The Feud

"I'm going on a hunger strike to protest Southside High closing and to get it reopened." Jughead stated boldly to the group as they sat in the cafeteria. Archie scoffed as Betty and Veronica looked at one another.

Clearly offended, Jughead turned to his side and looked at the redhead. "What?"

"I'm sorry, man. It just- You're like always eating. I mean, good luck with that but..." Archie trailed off. With Cheryl in tow, Emma walked towards the table to pick up her wallet from her brother after forgetting it again on the kitchen counter.

"Do you always dress like a grandma?" Cheryl questioned causing Emma to scoff at her comment. She looked down at her high waited trousers and tucked in blouse.

Emma rolled her eyes as she neared the table. "I'm wearing the shoes you picked out, didn't I?"

Cheryl shrugged and sighed, "They're cute, aren't they?" She stated more to herself.

Wrapping around the table, Emma made her way towards her brother, who began to scoot over. As Betty began to scold the group as usual. "Hey, it's Jughead's prerogative to protest peacefully, so we're gonna support that, aren't we?"

Emma snorted. "Geez, mom. Didn't you already scold all of Riverdale?" She turned to Archie, "I need my wallet."

Veronica smiled at the strawberry blonde, "You seem chipper today."

"You know, I actually am." Emma concluded, mocking the raven haired girl as she chuckled.


The young girl answered at her name. "Oh, hey, Ethel."

Turning her body, Emma smiled at Ethel as her eyes were trained on only Veronica.

"For your crimes against the town of Riverdale, for everything that you and your family have done and continue to do, we find you guilty."

Emma shook her head in confusion, "What are you even talki-"

"Your sentence is this." Ethel ignored her as she was not the target. Reeling her hand back, she flung the strawberry milkshake from Pop's onto Veronica and part of Emma's shirt and pants.

The group including Cheryl stood gobsmacked at the events that had taken place.

The cafeteria grew silent before sporadic laughter filled the air. The Serpents, the Vixens, Bulldogs, and the other sliver of the student body that was present at 5th period lunch watched, laughed, or heckled.

Fangs smacked his hand roughly against Toni's shoulder repeatedly earning a rude look from him as he and Sweet Pea stared at the entire ordeal.

Even Chuck Clayton and a few of the Bulldogs howled.

"You know, Ethel," Emma continued as a smile began to form on her lips. "you have three seconds to rid yourself from my sight." Ethel looked at Emma shocked as she drew dangerously near. "Because if you don't, Veronica won't be the only enemy you have to worry about."

Walking away as fast as she could, Ethel was gone within two seconds. Scattered laughter littered the lunch room as she turned to Cheryl.

"Despite being mad that it was my shirt that you're wearing, I am proud that your inner mean girl came out again. It's about time, Emmie Doll." Cheryl chimed.

Emma moved her gaze towards Veronica, "And there goes the chipper."


Emma looked in the mirror as Betty stood in the bathroom observing Veronica wash her hair in the sink. "The chilling thing is Ethel went through the trouble of bringing that milkshake here from Pop's. I mean how mad is she?"

"Are we talking emotionally or clinically?" Emma muttered, coming to terms that Cheryl's vixen outfit looked stupid on her.

Veronica spoke quietly, "My dad is responsible for the Muggs family losing basically everything. And he still hasn't made amends, so... Ethel has a right to be upset."

"So do you. Plus, she didn't have to use a milkshake to let you know she was mad... This isn't Glee." Emma turned towards Veronica.

Betty smiled, "They used slushies, but same idea. Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'll manage."

"I'm impressed. I'd want to rip Ethel's head off. Though Emma was ready to for you." The blonde observed making Emma chuckle a little.

The strawberry-blonde looked down at her outfit and sighed, "Can someone please tell me I look stupid so I can have an excuse to go home?"

"You look stupid." Veronica softly teased as Betty shook her head, "Em, you look fine."

"I took a milkshake for you, demon child." Emma looked at Veronica, who seemed to enjoy that comment. "So, what are you going to do?"

Veronica smiled softly, "As my mom keeps saying, this is not the time for drama and flying off the handle. I just need to take deep breathes, keep smiling, turn the other cheek."

Emma nodded as did Betty.

The three silently walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Within an instant, Emma felt insecure walking in the hallway as some of the guys stared at her in the creepiest of ways.

