
        As we walked up the small road to the little hole I saw fields and fields of flowers, corn and many other different crops that I didn't recognize.  Soon we made it to Mr. Baggin's little home.  There was a man sitting on a bench inside a fenced area.  Gandalf walked up to him and towered over him.  Soon, who I assumed was Bilbo, noticed us looking and with a confused and slightly uncomfortable look on his face said

"Good Morning."

"What do you mean?  Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do mean it is a good morning whether I want it or not?" Gandalf replied smoothly "Or perhaps you mean to tell me that you feel good on this particular morning?  Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on, hmm?" 

Looking even more perplexed Bilbo said

"All of them at once I suppose."  Blibo replied "Can I help you?"

"That remains to be seen." Gandalf replied

"We are looking for someone to share in an adventure."  I interjected with a smile.  

"An adventure...No, I don't think anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures." he replied standing up and walking to his mailbox "Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things make you late for dinner. Hmhmhm, uh well good morning."  as he putting his pipe back in his mouth and walking up the steps toward the door

"Do you think that I should have lived to bid good morning, my Belladona Took's son." Gandalf said  "As if we were selling buttons at the door." 

"I beg your pardon." Bilbo said

"You have changed and not entirely for the better Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf replied

"I'm sorry do I know either of you?" Bilbo asked

"Well you know my name all though you don't remember I belong to it...I'm Gandalf!" Gandalf snapped  "And Gandalf means...me." 

"We've never been properly introduced I am Leothena at your service, Mr. Baggins." I said with a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you.  Gandalf, not Gandalf the Wandering Wizard who made such excellent fireworks Old Took used to have them on MidSummer's Eve.  Haha!! No idea you were still in business." I tried mercilessly not to laugh at his remark.

"And where else should I be?" Gandalf replied with a frown.

"Well, ahem." Bilbo said looking flustered.

"Well I am pleased you remember something about him even if it is only his fireworks." I replied with a smirk still trying not to laugh.

"Yes, well that's decided!  It will be very good for you and most amusing for us."  Gandalf said looking at me with a smirk. 

"We should inform the others, Gandalf." I said

"Inform the who?  What no, no, no, wait we do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today.  No, um, I suggest you try over the hill or accross the water.  Good morning!"  he replied rushing up the stair and into his little home.

"Well that was interesting.  Oh, don't forget the mark." I said letting my laugh out.  He marked the door then peeked through the window for a second then we were off.
