
       Hey!  Just wanted to let y'all know that I changed a couple things in the story!  So if haven't allready I would advise you to go back an re-read the last few chapters! OK back to the story!


       I was sitting at my vanity brushing my damp hair, I had just gotten out of the bath.  I thought the warm water would help my soreness but, it didn't.  I was having a little trouble with the back.  I couldn't get my arms up over my head to untangle the hair at the base of my neck.  I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said turning around on my little stool.

"Good evening, my love."  Kili said as he softly kissed my cheek.  I smiled up at him.

"Good evening." He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me toward the mirror.  He gestured toward to my brush.

"May I?" He questioned.  I nodded.

"One of the greater pleasures in life: having one's hair brushed."  He said as he drug the brush through my dark, thick hair.

I closed my eyes as he started humming. I smiled recognizing the familiar tune.  I started humming along. He slid his hands down from my shoulders to my hands.  He pulled me up off my stool and guided me to the center of the room.  He took my left hand in his right and his left hand on my waist.  Being tickilish I let out a small giggle.  We continued to hum as we swayed back and forth across the fur coated floors.  It was hard for me too keep up because my legs were hurting but, I tried not to let it show.  I smiled remembering back to the night I met Kili.
        As I stared into his deep brown orbs, all I could see was love.  I laid my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.  I inhaled his scent.  He must've taken a bath because, he smelled of lavender.  I looked up at him, brushing away strands of hair that fell from his clip.  He bent his forebead down so our foreheads touched.  By that time we weren't even humming, just swaying back and forth in comfortable silence.  He took in a deep breath.

"Le, I have something very important to ask you." He said stopping the dance.  He took both my hands in his and pulled me to the bed.  I sat down as he kneeled in front of me.

"Kili." I said getting suspicious.  He sighed.

"Leonetha." He whispered brushing away a few strands of hair from my face. "Love, have you been aching?  Like, has it been painful to move around?" He asked with a pleeding look in his eyes.  I looked down.  Should I tell him?  Should I keep it a secret? How would he know?  Maybe he could help?

"Le!"  He whispered lifting my head so our eyes met. "Please love, you have to tell me!"  His eyes had already started gathering tears.  I couldn't do it. I couldn't lie to him. He's my fiance for goodness sake. 

"Yes." I whispered as I squeezed his hands and looked down.  He groaned and let his head fall forward into my lap.  I ran my fingers through his long curly hair as he cried.  Why was he crying? 

"Kili" I said lfting his head up so his eyes met mine. "Kili, I'm fine. I can go tomorrow. I'm just sore."  I said unsure of myself.

"No."  He said looking down.  "That's not it!  Le, I just spoke with Lord Elrond and Gandalf." He sighed looking up. "That arrow wasn't poisoned."

"What?" I breathed. "Kili? It had to be."

"It wasn't poison.  It was dipped in a cursed potion." He said letting a single tear fall from his eye. I wiped it away with one hand while a held on tightly with the other to his trembling hands.

"Tell me!" I whispered.  I tried to look brave but, on the inside I was screaming. I'm absolutely terrified.

"The reason that you're hurting is that from now on-" He could barely get the words out.  It pained me even more to see his like this.  All I wanted to do was make it all better.  He took a deep breath wiping way a few tears that escaped his eyes.  "Every morning you will turn-" He was interrupted by my bedroom door slamming open revealing Gandalf. 

"Into a Dire wolf and every night," Gandalf said standing in the doorway with his wooden staff in hand. "-when the moon hits you only then will you return back to your current form." 

         I turned back to Kili.  No emotion on my face.  I started breathing heavily.  I bolted up and walked to the balcony.  I put a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.  I stared out into the night trying to focus and not lose control of myself.  A shrill cry left my lips and I fell to the floor in hysterical sobs.  I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me to their chest.  I knew it was Kili without even looking up.  How could this happen to me? Why me? I'm a monster. A monster!

"Why?!" I said inbetween sobs.


        I saw her run to the balcony.  I stood up to go embrace her but, a hand stopped me.  I looked up at Gandalf, he shook his head.

"Let it sink in for a moment."  He said as I heard Leonetha cry out.  I turned and ran to her.  I wrapped her up in my arms as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.  I couldn't!  I had to be strong! Had to be strong for her.  She cried out "Why?!" over and over again inbetween the merciless sobs that racked her small from.  I  lifted her up into my arms and laid her down on her bed.  I kissed her forehead and sat by her.  After a while she calmed down, I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. 

"Le?" I asked trying to meet her blank gaze. "Le?" I whispered trying to get any response from her.  "My love?"

"Kili, can I sit by myself for a few minutes?" She asked.  I nodded and stood up to leave. She squeezed my hand. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then let her be to herself.


        I pulled my knees up to my chest as I sat thinking.  I am going to be a wolf everyday from dawn until dusk for the rest of my life. I-I just never would've imagined this would be my fate.  I'm still glad that I took that arrow instead of Kili.  Kili deserves better than this.  I'm never gonna be that same girl he proposed too.  Who would want a wife that turns into a wolf every morning?  Who would want to wake up to see that their wife is a wild animal?  And my familly...they just got me back. Not only do I have to leave but I have to say goodbye to them and tell them about my will I do this?