Not to mention, the snickers that trailed behind their backs as they passed. Betty was the only one of the three that looked normal.

"Oh, Veronica, after I am done kicking Ethel's ass-- you're next." Emma whispered harshly at her. Veronica wrapped her arm's around her, "I know I said I wasn't mad, but send me the video?"

Emma laughed, "I'm ditching after 8th period. I'll drop you home?"

"You are a godsend, Emma Andrews."

The strawberry-blonde made a note to stop by her friend in hopes they had a sweatshirt on hand. She looked at Veronica and smiled, "Anything for my future sister-in-law."

Veronica rolled her eyes as she turned to talk to Betty, who stopped at her locker. Quickly, Emma ran across the hall and stopped by Toni's locker.

Sweet Pea and Fangs stood alongside her in the midst of a conversation. However, Emma abruptly cut in by sliding right in front of the boys while they leaned against the lockers.

"Please tell me you have a sweatshirt." Emma said hurriedly.

"A what?" Toni looked at her with a confused look.

Emma rolled her eyes, "A sweatshirt, Antionette."

The pink-haired girl looked at her with an amused look as she trailed her eyes down her body and noted Cheryl's Vixens outfit.

"I don't think you even showed more skin than the rare dress and sleeveless turtlenecks." She said with a smirk. "I literally think I'm having a heart attack right now."

"You? What about me?" She directly pointed at a group of the guys across the hall from the Rugby team eyeing her, "I am basically being hunted."

"Honestly, look good, Em." Toni reached in her locker and pulled out a small piece of black fabric earning a chuckle from Fangs and a smirk from Sweet Pea.

By the look on Toni's face it was not what she had expected. Emma looked at her bewildered, "Is that underwear?"

Toni shoved it back in her locker as the strawberry-blonde pointed and slightly lightened her tone, "Which by the way, I think I might have the same pair. I'm sure Cheryl loves it."

The boys laughed while the pink-haired girl pursed her lips together, "Even if I had a sweatshirt, I wouldn't give it to you now. And she does love it by the way."

"I'll remember this when you ask me to help you cheat in math." She pointed at the girl who teased her.

Emma felt a weight on her shoulders causing her to turn around and see Sweet Pea behind her resting his black jean jacket on her shoulders. She looked at him and smiled before she slid her hands through the sleeves.

Toni was the first to react as her eyebrows flew up at the small kind-hearted stare between the two. Fangs was the second by snorting after Emma put it on.

She shot him a look before looking down at the oversized jacket on her frame, "I kind of look like a child." Emma looked back up at Sweet Pea, who smiled at her.

His face had a mixture of endearment and amusement painted across his face. He rose his eyebrow slightly, "I don't know, but you definitely made cheerleading a fantasy for me now."

Emma's face turned hot red causing Fangs to laugh.

The strawberry-blonde snapped her head in Toni's direction and pointed to Sweet Pea's boyish grin. "You see? Hunted."

As she turned back around to look at him, he leaned down and met her at eye level. "And caught." He winked at her.

Emma looked visibly flustered at what to say and Toni chuckled at it. "You can ask for my jackets anytime, Princess."

"Thank you." Her voice was light, quiet, and airy.

"You're welcome, Little Red." She hated that her face turned red within an instant. Sweet Pea always knew how to get right under her skin and it slightly drove her nuts.

Yet, as Emma was at a lost for words, it seemed as though Veronica was as well. She caught the sight of raven-haired girl next to Betty as Reggie seemed to taunt her cruelly. Sweet Pea's head turned in the direction she stared at.

Emma watched as Veronica grew silent and before she could react, Veronica proceeded to land her fist onto Reggie. Without any hesitation, Reggie was out like a light.

"Holy shi..." Sweet Pea breathed at how Veronica flawlessy knocked Reggie out in one punch.

Her mouth dropped as Betty looked at her with utter shock. She knew full well that Betty was unsure of what to do; to check on Reggie or get Veronica out of there.

"I'm going to applaud her and kill her at the same time." Emma breathed out. 

Emma dashed across the hall and nodded at Betty to check on Reggie.

Grabbing Veronica's arms and guiding her towards the Blue & Gold office, Emma looked behind her to see a swarm of student's collecting around Reggie, Betty as well.

"What happened to turning the other cheek, Vee?" Emma muttered as she wrapped her arms around Veronica.


