24 ~ The School for Boys

. : Sebastian of Havfrue : .

At this point, Sebastian had had more than enough of Laura pushing him out of things. It had only been twice, but how many times did a person need to topple out of a window or be pushed off of a bridge before it became all too much?

His body plummeted, and panic seized him, the cold wind ripping through his hair. Beneath him, the lake thrashed angrily, as if sensing his distress. A tight buzzing wrapped around him, tangling with the water magic.

He focused his eyes on the window, and Laura jumped out after him, her body plummeting as well. He was fairly certain she was laughing. She angled her body and soon was right next to him.

"Feel the buzzing?" She asked. She didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "Grab it."

Sebastian did as he was told, and groaned as whiplash shot through him as his fall stopped.

Laura hovered next to him. "Come on, we have to hurry."

They flew side by side, the magic carrying them as fast as it could toward the Evil castle. They swiftly surpassed the Evers and dropped down, heading in the front doors.

Laura landed neatly, scarcely making a sound. Sebastian tripped and would've faceplanted if it weren't for Laura's arm grabbing his hand and tugging him up.

"Let's go." She took off, running around debris and shattered glass. For a second Sebastian admired her nimbleness. He had been trained to run in a straight line to attack, and she darted around. Likely due to the forest nature of Neverland.

Sebastian ran after her, as quietly as he could. Behind him, he could hear the Evers approaching the doors.

He slid inside the massive Evil Hall, following Laura. Agatha was bargaining with Sophie.

Seconds before the Evers entered, Agatha took Sophie's hand, and they swept into a dance.

Sebastian blinked in surprise as Tedros stormed in, only to freeze in betrayal.

"No, Tedros! Don't trust her! It's a trap!" Agatha cried out, twisting away from Sophie.

Sebastian watched Tedros' inner turmoil, his emotions thrashing against his face. "I knew you were a witch, I never should've trusted you. I knew it all along."

"Tedros, don't you trust me?" Agatha wept, still trying to break out of Sophie's grip.

"That's what my mother said to my father, I will not make the same mistake," Tedros' eyes welled up. "But I'm worse than him because I still love you."

Sebastian inhaled sharply, looking at Laura, who had also frozen against the wall, neither of them had been noticed yet.

At his word, arrows flew out from the army of Evers, but just as one was about to spear Agatha's chest, Sophie's finger glowed, and the barrage turned to daisies.

Sebastian cowered internally. The Evers had just made a huge mistake.

"Never good at those challenges, were you Teddy? Good thing Evil was here to save the day. But what happens when Evil becomes good?"

Tedros collapsed, making a reach for Agatha, who recoiled, sobbing.

Behind them, Evil turned to Good and Good turned to Evil, their appearance shifting until they resembled each other.

With a loud shout, the Evers launched themselves at the Nevers. Various forms of magic and weapons flashed throughout the room, the battle making Sebastian's jaw tighten.

Agatha glared definitely at Sophie. "You forgot one thing, this is a fairy tale. Good always wins."

"Not if I change the ending," Sophie snarled, and dashed out of the room, likely heading for the Storian. Agatha dashed after her.

Sebastian glanced at Laura. "Stop the fight, I'll help Agatha!"

Laura nodded, and her hands were instantly ablaze. Sebastian saw no more, ducking out of the hall after the girls. He was faintly aware of three witches following him and he ran out of the wide doors, towards the lake.

He snatched the magic and pulled the lake up, using it as a threat.

"I will kill you all," He snarled, ignoring the way it burned his insides to pull at the magic.

The three witches stumbled back, beady eyes focused on him. "We are here to help Agatha," The tallest snapped back. "We don't want Sophie to win any more than you do."

Sebastian hesitated but allowed them to approach. One by one, their finger glows lit up, and Agatha-- who was currently scaling the castle.

Far behind them, the Evers had turned the tide of the battle, villains trapped and turned back into their ugly selves. Fire flickered inside the hall, signs that Laura had been helping the fight.

The first witch raised her hand, and Sophie's ugly little henchman, which had been flying around, shooting arrows at Agatha, plummeted down into the lake.

Agatha hung by one wooden arrow, a few bricks below the window.

Sebastian focused his concentration on his magic, and raised his hands, sending the lake water flying up toward Agatha. It paused below her and Sebasitna pushed it up, taking Agatha with it to the window.

She reached inside the School Master's tower and Sebastian let out a breath, only to pause when Agatha fell backward, gripping Sophie tightly.

They both plummeted into the lake, their bodies sending up a massive splash. Sebastian made a massive wave, pulling them to the edge of the sand. His body was approaching uncomfortably warm.

A tall slim figure, with a grotesque elderly face, trudged through the swamp toward the two girls.

Sebastian stumbled back, to where the fighting had slowed, most students noticing the peculiar figure.

Laura appeared almost instantly beside him. Besides a tiny cut on her forehead, she looked energized. Sebastian nearly envied her. He was struggling to stand after such extensive usage of the magic.

"You of all people should know what happens when you interfere with true love," the tall man hissed, and Sebastian recoiled, realizing that this was the School Master. The water magic thrashed, but Sebastian couldn't tell if it was attacking the School Master or attempting to persuade Sebastian to run.

"You'll never have her!" Agatha shouted.

The School Master let out a scream and threw the Storian at Agatha. Before it could make contact, Sophie dove in front of her, the Storian embedding itself in Sophie's heart.

Sebastian inhaled sharply as all movement froze. Agatha let out a cry and gathered Sophie into her arms.

The silver logo for the school rose off of Sebastian's shirt and he stared, stunned as the ghost of the Good School Master hovered above them.

"Brother?" The Evil School Master stammered. Instantly, he turned and fled, appearing like a shadow darting across the lake.

The Good School Master flew after him, and snatched him, tearing him to black shreds.

Sebastian turned his gaze back to Agatha, who was now cradling Sophie gently.

"Agatha--" Sophie choked out, her eyes gentle. 'I love you."

Agatha let out a cry as Sophie shut her eyes and slipped beyond. Gently, still sobbing, Agatha pressed a kiss to Sophie's lips.

It was quiet for a moment, the whole world holding its breath. Finally, Sophie's eyes shot open, her skin flushing with colour.

The wind began to pick up, ruffling Sebastian's hair. Light burst through the clouds, illuminating both castles in a shower of gold.

"Who needs princes in our fairytale?" Sophie asked, a smile on her face.

Sebastian frowned as both her and Agatha's bodies began to place, and in one last gust of wind, they vanished.

Tedros let out a shout-- Sebastian hadn't noticed him until now-- but he stumbled forward, to the spot where Sophie and Agatha had vanished.

Instantly, the teachers were around them, checking for cuts and scrapes, and for more drastic injuries. Sebastian noticed Laura and Dovey talking, but ignored it, in favour of going to kneel next to Tedros, who was silently sobbing into his hands. Gently Sebastian rested a hand on his back.

Professor Espada crouched next to them. "Come on boys, let's head back to the castle."

Silently, Sebastian helped Tedros up, and they trudged towards the Good castle.

Laura and Professor Dovey entered just in front of them, the door shimmering as they passed through.

But as soon as Sebastian stepped one foot over the threshold, his body was grabbed by some invisible hook, and flung across the lake, onto the Evil doorsteps. It appeared as though the same thing was happening to the Never girls.

Tedros landed beside him, and they stared at each other, completely in disbelief. The other Ever boys landed around them, surprise littering their faces.

Sebastian leaned back at the castle, staring at the sign above the doorway, which had used to read The School for Evil.

"Tedros," He stammered, his heart swelling with fear. "Why does the sign say School for Boys?"
