49 - And This Was the First Time Jiang MingYuan Has Lectured His Son

Cheng Huan expressed her support for her son's new goal. "Then you better work hard, darling. Only the best of the best can become a sniper."

"I am the best of the best." XingXing was not humble at all.

Cheng Huan, "..."

There was no signal on the plane. Some people went to sleep after dinner and other started chatting with each other softly.

It was by chance that Cheng Huan and Lao Liu's family ran into each other here and both parties were easy-going people. After Lao Liu was done bragging about his heroic youth, he moved onto chatting about businesses with Jiang MingYuan.

Lao Liu was not assigned a job after he left the military. Him and a buddy from the military took over a baren piece of land on a mountain and started growing navel oranges. After over ten years, this piece of what was baren land was now filled with all sorts of fruits. And Lao Liu, on the other hand, had become a well-known fruit king. His fruits were even shipped overseas.

When it came to starting one's own business, Lao Liu would never run out of things to say. Jiang MingYuan had a lot in common with him to talk about. He, too, had started his own business when he was younger. The two hit it off and only wished they had met each other sooner.

The plane landed in the airport of Wingan Island during their quiet conversation.

Wingan Island was the biggest island in this archipelago. It was 300,000 square kilometers in size and very scenic, with a lot of coconut trees.

The two families had hit it off and have the same destination so they have made plans to hang out together. Cheng Huan, having completed the paperwork, pushed in front of her the two oversized suitcases. Jiang MingYuan, next to her, carried his sound-asleep son in one arm and another suitcase in the other.

Wingan Island was very close to the ocean and the harbor was just some ten minute bus ride away from the airport.

There was already a cruise ship parked by the harbor. The cruise ship was very tall, standing some 60-70 meters above the water. Jiang MingYuan walked onto the cruise ship with Cheng Huan and a few servers walked up to them. They addressed him respectfully as "Mr. Jiang" before they took the suitcases from them and showed them up.

The cruise ship has a total of 16 floors and Jiang MingYuan booked the rooms in the top floor while Lao Liu's family was on the 10th floor. The two families parted ways half way through and made plans to meet up again the next day.

When they have reached the top floor, the server handed them two key cards, opened up the room doors, placed their suitcases inside, and waited to one side respectfully.

Jiang MingYuan sent them away, walked inside the room, placed XingXing on the bed, removed his shoes and pulled the blanket over him.

The room was a suite. There was a living room, a bedroom, a study, and a bathroom. Cheng Huan took a tour around the room and was shocked by the bathtub that was large enough to swim inside.

Was this what life of the riches look like?

Her heart shuddered. She felt that this trip was very different than what she had imagined.

"XingXing can sleep with me tonight. I'll give him a bath when he wakes up. You must be tired too. You should get some rest as well." Settling down his son, Jiang MingYuan came over and said, "Red Coral Island is still eight hours away from here. Go to bed and we will be there when you wake up tomorrow."

He walked over to Cheng Huan. The light in the room softened his otherwise fierce look, making it seemed very tender. "Let's go. I'll show you to your room."

Looking at him, Cheng Huan nodded dumbfoundedly. "Okay."

Cheng Huan's room was right next door but the two rooms looked very different. Jiang MingYuan's one was very simplistic but this one was Medieval styled. The lights on the wall were not very bright and made the paintings on the wall seemed scary.

Cheng Huan was intimidated. She didn't like the room and wanted to swap room with Jiang MingYuan.


Before she was done talking, Jiang MingYuan found the light switch and turned the light on. With a loud BAP!, the dim and ghastly room suddenly became nice and bright.

The room only seemed scary when it was dark. Now that she could see the entire room, she could tell how grand it was.

Immediately in front of them was a living room. It looked to be 80 ~ 90 square meters in size. The ceiling was very high and there were complicated carvings on it. They looked like a group of angels with wings. Their wings were white and flawless. They were wearing white, long robes with golden adornments around their necks and arms. Cheng Huan looked at the closely, wondering whether the adornments were made out of real gold.

"Everything in this room is real." As though he could read her mind, Jiang MingYuan said.

Cheng Huan's eyes widened and looked away from the armband. She looked around the room and, walking inside, the plush carpet was incredibly soft. So soft that she could hardly steady herself in her heels. She took off her heels and walked over to an oil painting. "This is real too?"

"I believe the artist was Repin."

Cheng Huan had never heard of the name before. "Is he very famous?"

"You can say that." Jiang MingYuan briefly told her about the painter. He was a very well-known painter from 200 years ago.

Letting out her admiration, Cheng Huan walked over to another oil painting. "What about this one?"

"That one was by Braun. He was a very spiritual painter. He painted this when he was just 20 years old." The oil painting was the back of a woman in a red dress. Most of her back was exposed and her skin was white and shiny. Her head was lifting high up and her shoulder blades spread out like butterfly wings. There were sharp, black feathers coming out of her skin as well. The combination of red, white, and black were strong and contrasting.

Cheng Huan stood in front of the painting for a very long time. She reached out and touched the shoulder blade of the girl. She could almost feel the wing growing out of her back. "She is so beautiful."