Emma sat at the opposite end of her dad at the dinner table. Within a few days hostile tensions rose as Jughead stood chained to Southside High as a form of protest, her brother in bed with the Lodges. Not to mention, Josie and Ethel bringing down Veronica's campaign and ultimately pining Veronica and Betty against one another.

Her mom smiled at her as Archie focused on his food. Mary had flown in the day before to help Fred sever ties with the Lodges. Archie and her dad had been on the outs for days, making being at home highly uncomfortable.

"I was hoping to see Jughead while I was in town." Mary stated as she ate.

"He's still at Southside High, Mom, chained up like a lunatic." Archie spoke.

Emma rolled her eyes, "He's your friend not some cracked up stranger."

"Arch, you might not believe in what he's fighting for..."

"I'm not sure he's fighting for anything, Dad." Archie sighed. "I think he's mostly fighting against, Mr. Lodge. Like a lot of people in this town who are afraid."

Mary looked at her son, bewildered by his actions. "Archie."

"Afraid? Afraid of what?" Fred probed. Emma could tell this evening would not go as planned. So much for a simple family dinner.

"Afraid of having a vision, of seeing what has to be done and doing it."

"I hope that you are not referring to your father, Archie." Mary had broke, undeniably fuming at her son for once again choosing others over his own family.

"This man broke rocks when he was in high school, to support his family when his dad was sick. A man who saw what had to be done and did it. And built a business out of nothing. One that puts food on the table and a roof over your head. And for your information, your father had and has a vision for Riverdale.

Mary's voice rose as anger shot through her body more and more with every sentence.

"One that doesn't, thank God, end up with everyone working in a penal colony. Now you don't have to side with your dad. You can side wit Hiram Lodge, even though he's a crook, and has no intention of letting your dad out of that contract, by the way. You can do that. That is your right. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna listen to you disrespect him!"

Emma jumped in her seat as her mother slammed her fork down and left the dining room. Fred and Archie remained quiet as Emma swallowed hard.

She could tell this night would not be a good one. After cleaning up, she watched as her brother left the house, not caring what either parent had to say.

"Funny seeing you here." Emma mused at the tall raven-haired Serpent that waltzed into Pop's.

Sweet Pea had walked in to find the small strawberry-blonde huddled in an empty booth at 10 PM. He smirked at her and sat down, "I could say the same for you."

"Well, I'm not the one that's suppose to be on a hunger strike to save Southside High." She teased him as she flagged Pop Tate down. "I'm simply evading the Archie v. Mary Andrews fight at home."

He smirked at her, "I'm surprised you haven't delivered your world-star slap."

She rolled her eyes at his reference to her slapping her brother in front of the Serpents during Jughead's initiation.

"Trust me, he's really pushing it. I might have to become meaner towards him to remind him that while my dad tolerated it, I won't."

Before he could respond, Pop's walked over towards her smiling, "Hey, Pop. Can I get a classic burger with a chocolate shake?"

He nodded at her, "And vanilla shake?" Throwing out her usual drink order.

"Yeah, I think I should be here for a while." Emma smiled at him. The man noted the sketch book and pencils surrounding her, "Well, hopefully one day I can convince you to paint a mural once I start renovations."

"Oh, I will gladly paint you anything."

Pop smiled back at her, "I'll hold you to that Emma, the shake is on the house."

Emma placed her hand over her heart, "And this is why you will always be the man of my dreams, Pop."

He laughed at her and walked away as Emma turned back to Sweet Pea.

The raven-haired serpent smirked at her, "Who knew you could be so sweet and kind?"

Emma glared at him and chuckled, "Well, when you talk to the man who watched you get shot and was probably more traumatized than you were, kind words go a long way."

Sweet Pea shook his head at how darkened her humor was at times. He wouldn't imagine most people making quick jokes about their almost fatal shooting, but here she was.

He had a feeling that she was unaware that it was him and Tall Boy that Jughead spoke to about knocking heads to see if the Andrews shooting was a vendetta from an ex-worker/serpent.

At the time, he was offended that the son of FP Jones practically accused the gang of shooting his friend's dad and his girlfriend, so the task for him was on the very back of his list of things to do; Therefore, he passed it off to Fangs. Yet, here he was a few months later with the girl that had fallen victim to the Black Hood.

And now, he found himself regretful for scripting it off.

