25: Kitten

"C-cat woman?" I stutter, feeling a chill run up my spine. She is one of the most dangerous criminals in Gotham,she's managed to stump the dark knight himself during a heist.

"Oh darling~" she coos," you have nothing to fear, for you haven't gotten on my bad side, yet~".

She reaches a hand through the bars,and gently takes a strand of my long hair in her glove.

"Such a pretty face~" she coos,"no wonder the Joker claimed you so sudden~"

"You know the Joker?" I ask her, she nods,
"That old clown has the mind of loon" she says, inspecting her metallic sharp talons that were attached onto the glove," but he sure is one smart motherfucker I tell ya that".

"How did you meet?" I question,"if you don't mind me asking"

She chuckles,"I like you already,what's your name kitten?"

"Charlotte" I tell her

"Pretty name" she compliments," but I'll stick to "kitten" for now, you cans call me Selina".

She reaches a hand through the bars, and I give it a nice shake.

"Nice to meet you Selina" I tell her with a smile, "but...why are you caged up?"

"Oh here?" She asks," I got caught robbing a jewelry store,but of course the feds knowing me, I won't stay long".

"How do?" I ask,"Well" she continues,"you see that fat bastard over there?"

She points across the room,her finger landing on a slightly rounded,middle aged man with a mustache.

I nod,"he's the one with the main access to these bars, I've been here long enough to figure that out,ya see he could have put the keys in his pocket so that the criminals won't see it, but he's one arrogant son of a bitch,which means that he decided to leave them hanging on his belt to show who was in charge".

"Wait..." I tell her,"I-I don't see the keys,you said they were-"

I turn to look at her,but just like that...

She was gone

"What...?" I question,then hear the alarms to the station go off,the loud sirens echoing through the building.


Suddenly,policemen were crowding their way outside the building,leaving it completely empty.

I gaze back to the cell bars,and see a tiny sticky note pressed on one of them. I take it off, and read it.

"Loved our talk,hope to see ya soon kitten~

~yours truly,Selina~"               💎💵❣️
