Author's Question: Feed Back Needed please

Hello Reader's, I am overjoyed at how many of you had loved my joker fanfic.

I love and appreciate you all for giving my story a chance.

But this time, I'm thinking of making a new fanfic.

This one will,if wanted, feature another Joaquin Phoenix character. His name is Commodus from the movie Gladiator.

If some of you aren't aware of the character or movie, if you'd like you can watch the clip above.

Now,onto the question, would you like me to make this story?

It will be nothing like the movie's plot, so gladiator fans I'm terribly sorry. It will mainly feature the cold-hearted Commodus and the surprise main character of the story.

And of course if you have any questions or requests on my current joker fanfic please give me some feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time...

~Love you my dearest Reader's~
