26: Damn You

~One Week later~

The days had went by shortly after Selina's escape,the police weren't able to catch her,which meant she'll most likely continue her pursuit of crime.

Deep down...

I'm actually glad she's free...

Most of the cops went home once their shifts for the day were over,with an exception of Jim,who wanted to stay behind and work on some paperwork,as well as look after me.

The GCPD building was dark,and dimly lit. I noticed that I prefer the building how it is at night then by day,it looks so mesmerizing with all the shadowed colors,and the moonlight shining through the large glass window at the entrance door.

I strolled through the building,then went to go see Gordon. I leaned over his shoulder,curious to what he's working on. "Whatcha doin?" I question,swaying back and forth.

"Paperwork" He says,not looking up from his desk,"why?" I question.

"Because it's my job" he answers


"Because I chose to work here"


"Because I went to college in law enforcement"


"Go...play or something"



"Okay I'm done~" I laugh,giving him a small hug and then running out of the office, I skip down the halls,humming a small tune.

"I read the news today oh boooy~" I sing, my voice echoing through the halls.

"About a lucky man who made the graaaade~"

I continue to my humming,but quickly stop once I notice something on the cold tiled floor of the building.



It can't be....

I suddenly feel a tight grip on waist,causing me to let out a started gasp.

The arm forces me to turn,and face who has trapped me in their grasp.

Oh no...

"A-Arthur...." I stutter with terror,my eyes wide with fear. He wasn't wearing his suit, nor his iconic clown makeup.

It was just...


Wearing his simple clothes and having his normal face.

Without saying a word,he pulls me close to his chest,hugging me tightly. "This is where you've been...." he mumbles,"I've been looking everywhere for you,I-I thought you were lost or-or kidnapped".

He walks past me,and picks up the stuffed rabbit.

"Do you like him?" He smiles,"I got the henchmen to get you another one,see? He's good as new".

He smiles,tears threatening to fall from his icy blue eyes,his bloodshot eyes giving him a more haggard look.

"I-I fixed him see? T-that means you can come home now right? And stay with me, and never leave me again right? Yea....yea everything's gonna be fine,okay little miss? We can leave this place and act like nothing happened okay? Tell me whatever you don't like about the mansion and I'll fix it to whatever you like so that you won't want to leave,so tell me..."

I just stand there,completely shocked at how...vulnerable he is. He's an utter mess,there's bags under his eyes, and some dark stubble against his chin.

I feel a tight grip on my wrist

"Tell me what to fix~" he grits through his teeth,"tell me what you want,tell me what's making you unhappy,ya know what? You can tell me on the way home!"

He starts dragging me through the rest of the way down the hallway.


I stop in my tracks

He glares back,"What's wrong?" He asks,
"come on, let's go home".

I gently take his hand,and remove it from my wrist,"no Arthur" I say calmly,keeping my gaze to the ground.

I feel awful for doing this

But I can't go back

"What do you mean no?" He asks

"I'm not going with you Arthur" I tell him," I'm staying here, and I'm going to stay here for as long as I can".

"No..." he says,"don't do this little miss, don't you DARE do this to me!"

"You are abusive" I tell him,"manipulative, and evil.You have no heart, you use people and gain from others,that is your main goal in life. I will not be apart of that,I will become a member of the law enforcement so that I can prevent people like you from corrupting this city, and I will never love you, because you're not Arthur anymore".

Through his shocked expression,I see tears falling down his cheeks.

I feel myself cry as well,for I never wanted to hurt him,but he deserves it. He deserves it more than anyone I know,and that's what makes it so painful.

"I-I'm sorry Arthur~" I whimper,"I wish I could've saved you,I don't know if your still in there,or if the Joker removed you from your conscience. Just know that I love you with each passing day,and that you should always smile and make people laugh,because that very thing gave me a second chance at life. Your jokes made my day,and you gave me purpose,because you taught me that life is still worth while....if you just smile~"

I notice his fists clench,his whole body shaking with fury. He gazes at me,his eyes dark and sinister.

"You ruined my life~" he growls," if I had never met you, I would've been completely fine. I'm the way I am because of YOU, this is all your fault,and I wish I never saw your face again~!"

My eyes widen with utter betrayal,feeling the tears finally rolling down my hot cheeks

I break into a sprint,my only escape was through the stairs. I rush through the staircase,my feet aching with each flight that I passed. I could hear the joker screaming my name,his heavy footsteps echoing through the exit.

"CHARLOTTE!" He screams,"I'm gonna kill you,do you hear me,I'LL KILL YOU!"

I reached the top of the stairs,which led to the roof of the building. The cold night air hit my face,causing goosebumps to spread through my aching body.

I ran to the far edge of the building,collapsing onto my knees and taking in heavy breaths of exhaustion.

I feel a hand grab my neck,and I let out a scream. The joker pins me to the ground, his signature blade pressed to my neck.

"Why won't you love me!" He screams,"I have you EVERYTHING! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!"

His hand was shaking violently against the blade,his face once again in that state of decision making.

After a few seconds,he lets out a sigh

"Damn you~" he curses,throwing the blade to the side and quickly leaning down,smashing his lips against mine.
