8 ~ Ancient History

. : Sebastian of Havfrue : .

"So what, you overheard them talking about magic? Dovey is a fairy godmother, and Laura-- no matter how evil she may be-- is still an incredibly skilled Igni," Tedros clambered down the stairs of the tower next to Sebastian. "Of course, she is going to talk about magic."

They were both sweaty, having just left the gym, and Sebastian's white button-up clung to his chest underneath his cornflower blue jacket. He found himself shifting against the damp fabric, and uncomfortable. Still, he noticed that as they approached the History of Heroism classroom, and the girls joined their crowd in their pink dresses, they were eyeing him. He was almost embarrassed by the way he turned to catch the light. It felt so natural. Internally, he rolled his eyes. He was nearly as bad as his father.

"It was the secretive way they did it," Sebastian responded. "They were whispering, and the second they found me eavesdropping, I found myself in shit. They didn't want to be overheard, and Dovey was pissed at me."

Tedros led the way into the classroom, and into a two-person desk near the back. He took his seat before saying anything more. "Maybe they just didn't want to be overheard by you. It's not like you, your family, or your kingdom are known for their open acceptance of magic. I understand where your parents are coming from, but I wouldn't want the person who is leading the charge against my home to overhear me discussing the thing they want to kill."

Sebastian huffed once, and took his seat, before scanning the classroom. His eyes landed on the back of Laura's head and he instinctively snarled. She had obviously begun to recover from the action of quenching the fire. Her skin had taken a rosy tint, and for once, she didn't look freezing cold in the uniform. He reached his hand into the pocket of his jacket and ran his thumb over the vial necklace she had been wearing when she passed out. He had spent the majority of the evening pouring over his textbooks until he was fairly certain it was pixie dust.

Sebastian didn't know how to use pixie dust, and it was a banned substance in Havfure. Despite all this, he was aware that it was one of the main substances Kendrick was looking to trade through the Havfrue harbour. He had no magic experience and was not about to start playing around with it. He squeezed it tight, and swore to himself, that he would keep it until he needed a favour from her.

He thought back to yesterday, thinking over the other things he had managed to hear. They obviously knew each other, judging by the tone, they had been friends for a long time. Sebastian's eyes widened as he watched Laura. He had no idea how old she actually was. She looked his age, but Neverland stopped your aging. She could be centuries old.

"You are far too reasonable sometimes," Sebastian responded to Tedros. "I am sure there is something happening, and I want to know what it is."

Then there was the matter of Lexus. Sebastian was fairly certain he knew who that was. It had been his first actual kill in that war. The man had been a good fighter, but had stumbled and Sebastian had gotten his sword right through his heart. It was the closest it could've been to humane.

Her voice when she said she was going to kill them... Sebastian was beginning to wonder if they were going to regret this war. That girl was dangerous, and he had a target on his back-- both from stealing the pixie dust and from killing her lover.

"You are far too bullheaded sometimes," Tedros responded, the wide grin on his face showing that there was no malice behind it. "Just let it go. Soon enough, the Ingi will be transformed into some meaningless shrub and you can destroy it. Besides she might not be as bad as you think-- she is in our school."

Sebastian shook his head, eyes beating into the back of her head. She was sitting with the reader-- the one who had swapped places with the good student. They were speaking in soft voices, and Sebastian couldn't make out what they were saying over the intense chatter around him.

"I think you are underestimating her Tedros, she is dangerous."

How hard would it be to just destroy the pixie dust? He could use it to figure out how to destroy the magic of Neverland.

He squeezed the vial tightly. It was uncomfortably warm in his pocket. Maybe this was where the Ingi got her power from. He dismissed the thought immediately. If everyone got their powers from pixie dust, then everybody would need vials of them. Sebastian had only ever seen it used by humans for flight.

As if she could hear his thoughts, Laura twisted to look at him. Sebastian's eyes widened, and he snatched his hand out of his pocket, attempting to look innocent. She narrowed her eyes and her face dropped into a frown.

She had to know he had taken it.

"Please quiet down students."

She turned back around and turned her gaze to the professor. Sebastian heaved out a sigh. That was far too close. He had to figure out what to do with the necklace soon.

Sebastian moved his gaze to Professor August Sader. The man had pale silver hair and hazel eyes, that were blotted out by a milky texture. He wore an emerald green suit and a matching tie, and he scanned the classroom with a smile on his fae-- as though he could see them all despite being blind.