She placed her pencil down and eyed the boy across from her, "I can see you itching to say something."

Sweet Pea nodded and leaned forward, "You remembered my order."

Emma smiled at him and nodded.

"If it makes you feel better, FP came in and ordered a dozen burgers for you guys." She picked up her pencil and began shading her drawing in, "I won't tell anyone that you broke your strike. Though I do have to say, I am surprised you cracked so fast."

He let out a low-chuckle and pointed outside, "It's winter, last time I checked, Princess. I'm sure you wouldn't last either."

Emma simply rolled her eyes, she continued drawing.

Sweet Pea sat back and observed her while she concentrated on her sketch of what seemed to be the protest currently underway. Emma could see that he was twirling one of his rings causing her to glance towards him and found him staring at her. "You're staring, Gigantor."

"You draw."

She shrugged and put her pencil down, "Among other things." Emma was more artistically inclined whereas her brother was more musically oriented. While Emma loved singing, her deep passion was art, in particular, painting and sketching.

"Is that us at Southside High?" He looked at her quizzically. She bit her lip and slid the book over towards him. He picked it up and observed the detail in her work.

He noted the small chippings of the sides of what once was his high school and the small darkened chains across the 12 men at the foot of the stairs.

Emma inhaled, "I like to draw important events. It sticks better than a photo. It's becomes more personal."

"Is this something you want to do?"

The strawberry-blonde exhaled, "I did for a time."

She fiddled with her gloves lightly, "When I was younger I wanted to be one of those people that would sketch courtroom scenes for major news outlets. It sounds a little dorky, but I thought it was pretty cool."

He watched as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Sweet Pea enjoyed her bookish, shy attributes. They were unlike her at times, but fitting once she began to open up.

Emma tilted her head a little and spoke a little softer, "My mom said that becoming a lawyer would be a smarter option, so I guess I placed it on hold."

"Little Red, whether you pursue that dream or become a lawyer, you are a force to be reckoned with."

Emma smiled at looked down sheepishly. She wasn't one for praise, but she appreciated his words.

He looked at her signaling if he could peer at her other sketches. She eyed him and sighed, "I don't normally show them, but since you didn't critique the first one, I'll allow it."

Sweet Pea smiled at her and flipped through the pages. The raven-haired boy was impressed by her work. Most of them were of moments in her life, on the bottom usually was sentence describing each piece. It had seemed she had a knack for paying close attention to detail.

A picture of their school's auditorium and an silhouette of a boy with a guitar perched on a stool. 'Archie's first live performance-- Variety show'

'Mom's town house-- Chicago' Emma carefully attempted to capture the small flowers that by the front steps of the house.

The next piece was a cabin from a distance perched before a sea Evergreens. The sky was shaded in, while the mountains were drawn in the distance. 'New Years' in Maine'

'First Kiss-- Jason Blossom.' A quick sketch of Jason's lips and jaw. It was simple, but it detailed his softer bone structure and curved lips.

"Your first kiss was Jason Blossom?" He looked at her oddly. Emma scrunched her nose and nodded, "Yeah, Cheryl was pissed. We had to be maybe eleven or twelve?"

Sweet Pea laughed lightly at her expression, "Mine was Toni after her 13th birthday party."

Pop dropped off their order as Emma gawked at the boy in front of her, "You and Antionette? Who would've known."

"She was my first everything, so..." He continued to look through her book. The strawberry-blonde's mouth dropped, "Shut up."

He looked at her and nodded. "What better way to lose it all than to one of your best friends. Don't tell her I told you though."

"I don't even know what to do with that information." She picked a fry off his plate earning a small slap on her hand. "Rude." She sneered playfully before biting the fry.

Emma drank her shake while he retold the story of his first time with Toni. In her opinion, she never pegged him as a super shy and awkward first timer-- yet, here he was telling her that he was utterly terrified when Toni shrieked after the first thrust.

His plate was now barren on account to him finishing his meal with the strawberry-blonde stealing a fry here and there. It had seemed Emma forgot about her mom's scolding of her brother, or even more so, the animosity that sat between the twins. Instead, she was content with staying in Pop's all night.

"So, I am just going to ask," Emma started as she looked at the boy, who now sat next to her. She had began to explain some of her drawings to him before a searing question began to plague her mind. "Is your name really Sweet Pea or is it a nickname like Fangs?"

