
Marinette came to her kitty's lair since it's Saturday. She thought of redecorating his lair with technology to keep him sane than becoming a wild animal.

"So what technology do you wish for?" Marinette asked him.

"Some plasma TV, some computer, a gaming console," Adrien said.

"You still remember your childhood?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah, a little" Adrien replied.

"Well, the magic begins. Oh, and it won't connect with electric bills" Marinette begins to do her witch magic.

"Heh, it's like you're related to a genie, a fairy godmother, and a witch" Adrien snickered, "And thanks for making my nine lives better, princess"

"You're welcome, kitty" Marinette pets his ears.

Adrien purred in delight as his witch friend did so. His tail accidentally wrapped her waist, pulling her close.

"Whoa" Marinette gasps in surprise.

"Sorry. My tail has a mind of its own" Adrien joked.

"You sound desperate for attention, kitty," Marinette said.

"You're my first true friend, Marinette," Adrien said.

"That's true. Also, I think you also need a bathroom and a kitchen too. Uh, your tail, please?" Marinette said.

"Oh, sorry" Adrien moves his tail away to let Marinette do her job. She cast her spell to create the kitchen, the bathroom as well a comfy living room.

"Meeeeoooowwwww" He meowed in amazement.

"Ultimate fashion" Marinette joked.

"Impressive Marinette" Adrien admires his home's new look

"No plugs but they can turn on, right?" Adrien asked.

"Oops, about that" Marinette adds plugs.

"What about electricity bills?" Adrien asked.

"My magic prevents that," Marinette said and adds her magic to it.

"Thanks, you're a genius Marinette" Adrien hugged her.

"Someone is very happy" Marinette giggled and played with his tail.

"You saved my mentality" Adrien purred.

"I did. And you're welcome, kitty cat" Marinette said.

"Meow, meow, meow" The cats meowed for food.

"Coming up my babies" Adrien goes to feed the cats.

"Your babies?" Marinette said.

"I call my cats my babies" Adrien explained.

"Oh, I see" replied Marinette.

"Speaking of my cats, do you think you can give them something like house cats would do?" Adrien asked.

"Like some toys or such?" Marinette guessed.

"Yeah, to keep them distracted," Adrien said.

"Merci, princess. Now, this is what I call home" Adrien purred.

"Yeah. It is" Marinette looks around.

" you think the outside will think the workshop is abandoned?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, as long as no one peeks through," Marinette said.

"What if they will?" Adrien said.

"Guess I'll use some camouflage," Marinette said.

"Is there a spell that can do that?" Adrien asked.

"I could try one" Marinette checked her spell book.

Adrien waited while she checked it, "Ah, an illusion spell" Marinette found one.

"A what?" Adrien asked.

Marinette didn't reply and casts the spell. The outside creates an illusion barrier that looks like the workshop is abandoned while the inside looks normal.

"There, no one will suspect," Marinette said and goes on the couch to pet her kitty who needed lots of petting and attention.

"Puuuuurrrrrrr.......What are you doing?" Adrien purred that he liked to be petted.

"Giving the cat the attention, he wants" Marinette pets him between his ears.

"Mmmmmm............. yeah" Adrien closed his eyes purring. His tail swishes back and forth due to his emotions.

"Awwww..... is the kitty purring?" She teased.

"I am" He nuzzled on her.

"My poor kitty" Marinette snickered that he was enjoying this too much.

"Meow" He meowed in happiness.

"Seems I got the perfect witch cat" Marinette joked.

"Do witches always have black cats?" Adrien asked while being petted.

"Yeah, to give bad luck to their enemies" Marinette joked.

"That's what I do," Adrien said.

"I wish there's a spell to make you pure human but this is the real you. Magic works differently like spells, curses, or hexes" Marinette said.

"I don't mind, Princess," Adrien said.

She plays with his tail, stroking it, "Your tail is so fluffy" Marinette giggled.

"Really?" Adrien chuckled.

"It's true. I don't understand why it's covered in black fur while you have human skin" Marinette said.

"Well because I'm half human," Adrien said.

"I understand" Marinette replied.

"There is one thing I discovered when I left my family life. Whenever I get angry, my hands produce some kind of black magic. I call it a cataclysm" Adrien explained.

"What can it do?" Marinette asked.

"It destroys anything I touch," Adrien said.

"I'd be damned" Marinette replied in shock.

"That's why I'm a half-black werecat. I'm bad luck" Adrien said.

"While I'm good luck," Marinette said.

"A white witch," Adrien said.

"Yep," Marinette scratched his chin.

"Puuuuuuurrrrrrr" He purred really loud.

"Awwww..... cute" Marinette couldn't help but giggle.

"I never purred like that" Adrien continues to purr.

"It's really cute," Marinette said.

"Cute?" Adrien blushed.

"Your purring sounds really cute," Marinette said.

"Ummm..... thanks" Adrien blushed.

Later, Adrien was by himself getting the hang of technology that he hasn't had in a long time. Like watching TV for real again. Even with Disney+ too. He even played on the PS5 he's gotten from his witch friend. He missed playing video games when he was a kid. Right before his transformation before his father. His cats seem to love this newly updated home, watching their master play the Stray game. "This game is all about playing a stray cat," He said while playing.

"Meow" His black cat Plagg jumps next to him.