Jiang MingYuan did not comment. The oil paintings were nothing special to him. As a business man, he was used to measuring things by their monetary value. The only reason he even remembered this painting was because it was auctioned for a very high amount.

"You should go to bed. You don't want to oversleep tomorrow."

"Alright." Cheng Huan pulled her hand back. She took one last look at the woman in the painting and made a joke to Jiang MingYuan. "I am afraid that I won't be able to fall asleep in such a luxurious place."

"Don't worry," said Jiang MingYuan as he frowned slightly. "If you damaged anything, I can afford to pay for them."

Was that her point?

Cheng Huan stared at the man who seemed like he was telling the truth and was speechless. She let out a sigh and shrugged. "Alright. You get some rest too. Goodnight."

Jiang MingYuan nodded, ran back into his room and brought over the large suitcase before he said goodnight to her again and walked out of the room.

After the room door was closed, Cheng Huan let out another sigh. She opened up the suitcase and took out a set of change of clothes. Walking into the bathroom, she walked past the bathtub that was large enough to swim inside and took a shower.

There were toiletries inside of the bathroom that were still new in shrink. Cheng Huan had never seen those brands before. She opened up a bottle of shower gel, poured some out into her palm and sniffed.

It didn't smell half bad.

Feeling better, she lathered up the shower gel and applied it onto her body. The shower gel lathered up nicely and the scent lingered for a long time. Cheng Huan could still smell the elegant fragment after she had finished showering.

The bedroom was joined to the bathroom and, just like the living room, was also very resplendent. Even the legs of the night table were coated in gold.

Lying in the bed and staring at the colorful painting on the ceiling, Cheng Huan felt a lot of pressure. What happened if the paintings turn into live people after she had fallen asleep?

She laid in bed with all sorts of crazy thoughts going through her mind. Sensing that there was no more movements inside the room, the motion-sensored light in the room turned itself off and the room returned to its original darkness. The cruise ship travelled forward stably and didn't seem to be much different than on land. Cheng Huan closed her eyes. She thought she might not be able to fall asleep but, contrarily to her belief, she had fallen asleep soundly.

She woke up at 6:30 AM the next day. The sun had just gone up and wasn't blindingly bright.

Cheng Huan had on her strapped nightgown. She got up and pulled open the curtains. The warm glow of the morning sun poured down on the window sill and made one feel calm and relaxed.

Outside of the window was endless ocean. Cheng Huan opened up the window and the sea breeze brought about a salty and humid smell. Cheng Huan stretched in front of the window and heard a knocking on the door when she was just about to look for her shoes. She seemed to also hear the faint call from XingXing.

There was such plush carpet on the floor that she could walk around in her bare feet. She randomly grabbed a jacket, put it over herself, and went to answer the door.

The father and son were standing outside of her door with XingXing following behind Jiang MingYuan. He dashed inside the room as soon as the door open. "Mommy, where's my little frog."

Jiang MingYuan didn't stop his son on time. He gave Cheng Huan an embarrassed look and explained, "Did we wake you up? XingXing won't use the toothbrush they've provided here."

"It's fine. I have just gotten up anyway." Cheng Huan smiled and let him in. She turned around and caught up to her son who was running around madly. "Hang on. Let me look for it for you."

When XingXing said little frog, he was referring to his toothbrush and toothpaste. The toothbrush and toothpaste were a set and they both have a frog logo on them. In a certain sense, XingXing was very loyal. He had gone through a few toothbrushes that looked exactly the same, down to their colors.

After putting some toothpaste on the toothpaste for her son so his father could take him to brush his teeth, Cheng Huan closed the door and was about to get dressed.

She had already checked the temperature here in advance and only brought with her spring and summer outfits. The dress that she had put on was strapped and dropped all the way down to her ankles. The dress was made out of silk and the material was very light. When the wind blew, the hem of the dress would rise up, making her both pretty and elegant.

After she had changed and gotten ready, Cheng Huan straightened up her hair and applied some makeup. The temperature was a bit high on the island so she only applied a light makeup, looking almost like she had none on. After she had applied her makeup, Jiang MingYuan came knocking onto her door at the perfect time.

Cheng Huan put down her lipstick and went to open up the door. The man had the child with him and both of them were already dressed.

"Would you like to have some breakfast? There's a buffet on the 11th floor. If you don't feel like going there, we can also order room service." Looking at her, Jiang MingYuan felt that he was stunned once again. Recollecting himself, he said, "Their seafood porridge is quite good."

"We can go downstairs." Cheng Huan didn't want to stay in the room all day. She picked up the room key after she was done talking.

With her dress on and without a purse, Cheng Huan couldn't find anywhere to put her room key. Jiang MingYuan took a look, took the room key from her, and put it inside of his own pocket. He pushed the child toward her and said, "He missed you."

This was the first time that XingXing hasn't slept with his mother in the last few months and he wasn't used to it. He went over to her and wanted to tug on her dress and act kittenish.

Her dress cut was down to her chest and with a tug, the top of her breasts could easily be exposed. Jiang MingYuan quickly grabbed onto his son to avoid his mother from being embarrassed.

He drummed on his son's head and pulled him aside. This was the first time he had lectured his son. "Let us know what you want verbally, not through your actions."
