's Alix," Alix said.

"Alya. Oh my goodness, you looked starved" Alya gasped.

"Yeah, but I got some help from Marinette," Adrien said.

"Look at those fangs and claws," Juleka said, less scared since she likes scary things.

"Yeah, just like cats I use these claws as weapons, though I can't fully retract my claws." Cat Noir demonstrates that he made his claw-like nails a little longer.

"Oh my gosh! We so gotta paint your claws!" Juleka said.

"With black please," Adrien said.

"You've come to the right place" Juleka smiled.
