Competitions and Suprises Part 1

~Time skip~

It's been a whole week since the day I found out my family was alive. Kili, Koiber, and Kolir didn't let me do anything the first couple days. So I spent my time reading in the gardens, I also introduced Kili to my family. I was so happy to see him interact with them. The dwarves arranged a little tournament of sorts the other day. It was swordplay so Thorin obviously won but, Dwalin and Kili weren't far behind taking second and third. I was so disappointed when Thorin said I couldn't compete but, I guess he was only looking out for my well being. Kili and I had a little competition day before yesterday.


As I sat in the gardens I decided to practice my archery a little. After all no one was watching or so I thought. After about the fifth bulls eye, I heard a twig snap from behind me. I nocked an arrow, spun around, and pulled back ready to let it fly, but it was only Kili.

"What are doing?" He asked walking towards me as I lowered my bow.

"Nothing." I looked down.

"You aren't even supposed to be practicing yet, you know." He told me. I sighed.

"Kili, it's been a week. My wound has completely healed." I told him raising my voice slightly. He put a finger to my lips to silence me.

"Yes, I know, and that reminds me." He began "We still haven't had our little shoot off." I smiled as he grabbed a bow off the rack and advanced towards me. "Pick a target." He said confidently. I looked around. I spotted a pine cone in a tree about thirty feet ahead and about twenty feet up. I pointed.

"That one." I said smirking.

"Oh, that's a piece of cake." He pointed to one about ten feet lower.

"No, that one." I said moving to his side and gently lifting his bow to line up with the small target.

"That one?" He asked raising his eyebrows slightly.

"What? You don't think you can do it?" I challenged while taking a step back. He shook his head at me as he lined it up, pulled back, and loosed the yellow feathered arrow. It was about five inched off to the right of the pine cone.

"Not bad." I said as he stepped aside "But, not great."

"You think you can do better?" He challenged. I nodded as I lined it up. By this time a few dwarves, including Thorin, and a number of elves had come to watch our little competition. I exhaled as I released the string. I saw it fly through the air effortlessly. It hit the little plant right smack in the center and knocked it off the branch and fell at the base of the tree. I walked forward, picked up my arrow, held it up and smiled. An erupt of cheers rang out as I walked to Kili.

"That my love, is how you do it." I said as I removed my arrow from the pine cone. I put my arrow back in my quiver as Kili smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Well I must say lass that is the first time I have ever witnessed a dwarf out shoot Kili." Gloin said as he patted my back.

"Thank you, Gloin." I smiled at him. I locked eyes with Thorin for a moment. He nodded in recognition.

~End of flashback~

I was so happy when he gave me that nod. His nod of approval. Yesterday I got quite the surprise from Kili.


I was in my room preparing to leave. Just packing the few things that I could call mine. As I strapped my mat onto my pack, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door revealing Kili. I smiled.


"Hey." He replied "Want to come for a walk." I nodded.

He intertwined his fingers with mine. As we walked I noticed, I had lost track of where we were.

"Did you get us lost?" I asked Kili giggling.

"Nah, I know exactly where we are." He replied smoothly.

(This is not the end of the chapter. For some reason Wattpad won't upload the rest of it. So I'm going to do it in two parts.)
