
I own nothing but my own characters everything else belongs to J. R. R. Tolkien.

Hello my name is Leonetha (leo-neth-ah). I am a 3/4 dwarf and 1/4 elf. My father was a dwarf. My mother was a dwarven-elf, so she was short. Father was Captain of the Guard for Thror King under the Mountain. I travel with Gandalf the Grey, he is like a father to me. He found me when I was a child because my parents, my two brothers, and my sister were slaughtered by Azog. I still remember everything...

It was my 9th birthday. I was outside playing in the stream with my brothers, but my sister, being the proper young lady she was, sat silently reading a book at the base of a tree not wanting to get wet. Now that I think about we were so different, but so alike. We both loved animals and nature, but I loved it in a more of a tom-boyish way. When I looked at the forest I saw an adventure, a challenge that awaited. When she looked at it she saw frailness and beauty.

My mother was inside cooking dinner and my father was on the porch smoking his pipe. I love that smell. While I was enjoying the fragrance my older brothers took the advantage and tackled me down into the water. As I resurfaced I thought of how good life was, except for the water up my nose. Then suddenly I saw something out of the corner of my eye. At the edge of the forest I saw him...Azog. We made eye-contact and he smirked evilly. I yelled for my father but it was to late. He had been shot in the head with an arrow. Then I saw orcs of all shapes, sizes, and colors jumping out of the tree running straight for the house. I couldn't think I was numb all over my body. But, out of the corner of my eye I saw an orc shove my brothers and my sister in the house with my mother then light the house on fire.

Before I could move or even yell for them a big grey blob came and grabbed me. I was too scared to do anything so I just let them take me. I thought right then that my life was over. I was going to die. But then I heard it. An old man's voice. A grandfather type voice. It was saying "Hold on Leonetha! Hold on!" I knew that voice. That voice that sang me to sleep the night I got lost in the forest. I looked up it was my dear friend, Gandalf the Grey.

He took me in and raised me. He taught me archery, swordplay, a few spells, and to read and write. He has always been there for me. It has been over sixty years since Azog attacked. I still don't know if my Nana(mother) and my siblings got out or if they burned to death.

Right now we are on our way to The Shire to see a Bilbo Baggins. We are going to need him for a quest that we are going on. We are going to retake the Lonely Mountain and slay Smaug with Thorin Okensheild. This should be fun.
