22: I'm The Failure


Though your heart is aching...


Even though it's breaking...

When there are clouds in the sky...

You'll get b-

I hear the clicking of the metal doorknob, snapping me out of my thoughts and turning my head to the noise.

It opens, to reveal one of the henchmen, specifically the one I kicked....down there.

I tilt my head,and he walks in,"hey" he says awkwardly,"I-I um....my buddies and I heard about...you know...joker's outburst,a-and we kinda felt bad for ya".

I nod,"I'm sorry I kicked you~" I mumble

He chuckles,"I-it's okay,I'm sorry I called you albino". I feel myself smile,"my buddies and I got something for you" he tells me,"come on".

I slowly stand to my feet,and follow him out of the room and into the main lobby where your first walk into the mansion.

The large men crowded in a line,smiling proudly.

"W-we got this for you..." one of the henchmen says,then takes his hands from behind his back to show me what it is.


"Oh my...~" I gasp,covering my mouth with my hands,"I-it's.....it's got my name on it".

I kindly take the plush rabbit,hugging it close to my chest." This is the most kindest thing that I have ever been given~" I smile,
"Thank you gentlemen,this truly is a beautiful thing you've brought me, I'll treasure it forever".

"Of course Charl" one of the henchmen said,"anything for the Joker's girl, oh wait-can I call ya Charl?"

"Of course~" I laugh

"Would you like to play poker with us?" One of the men asks,"sure~" I beam, " while we're playing I can make some homemade tea for everyone".

~Time Skip~

"Dang Charlotte how do ya keep beating us!"

I jump on my seat in victory,"woohoo! Royal flush, I wiiiiiiiin~!"

While we were laughing and having a good time, we suddenly hear a voice come from the entrance of the kitchen.

"What...is going on here?" He hear a voice angrily question, I freeze in my spot,gazing at the joker's silent fury while clutching onto my new rabbit.

"B-boss" a henchmen stutters,"w-w-we was just....Uh"

"W-w-we was j-j-just~" he mocks,putting on an overly dramatic face of fake fear,"b-b-being lazy b-b-bums!"

The tall lanky man walks up to his sitting worker,slowly leaning forward until he was inches apart from his face. As fast as lightning, he suddenly flicks out his pocket knife from his suit pocket,bringing it close to true poor man's neck.

"Jeff was it~?" He questions,"let me get ya in on a little secret~".

Every single one of us was shivering with fear

"If you EVER slack off of work again... I'm gonna slice your pretty little neck open, and watch you bleed to death,understand~?"

"Y-Yes b-boss" the man whimpers,closing his eyes shut with absolute fear.

"Well great~!" The Joker suddenly beams,taking a full 180 in a millisecond. He quickly puts his knife away and gives the man's sweating face a light smack, "Now that we understand the rules, get.ta.work~"

The men burst out of the kitchen,leaving me alone with him.

He glares at me, his dark eyes burning into my soul. He takes slow patient strides towards me, humming a little song while lightly skipping a couple times.

"And what has my little miss been up to~?" He questions with a wide,almost forced smile," having fun with my workers,distracting them from their jobs".

"I-I'm sorry~" I squeak,clutching onto the rabbit closer to my chest.

His gaze falls on the toy,he comes his head to the side,then prepared to reach a gloved hand towards it,"watch's have there now~?" He coos,
"Keeping things front your own husband, I'm hurt~ I really am~".

I jolt back,"it's not yours~" I mumble,"I-it's mine, the men were kind enough to make it for me because of what you did yesterday".

I notice his gloved hands tightly wrap into angry fists

"Give it to me~" he growls,holding out his hand.

I start backing up,"n-no~" I whimper,"I-it's mine".

"What's mine is yours" he says,"and what's yours is mine. So give it here now!"

"No!" I yell instinctively,but quickly force a hand to my mouth, 'my eyes widening.

~I just yelled at him~

"I-I'm sorry~" I quickly say to him.

His face looks shocked,then I notice him snarl in an furious expression

"You gonna regret saying that~"

Suddenly,he charges towards me, and I rush out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He was right behind me, and I was almost to my room.

If I can just make it then I can lock him out

I feel a hand grab my shirt,yanking me back. I feel arms lift my off the ground. I scream bloody murder,"I-I'm sorry!" I yell,"I'm sorry, please just let me go~!"

I get dragged all the way to the large living room. He drops me on the ground, and yanks the toy out of my grasp, walking towards the fireplace.

"NO!" I scream,"ATTHUR PLEASE DON-!"

Before I could finish, he had already chucked the soft rabbit into the roaring flames.

My eyes widen with shock,my mouth open as I watch the bunny burn. The soft fur dissolves into a crispy dark brown,the thread falling apart and causing the bunny's structure to break. The stuffing makes the flames to burn brighter, and increase in size.

I finally realize...

Arthur is truly gone...

And he is never coming back.

Having that though in kind,I feel hot tears fall down my reddened cheeks. I look at the ground, finally coming to terms that I had failed Arthur.

I FAILED him....


~I'm the failure~
