29 ~ Into the Boys' School

. : Laura of Neverland : . 

Laura slid into the large open hall. It had been the ballroom back when it was the School for Good. It had been coated in sheer glass and beautiful golden ceilings. The floors were an ancient oaken wood. Laura knew her mother must've loved it when she attended.

Evelyn had insisted on remodelling the historic ballroom when she stepped in as Dean of Good, and now, instead of the classic Good design, it was draped with blue fabrics and quartz butterflies. The curtains were open, letting in the weak orange evening light. 

The ballroom was filled with girls, and Laura walked amongst them until she found who she was looking for lurking at the back of the crowd.

Hester, Dot, and Andil were huddled together, whispering furiously. Laura approached them and they turned to face her, all of them in identical blue uniforms.

Laura lowered her voice. "Sophie and Agatha are back, but Evelyn knows."

Hester let out a groan. "That meddling witch is going to ruin everything. I want to go back to evil."

Laura nodded her agreement. "This is a welcoming party for the girls."

Dot hummed. "We need Tedros and Agatha to kiss to get the world back to normal, right?"

Laura narrowed her eyes. "We do, and I have a contact who can guide her to Tedros once she is in the Boys' castle."

Trumpets blared through the room and Laura turned as Evelyn burst in, waving her arms to dim the room. Agatha and Sophie followed close behind, noticeably cleaner than when they had arrived.

Laura slid to the side, blending in next to a blue curtain. She would wait for her opportunity to speak to Agatha alone.

The multitude of school girls stepped into a dance, circling around Agatha and Sophie, music playing from a hidden source until they came to a stop. The girls all quickly lined up, and Laura watched as they began giving gifts to them. Sophie accepted gracefully, cooing over each one. Laura narrowed her eyes on Agatha as she was slowly surrounded. 

Laura stepped into action, weaving through the girls as though they were nothing more than Neverland trees. She linked her hand onto Agatha and gently tugged her through the throng until they were on the outside of the circle.

"Thank you," Agatha breathed. "I despise crowds."

Laura smiled. "I know, and I have a way to get you into the other castle if you want to see Tedros."

Agatha's eyes widened. "You can get me in? I just want to speak to Tedros, and see what has happened. I don't want to hurt Sophie."

Laura glanced over Agatha's shoulder at the blonde girl, who was flitting her way around the crowd, accepting gifts with a grace that Laura envied. She had always struggled with accepting gifts as a child and it had irritated her parents. 

"I can get you in."


When Laura returned, there was already a letter waiting for her on her bed. She grinned to herself and snatched it off her bed. It turned out Sebastian had the same thought. 

She skimmed the contents, recognizing his surprisingly neat scrawl, before folding it and tucking it into the pocket of her uniform. Sebastian would be waiting in the tunnel at midnight to take Agatha into the castle. 

"Why are you grinning like a fool?" Agatha questioned.

Laura flinched. She hadn't heard the girl come in behind her. Laura squashed her smile. "Sebastian will be waiting for you in the tunnel to take you to the Boys' Castle. 

Agatha nodded and glanced at Laura as she sat on the bed across from her. "I am doing the right thing, aren't I?"

Laura shrugged, her magic turmoiling at the question. Of course, she was doing the right thing. The world relied on the balance between Good and Evil to fuel life into it, but she couldn't tell Agatha about that. "Everyone's right thing is someone's wrong thing. The world does not like having boys and girls pitted against each other. It has always been good and evil, and should not be anything other."

A half-truth, perhaps, but a necessary one.


Laura and Agatha dashed down the darkened halls of the school. Laura's footsteps were silent, blending in with the glass floor like leaves in the forest. Agatha's clumps clicked loudly, but not enough to draw attention, with all the professors tucked away into bed for the night.

Both girls were dressed in dark cloaks over the loose pale blue sheep's pyjamas. Laura led the way, a tiny flame dancing over her hand to light the way, her magic purring at the sensation of finally being used. Evelyn was far too nosy to risk using her magic unless necessary, but it certainly was a drain on Laura's body.

 Laura pressed the hidden button behind the display of Cinderella's glass slipper, and a hidden door slid open. "Come on, we will be there soon, just make sure to be quiet and watch your step."

Agatha nodded, and together the two girls entered the drafty cobblestone stairwell. Laura led the descent, holding her flame in one hand, and Agatha's hand in the other. The stairs were damp, most likely from the rain earlier in the evening, and Laura could smell the fresh air from some open draft. 

They hit the bottom of the staircase and Laura stepped forward, her feet soft on the cold floor. Agatha's hand was clammy in her grasp. Her flames danced off the walls, lighting the cave walls with daunting shadows.

They entered the long stretch, and Laura let out a tiny sigh of relief to see Sebastian at the other end, waiting with a small fire lantern. She had heard rumours that the boys' school was getting increasingly violent, and Laura worried the fellow sage may have gotten caught.

"You're late," Sebastian spoke, his accent light and airy. A cheeky grin sat on his face and he still wore the maroon uniform of the school, though he wore a cloak over top. 

Laura rolled her eyes, and stepped forward, taking her hand out of Agatha's.

"Agatha," Sebastian spoke. "It's lovely to see you alive and well."

Agatha snorted. "Other than half the world wanting my head, I've never been better." 

Laura smiled. "I'll be waiting here for when you're done, just make sure you return before sunrise."

Agatha nodded. "You'll be okay down here?"

Laura let the flame on her hand grow a little bigger and warm her soul. "I'll be okay." 

Agatha tilted her head once to Laura, and Laura found herself surprised by the queenly sign of respect. Agatha walked across the tunnel to join Sebastian, and as the two turned to walk toward the Boys' castle, Sebastian glanced back.

Laura made eye contact and nodded as unspoken words passed between them. Keep her safe. She's the best chance we have at restoring the balance. 



Here you go darlings, another chapter for today. I hope you all enjoy!

Until next time,

