91 - "When are Daddy and Mommy getting married?"

The meeting couldn't be rushed. After XingXing was settled in the new school, Cheng Huan moved onto the next item on her to-do list.

She planned to buy herself a car.

The business at her restaurant had been well and she had some extra money available. She planned to buy herself a car. She didn't have high standards and her budget was around 10,000 yuan or so. She was going to solicit Jiang MingYuan's opinion but the man said nothing and returned home with a fancy sports car the next day.

Looking at the sky-blue sports car in front of her, Cheng Huan was a bit shocked.

She knew that Jiang MingYuan was rich and that a sports car was nothing to him. But they were just boyfriend and girlfriend after all. She felt a lot of pressure accepting such an expensive gift from him. "Em... I only need a car for transportation. I really don't need something this nice."

"It's last minute so just use this one for now. Let me know if there is something else that you like." Jiang MingYuan ignored her objection. He opened up the door to the passenger seat, shoved Cheng Huan inside, and took the driver's seat himself, started the car and took off.

It was close to the evening and about time that XingXing got out of school. There were already quite a few cars parked outside of the kindergarten; all of them up there in costs. The sports car fit right now. In fact, a 10,000 to 20,000-yuan car would look odd among them.

"All the kids here are from wealthy family and materialistic goods are important to them. If the car that drop him off and pick him is not up there with the rest, he just might be teased," said Jiang MingYuan as he cocked his head and looked at Cheng Huan. "You don't want XingXing bullied, do you?"

Cheng Huan shook her head.

Jiang MingYuan leaned into her, "So do you want this gift then?"


"If you say no, I will have someone dismantle it."

For once, Jiang MingYuan played the role of a domineering CEO. He refused her refusal to accept his gift.

With a car, Cheng Huan signed up to driving school in order to work on her driver's license. She had a license before she had transmigrated so doing it again was no big deal. Everything went well.

Half way down the path of acquiring her driver's license, Jiang MingYuan had already sorted out the relationship between Shen Xi and Mother Jiang. He scheduled a meeting for Cheng Huan after ascertaining that there would be no danger. The other party accepted the invitation immediately.

Shen Xi returned to China when the holidays were over. She was not talented but she didn't give up either and continued to attend her college classes.

Their meeting was set at the coffee shop outside of the university. Cheng Huan spent half a day deciding on what to wear ahead of time. She finally settled on a low-key black trench coat and went to the meeting with her hair down.

It was class time and there weren't very many people inside the coffee shop. Shen Xi was already waiting for her when Cheng Huan arrived. She was dressed trendily and her makeup delicate. She possessed both the youthfulness of a young woman and the charm of a mature woman. The contrast between the two was charming. Perhaps not having enough sleep the night before, she yawned with her hand over her mouth. The unlit cigarette between her fingers made her nails looked more attractive.

She looked intensely at the door and spotted Cheng Huan the second that she walked inside. She made no attempt in hiding the fact she was looking Cheng Huan up and down, studying her.

Cheng Huan walked over to her nervously. She curved her lips upward and reached out her hands at her. "Hi, plea...."

"What's your real name?" Shen Xi cut her off without so much at looking at her hand.

One line from her and she had confirmed what they had suspected. Cheng Huan felt relieved. Reaching out her hand again, she said, "Cheng Huan is my original name as well."

"What a coincidence," said the girl while lifted one corner of her mouth. She placed her hand on top of Cheng Huan's in a perfunctory manner and pulled it back with just one touch. "Me too."

"But I have a different name now. You can call me Shen Xi."

Cheng Huan sat down across from her and smiled. "Hi, Shen Xi."

"Mmm." The girl grunted softly. Looking bored, she turned and looked out of the window. As though appreciating the scenes outside, she said, "Truth is, I have an idea why you wanted to meet up with me. But don't worry. I don't know why we have swapped bodies but I have no intention of returning to my own."

She turned her head back. "Nor am I interested in fighting over your man with you. After all, my sister's family is rich. I have plenty of men to choose from."

"... So what are your plans?"

Jiang MingYuan had told her that her parents were very unhappy with her recent changes and were planning on having another child through artificial insemination.

Shen Xi paused in a bizarre way and her calm demeaner broke a little. After a little while, she started nonchalantly. "Whatever. One step at a time."

She had a positive outlook on things. What she had now was already more than she had expected. No matter what followed, she was still in a better situation than she was before.

Her carefree manner gave Cheng Huan headache. She had always felt that she owed Shen Xi. Now that she seemed to childish to her, Cheng Huan couldn't help but started worrying about her, "You can't just waste away your time like this. Perhaps you can pick up a skill when you are young? That way you will be able to live comfortably even without relying on someone else."

"Maybe." Obviously, Shen Xi wasn't going to be convinced with just a few words from Cheng Huan. She changed the subject after she had responded to her half-heartedly. "Oh yeah, how's that son of mine doing?"

Cheng Huan: "..."

The mentioning of XingXing touched what bothered Cheng Huan the most.

It might not be very appropriate but XingXing, as the person that she had spent the most time with since her transmigration, she was somewhat imprinted on him. The time that they spent together afterward further strengthened their relationship together. She viewed XingXing as real family to her.

One way or another, however, this person in front of her was the real person who had given birth to XingXing. Cheng Huan felt that she as losing grounds in front of her. On the other hand, she was also very upset at how Shen Xi had treated XingXing in the past. She only wished that she could take it out on her for him. The two conflicting emotions battled each other and it was not a pleasant feeling.

The smile disappeared from Cheng Huan and her tone became less enthusiastic. "He's doing well. He started kindergarten."

Shen Xi acknowledged that and then there was silence again.

