13: The Chase

"~There's always a better way~"

Arthur closes his eyes,his eyebrows scrunched in an expression of fear and confusion.

"Not this time..." he whispers,

"No..." I whimper,"Arthur...why are you doing this,why can't you just let me help you?"

"Because it's too late to seek help!" He says,"it's too late...it's too late for me.Your young, you have a whole life ahead of you,why do you always keep coming back? Why can't you just leave me like everybody else...?"

He runs up to me,and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you so much...~" he whimpers," I love you so much it hurts...you are the only one that makes me so weak,yet so strong".

I hug him back,"it'll be okay Arthur~" I assure him,gently rubbing his clothed back,feeling the rough fabric of his vest.



Oh god...

"We have to get out of here!" I frantically tell him,the heavy footsteps of the policemen drawing near. We ran through the fire exit,going down the flights of stairs in the process.

We could hear them chasing us from behind, and ultimately we exited the building. We both bolted down the street, not even thinking about stopping.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" One of them yells, we pass through traffic,bump through people, and knock over stands and trash cans just to lose them.

After all that...

We succeed

We turn a corner in an empty shallow alleyway, catching our breathes while occasionally checking to see if they could have possible found us.

"T-that....*huff* was the m-most...*huff* terrifying thing...*huff* in my entire life" I manage to speak through deep and long breathes. After a few minutes, we ultimately catch our breathes.

"I think I might need to lay low" he says,"but I have no idea where I'm gonna stay".

"You can stay with me" I tell him

"Charlotte no~" he whines,"you've done too much already..."

"No please" I beg,"please stay with me,if you do  then I won't have to worry about you".

He looks down,scratching the back of his neck,
"I don't know little miss..." he says I surely," but...okay,but just for a couple days".

"A week" I tell him





"Charlotte no~"


"....are you really doing this right now?....*sigh*

"Yay...~" I cheer in a small whisper,"alright , let's go to my place-oh wait quick question, do you like tea or coffee?"

"Coffee..." he answers,"...why?"

"No reason" I shrug it off,gently taking his elbow and exiting the alleyway. We walk down the now empty streets,since we were on the.... bad side of the city.

"Soo....'The Joker' hu-?"

