3 - Two Eggs

Cheng Huan wasn't into reading novels. She only flipped through this particular one a little bit because it was recommended by one of her girlfriends, and the female supporting character, who had the same name as her, was too awful and was always able to muck things up so she wanted to see how bad it could get.

The male lead of the novel lost his father at an early age and took over the extensive family business in his twenties. But as he was too young to earn respect from the others, he was kicked aside by some of the "elders" for a few years.

The male lead laid low for a while and pretended he was a no-good, rich second-generation playboy. Once he was ready, he got rid of everyone who stood against him with lightning speed and became the sole power in his corporate empire.

During the few years that he was laying low, many had plotted against him. There were nonstop strings of people sent by others to get close to him, to seduce him, and wanted nothing but to drag him into an abyss that he'd never be able to get out of.

It was because of those experiences that he had lost faith in others and was not even able to be honest and sincere with his own mother.

That's when the female lead got closed to him. According to the novel – she was naïve but not stupid, kind but not blind. She burned her way into the male lead's heart like a wildfire.

The two of them underwent many obstacles, from the family objecting the two of them being together, to the muddling of the female supporting character, to the second male lead trying to get the female lead, to the male lead's corporation being at risk. They have arguably gone through every cliché idea one could find in novel history before the two could finally be together toward the very end of the book.

And the name of the villainess female supporting character who tried to fight over the male lead with the female lead was Cheng Huan.

In the novel, Cheng Huan set the male lead up and had a one-night stand with him. She got pregnant and gave birth to the child, but oddly, did not go looking for the male lead for him to do his fatherly duties.

This lasted until the female supporting character ran into male lead inadvertently when she attended a banquet with her employer. She noticed that everybody there was trying to kiss up to this man and got ideas again. She dumped the employer that she had spent some time to secure and sought out the male lead with her son in tow.

The male lead wasn't young anymore, and his mother has been pining to have a grandchild so she kept the child after receiving the DNA test result.

Even though the male lead's mother kept the child, she still has the deeply-rooted values of the class system. She didn't care for the female lead, who came from a regular family, and definitely not the female supporting character who gave birth to a child out of wedlock and would under no circumstances allow her to move in with them.

The female supporting character's goal was to become the wife in a prestigious family so no way she'd consent to just letting them take the child away from her. Seeing that the male lead's mother's angle was a flop, she took her child away again but would use the child missing his father as an excuse and brought him to the male lead's office on a regular basis.

By then, the female lead already had feelings for the male lead, and this situation broke her heart repeatedly and made her sad all the time outside of work.

A male supporting character at the office, who had feelings for the female lead, couldn't allow his goddess to be sad, so he'd always try to stand between the male lead and the female supporting character when she came to visit. He even told her in private that the male lead had already found someone, and they were about to get married.

That had infuriated the female supporting character. She impulsively busted into male lead's office and wanted to find out the truth.

The male lead was a workaholic who hated being disturbed while he was working. He completely ignored the female supporting character and had security throw her out.

The female supporting character, after being thrown out, was convinced that what she had heard was true. She had already seen what life was like in a prominent family and refused to go back to her regular life. She thought about it for a while and came up with another idea.

The child was young and not of the best of health. The female supporting character would keep him and get sick intentionally and always asked the male lead to go visit him.

She didn't have a lot of feelings toward her child and was only using him as a tool. She kept the child ill in order to continue getting closed to the male lead.

The child was fragile from the beginning so a common cold escalated into serious pneumonia. When the male lead realized that something was wrong and brought the child to the hospital it was already too late. The child had suffered organ failure and died on the surgical table.

That's why Cheng Huan had given up on reading the book. She understood that the author needed to get rid of all obstacles between the male and female leads, but she didn't care for her achieving that by treating a child that way, albeit doing it through the hands of the female supporting character.

Comparing her memories with the story bit by bit, Cheng Huan was certain that her earlier speculation was correct.

There was a part in the story when the female supporting character brought the kid over and before the result from the DNA analysis was out, Mother Jiang was certain the boy was her grandchild from the birthmark alone.

In Mother Jiang's words, the kid looked like a clone of her son when he was a child, and they even have the same birthmark at the same spot. He must be her grandson.

Cheng Huan wasn't too affected by the confirmation that she had transmigrated into a character in a book.

The whole transmigration was metaphysical enough. It didn't really matter whether she had transmigrated into another individual or a character in a book. At the end of the day, she'd have to go on.

The original owner was in the habit of relying on others, but Cheng Huan did not have that habit. In her own world, she was able to buy her own house at a tier 2 city five years after her graduation relying on nobody else but herself.

She even considered having a child with the help of a sperm bank. Well, now that she has an instant child, she could skip that step too.

Cheng Huan opened up the lid on the pot and added some cold water inside. Looking on the bright side, this was not entirely bad.

Whether it was for her or for the child.

The ingredients she had on hand were very limited, so Cheng Huan was only able to make a bowl of noodles plus the two eggs, but with her years of cooking experience, nothing she made could taste too bad.

She wasn't sure what XingXing liked, so she prepared the two eggs differently – one was sunny side up and the other easy over.

The sunny side up one was a perfect oval shape with the egg white in a thin layer with a hint of gold. The egg yolk was right smacked in the center of it all. Its rim was a darker color and the color lightened up progressively as it got more and more towards the middle. Through the thin layer of membrane, one could almost see the egg yolk churning inside slowly.

The easy over wasn't as pretty in its look, but both sides were golden brown and radiating an irresistible aroma.

Placing the two eggs on top, Cheng Huan carried the bowl into the bedroom.

XingXing was sitting in bed facing the door with the bath towel over his stomach. When he saw her, the little kiddo jumped right up, forgetting even to hold onto the towel.

"Mom!" Butt naked, he ran over to Cheng Huan. Staring at the content in the bowl, he gulped and said, "It smells so good!"

"You must be hungry. Food is ready."

Cheng Huan placed the bowl onto the table, cleared out some space, picked the little kid up, and placed him on the chair.

"Okay, you can eat now."

The little kiddo did not move after she had said that. Grabbing the spoon awkwardly, he picked up a few strands of noodles, looked up at Cheng Huan, and said, "Mom, you eat."

Cheng Huan stroked him on his head and said, "Mom ate already. XingXing should have some."

The original owner had attended a banquet and had already eaten. She took her anger out on the child after she had gone home and let him go hungry on purpose.

Recalling the content and the ending of the novel, Cheng Huan felt even more tender affection toward the child. She picked up the pair of chopsticks, pinched off a small piece of the egg, and fed it to him.

"Is it good?"


The little kid was drooling as he ate. He squinted his eyes happily and smiled at Cheng Huan like a little fool.


"Yeah?" Cheng Huan took over the duty of feeding him and picked up a few strands of noodles to feed to him.

XingXing just smiled at her. He finished the noodles in his mouth and called out to her again, "Mom."

"I am right here."

The two of them carried on the feeding and eating task. Every time XingXing finished a mouthful of food he'd call her again, and Cheng Huan responded to him every time without any impatient feelings.


XingXing was full after half a bowl of noodles. He jumped onto the floor in his bare feet and threw his arms around one of Cheng Huan's legs.

"Mommy." He looked up. "I am so happy!"