After a little while, she started again, "I didn't do a good job in the past. I had wronged him."

Cheng Huan didn't say anything.

Shen Xi asked again, "Do you have a picture of him?"

Cheng Huan said she did and, after some hesitation, reluctantly pulled out her cellphone, opened up her album, and slide it over to her.

She had a few individual albums that were all XingXing's photos. She had closed to 100 of them over the past 6 months. Shen Xi looked from one to the next, showing no noticeable emotional changes.

She returned the cellphone back to Cheng Huan after she was done looking at the photos. "He's cute but I don't like him."

Cheng Huan gave her an angry look.

"Why are you staring at me?" Shen Xi tsked. "Looking at him only reminded me of my foolishness when I was young. It only makes me unhappy. So how could I like him?"

Shen Xi reached her arms up and stretched. Standing up, she said to Cheng Huan. "It looks like you like children. Good. I won't have to feel so guilty over it then. I'm going. I have classes in the afternoon. You can pay for this."

Having said that, Shen Xi picked up her purse. She took a few steps before she stopped and walked back to Cheng Huan. "Oh, right. Your mother-in-law doesn't seem to like you much?"

Cheng Huan looked at her and said nothing.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Shen Xi shook her head and patted her on her shoulder. "It's not easy to be the daughter-in-law in an influential family."

She took off for real this time after she finished talking.

Cheng Huan and Shen Xi didn't talk much but Cheng Huan was able to gleam a lot of information out of their meeting. Most importantly, she was certain now that Shen Xi had no intention to fight over her son with her.

She felt ashamed of her own dark side and bought many toys on her way back before she went to pick up XingXing from the school. XingXing was surrounded by the toys as soon as he got inside of the car and was so happy that he didn't even know what to do or say. He kissed Cheng Huan repeated on her cheek, "I love you, Mommy!"

Cheng Huan rubbed the little kiddo on his head with one hand and said, "Mommy loves you too."

She paused for a little, then added, "I love you the most."

"Do you love me more than Daddy does?"

"...  something like that."

"What do you mean by 'something like that'?" XingXing couldn't move around when he was strapped down in his seat but that did not deter him from countering verbally. "Our teacher had said that 'most' mean only one!"

"Why would you teacher teach you something like that?" Cheng Huan felt that that was entirely out of the realm of a kindergarten lower class. Grumbling, she force-changed the subject, "Daddy hired you a teacher. Be polite when you see them in a little while, okay?"

As Cheng Huan had been to Jiang MingYuan's office for a few times, she was considered to be official in Jiang MingYuan's circle. As such, she had been invited out by other ladies.

Cheng Huan had turned them down initially but, after more invitations, she finally went a couple of times. They would inevitably bring their children up. One said her son was taking lessons on two other languages and the other said her daughter had just passed her level 10 examination in piano.

After listening to those for a while, Cheng Huan suddenly realized that XingXing had no extracurricular activities. He was attending an elite school and all of the kids there have had trainings in all areas since an early age. If all XingXing did was work on what he learned from school, for sure he would be looked up down and that would not be good for his development.

As such, for the sake of his healthy development, Cheng Huan and Jiang MingYuan talked about it and decided to hire a music teacher for the little kiddo to each him violin.

The new teacher was a somewhat famed violinist in China. Their name was Lu Lou and they were just 25 years old. Cheng Huan had no idea how Jiang MingYuan was able to hire them.

Jiang MingYuan had a banquet that night and the violin teacher was dropped off by Chi Shan. They've introduced themselves and Lu Luo brought XingXing into their newly-built music room without too much chitchatting.

Cheng Huan was a little worried as it was their first lessons. Not knowing what could go wrong, she waited for 5 minutes before she cut up a plate of fruits and brought it inside. She sat down to one side and never left again. The teacher was serious in her teaching and XingXing's attitude was quite good as well. The two of them got along peacefully and the teacher got up and took off after two hours.

Cheng Huan stood up, "Why don't you have dinner here?"

Lu Luo declined her politely. Cheng Huan, too, did not push the issue and walked them to the door.

Once the door was closed, Cheng Huan asked XingXing how did it go.

"Didn't you see it all, Mommy?" XingXing drank some water as he pouted, obviously still mad at their earlier conversation from the car.

"Mommy is asking whether you enjoy the violin." Even though it was important for the child to have a few talents, but Cheng Huan still wanted to consult XingXing's thoughts to the extent possible.

"Alright, I guess." XingXing didn't seem to care much either way. He had barely got to touch the violin during his two-hour class but he was somewhat interested. The little kiddo rubbed his hand on his pants, picked up a large strawberry from the plate and bit off half of it. He chewed it a couple of times before he pulled out another one and handed it over to Cheng Huan. "This is tasty."

Cheng Huan didn't take it from him. "Don't eat too much. It's almost dinner time."

"Oh," said XingXing as he ate the remaining strawberry.

Jiang MingYuan wasn't home so it was just the two of them having dinner together. They played for a little bit after dinner before the little kiddo went to bath himself.

The little kiddo seemed to have matured a lot over the new year. He now knew that boys and girls are different and that he should not let his mommy watch him bathe.

Her son was shy and there was nothing that Cheng Huan could do about it. She could only wait around outside the bathroom, worried. Luckily, everything went smoothly and XingXing was able to bathe himself.

Whilst he may not want someone of the opposite gender to watch him bathe, he did not have that concern when it came to storytelling. Cheng Huan, sitting next to the bed, the story book in hand, continued reading the story from the night before. XingXing was particularly energetic today and he stayed awake for a long time. By the time Cheng Huan got to the part of the wedding of the elephant and the crow, his eyes were still opened. "Mommy, when are you and Daddy going to get married?"