His eyes paused on Sebastian and Tedros, and Sebastian couldn't help himself from shifting in his seat. It felt the same as when his grandfather-- the King of the Eastern Sea-- scrutinized him. The narrowing of the brows, the half-suppressed frown, and the odd way his eyes moved. It was as if he could see his future.

Finally, he looked away and Sebastian let out another breath. He wasn't sure how much longer he could have the man staring at him.

"Welcome to History of Heroism. I am Professor August Sader, and I teach this course and a course in the School for Evil. l will only be here every other week, so you will be taught by heroes from the woods when I am not present."

Sebastian shifted in his seat, and Tedros nudged him. "Stop moving. I don't know why you are so anxious but you are going to fall off the chair if you don't stop."

Sebastian let out a deep breath and attempted to calm himself down. He had to know what was going on. After what magic did to his older sister, he needed to stop Laura in her tracks.

"We are going to start our lesson on the famous ever kingdoms. Although there are many ever kingdoms, there are three ancient ones that are also the most important. Camelot, which is located where the northern forests meet the endless desert. Havfrue, which is on the eastern sea. Then there is Villaneuve, which is located high it the murmuring mountains."

Sader took one look at the class and smiled. "Funnily enough, we have the heirs to all three kingdoms in this classroom."

Sebastian stiffened up. He glanced at Tedros, who was also wide-eyed. Fortunately, Beatrix spoke up.

"Sir? There is no heir to Villaneuve, there hasn't been in over thirty years."

That's what Sebastian thought too. His father had been a kid when Villaneuve lost both its heirs in under a year. The son— Crown Prince Gabriel— had died of sudden sickness. His younger sister— Princess Colette— was the spare, and had taken Prince Gabriel's place, just to end up being the only victim in a fire that destroyed the west wing of the palace.

Everybody in his generation knew this story. Now, the King and Queen lived alone, with no living family to speak of. Nobody knew who would become the monarch when they died.

Sader paused, and Sebastian concluded that he had to be insane.

"That is my mistake. I knew the heirs years ago, and sometimes forget that they are deceased,"

Tedros rolled his eyes at Sebastian. "What a crackpot."

Sebastian nodded in agreement as Sader continued his lesson. He was evidently losing it if he thought anyone could survive a fire.

"Each of these kingdoms has some sort of artifact, that will only present to the rightful heir of the kingdom. Prince Tedros, what is the artifact for Camelot?"

Sebastian watched as Tedros straightened, aware of the attention on him.

"It's Excalibur, my father's sword,"

"Correct, and you, Prince Sebastian?"

Sebastian swallowed, and he could feel his face heating up as everyone turned to watch him.

"It's Menotin, it's a shield that has a crab engraved on it. It's said to be made of the hardest steel and made for peacebringers. My father has it now."

His eyes flickered to Laura as she frowned. Peacebringer was a little ironic.

"And Villeneuve? How about you Beatrix? Do you know what it is?"

Sader walked towards the blonde girl and Sebastian watched her shake her head.

"I'm sorry," Beatrix's face was pink. Sebastian hesitated watching her. She would be a great queen one day. His dad had told him to keep an eye out for anyone who could become a queen one day. "I don't know."

Sader frowned, and bounced to the dark-skinned girl sitting next to her. "Reena, do you know?"

The girl shook her head as well, and Sader clicked his tongue in disappointment. He paced around the room. Sebastian watched him bounce from person to person.

He found himself happy that he had gotten asked the Havfrue question since he had no idea what the Villeneuve artifact would be.

"Laura of Neverland? Do you have any ideas?"

Sebastian felt his brows furrow. She had been keeping her gaze down, fiddling with her paper, but now she looked up at Sader and made direct eye contact.

"It's a rose brooch," Her voice was soft and filled the room like honey. Sebastian ran a hand over his hair. His mother had always said it looked like pomegranates. "It's a symbol of acceptance and appreciation, and is said to give the rightful heir control over the kingdom's walls."

Sader smiled at her, and Sebastian honed his gaze in on her. Why would she know that? Unless she was originally from Havfrue. That didn't make any sense, because she was from Neverland. Then again, Sebastian narrowed his eyes, his father had said that Neverland was a place of cowards, where only those who had something to run from went. It was a place for people to hide and escape their future.

So maybe, Laura wasn't born in Neverland. And maybe, if he had more information on her, and where she came from, he could bring her down.

Sebastian frowned as she shifted in her seat. Somehow, he was going to bring her down, not matter what it took.