His eyebrows knitted together in surprise, "How did you know Fangs was a nickname?"

Emma shrugged, "I didn't. You just confirmed it for me." She smiled at him sweetly.

She pulled the trick from one of Veronica's handbooks when she tried to find out if Emma and Jughead were dating. It was sneaky, but smart.

Sweet Pea laughed, "If he finds out I told you that, I will be dead."

"Good thing I like to piss you off enough to keep you alive." She propped her head up by resting her hand beneath her chin. "And you are evading my question."

He smirked at her and sat back, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Uh yeah, that's kind of the point of why I asked, genius."

She could tell he was eyeing her curiously while he formulated his response.

Sweet Pea-- as easy as he was to read-- was very secretive about many aspects of his life. All she could tell was that he lived alone and he joined the Serpents at fourteen. Other than that, the tall raven-haired boy that sat besides her was a walking mystery.

Turning his body in her direction, he sighed. "How about we make a deal?"

"A deal?" She said curiously. Sweet Pea nodded at her, "If we are still friends by graduation, I'll tell you."

Emma's mouth dropped and looked at him with an absurd look, "That's like two years away." He looked at her pointedly before she spoke again, "Make it prom and I can live with it. Though, why you are making me wait is slightly absurd. I'm going to assume it's an ugly name."

"When I see a good friend, I tend to keep them for a long time. This is your incentive." He said in a serious tone. Emma smiled and bowed her head in agreement.

Placing her hand on his chest, her slightly amused eyes met his sincere ones. "Lucky for you, I've already imprinted on you. So, I will continue to speculate what it is until prom."

"Imprinted on me?"

She nodded, "I've already done it to Kev, so you're the next one."

"Does this mean I'm your favorit--" He began to teased her, however, she quickly cut him off.

"It means you can be trusted." Emma smiled at him before closing her sketch book, "Also, Fangs and Toni are my favorites, you're just the gnat that follows us." He laughed at her comment before pulling his wallet out.

She placed her hand over it and shook her head, "It's on me. You can get the next one."

"It's a deal, Ms. Andrews."

Emma smiled at him and followed him out of the booth before dropping a twenty on the table.

Grabbing her bag, the strawberry-blonde walked alongside him towards his motorcycle, "Well, Mr. Unknown first-and-last name, I wish you luck on your hunger strike."

"Do you want a ride home?" He pointed at his bike before Emma shook her head wildly, "That's a solid no for me. I hate those things."

He shook his head and laughed, "And you called me a baby for not liking horror movies."

Emma nodded and smiled at him sweetly, "That's because you most definitely are."

She inhaled and held her green coat closer to her frame, "Thank you for making my night slightly better. I'll see you around 'Big Bad Wolf'."

Sweet Pea smirked at her air quotes around the childhood fable character. He nodded at her and spoke softly, "Get home safe, Little Red."


It wasn't until the following day that she had realized how deep Archie had become in Hiram Lodge's plan. Deeply he ingrained himself, her brother slowly changed.

She stood by Southside High as residents of the Southside chanted to save the school. On protest patrol with Sheriff Keller, she helped maintain the peaceful aspect until she saw her brother. Watching as he weaved through the crowds with the other members of the wrestling team, the same one he joined to impress Hiram.

"Cops may let you by, Red, but you come in here acting like a big man and I will knock you down." FP moved towards Archie. Spotting the potential feud, Emma made her way over.

"Dad, don't. They'll throw you in jail. Don't give him an excuse."

Emma stood next to Jughead, "Archie what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Jughead." He only locked eyes with Jughead.

"Me too... I'm not gonna fight you, Archie... look around." Archie and Emma observed the crowd that stood. Noting all the cameras surrounding them and the prying eyes all on them.

"It may have taken a couple of days, but now people know what Hiram's doing, what's happening here." Jughead continued.

Emma looked at her brother, pleading him not to make the wrong choice. "Don't stand on this side of history, Arch. Remember what he did you, to dad. He isn't innocent."

"The fight is not going to go away. We are not going away. So cut us down, I want to see you do it." Jughead held his cuffed hands up.

Cutting the steel links in half, Emma knew her brother had chosen his side.


"You're kidding me, right?" Emma slammed the front door upon seeing Archie near the dining room while speaking to his parents.

"Whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Fred asked as he sat in his usual spot with Mary on the side of him.

Emma pointed to Archie, "Your son decided to show up at the protest and literally cut the chains off of Jughead."

"You what?" Mary asked.

"Yeah and if that wasn't good enough, he showed up with his wrestling goonies." Emma had been fuming at the sight of her brother openly following Hiram's orders.

Fred furrowed his eyebrows as Archie quickly defended himself. "Don't make it seem like I dragged him off the grounds!"

"You might as well had." Emma countered.

Mary shook her hands and began talking over the feuding teens, "Why would you get involved like that? It's one thing to have a stance, but to do that?"

Becoming baffled at Archie's actions, Mary slowly started to contemplate if staying in Chicago was best. It seemed as though every time she left, things in the Andrews household became worse.

First, it was Archie and Emma discovering Jason's killer. Then, Emma and Fred getting shot and Archie becoming a vigilantly with the establishment of the Red Circle; now, this. She watched as her son spiraled out of control and Emma slowly would soon follow if she didn't figure out how to handle it.

"He's Hiram's lap dog!"

"Enough, Emma." Fred called for her, but she ignored him.

She continued in hopes to rile Archie up, "How does it feel being the lowly, backwaters underling to Mr. 5th Avenue? Does it feel good? Make you feel worthy?"

"Theodora!" Mary yelled.

Looking down at his twin, Archie could sense her anger. "You knew what side I was on since Mr. Lodge asked dad to run. I believe in what he says, he wants better!" He shouted back her.

"Yeah? What's better? Pitting our family against one another or trying to own the entire town." Emma finished.

Archie stared at her with anger, "You know that's not true."

"What's true is that he is playing you and you know it deep down. Maybe if you weren't so deep in Veronica's pants you would wake up!" Emma yelled.

Mary stood up and looked at Emma as she fought over Archie's voice. "Emma! Stop that right now."

"Always have to scapegoat, don't you? For once, look at Riverdale and look at us and see where we are, Emma! This is to better us!" Archie appealed towards Emma and then to his parents.

"Foolish Archibald. You must be so stupid to not see that you are a pawn, hell, with the secrets that fam-"

Archie laughed, "Are you seriously talking to me about secrets and not knowing better? Why don't you tell mom and dad about Clifford Blossom's charitable donation to you?"

Mary and Fred looked at one another as Emma's face dropped. "What is he talking about, Emma?"

Archie's face fell as Emma's grew red with anger. She knew it was only a matter of time before her parents would hear. Whether it was from her, Penelope, or even Mr. Cooper.

Emma shook her head, "So much for being my brother first."

"Emma." Fred spoke sternly.

She turned around, knowing she had to face the music. "In his will, Clifford named me the beneficiary to Jason's half of the family money."

Mary's mouth was wide open, Fred simply sighed. "Why?" Mary asked.

She looked at her brother causing him to look down in shame. This was not the way she wanted the conversation to go. "They were grooming Jason to swoon me... so that I would eventually become a part of the Blossom Family."

The parents looked at one another symbolizing that it was news to them. "They wanted us to eventually get married."

"You are just kids! You never even talked to Jason after you left." Mary stated.

Fred shook his head, "Leave it to the Blossoms."

"I didn't even know. I mean he was with Polly, maybe that's part of why he planned to run away." She shrugged.

Fred turned to Archie, "You knew about this?"

He nodded and sat down as did Emma. "I can't touch the money until I am 21 years of age... Before you ask, no she doesn't know and I'm not telling her until Penelope does."

"Emma, you know that's blood money. That family is twisted and evil-" Mary began.

"I know, mom."

Fred looked at his daughter, "How did we even get here?"

Emma looked at her dad and grabbed his hand. She knew both her parents had much on their plate.

Especially with Fred's bid for mayor, Archie's questionable allegiance and now her, with her weird ties to the Blossom family. The four sat around the table, oddly quiet, just thinking of how to get through tomorrow's fight.

Little had Emma known that as she spilled the beans on the Blossom's revelation, Penelope attempted to cover up one of her own daughter's revelation. Dragging Cheryl to the Sister's of Quiet Mercy, Penelope managed to kill three birds with one stone.

One, removing Cheryl from the picture.

Two, making her next move on Nana Rose.

And three, concocting a plan to benefit from Emma Andrews' newfound inheritance.
