The Farm

"Where the hell is everyone else?" Emma turned her body from the small circle of Serpents towards Jughead. Betty eyed the room where the Serpents and Swords club met.

Emma looked at Sweet Pea, who broke the news. "Oh, we're down another eight."

"Another eight?"

Sweet Pea nodded, "All girls."

Betty eyed the room carefully, "Where are they all going?"

Emma huffed at her question. "Turns out Toni and Cheryl started their own gang. All the girls are defecting to it. The Pretty Poisons."

Fangs looked at Jughead as he leaned against the teacher's desk. "So, what do you want us to do, boss?"

"Nothing." He stated softly. "This is all because I banished Cheryl and Toni. I just need to talk to Toni, get her back in the Serpent fold, and the rest will come back, too. They need to be reminded what it means to be a Serpent."

Sweet Pea hadn't looked convinced nor was Fangs. They both saw how alienated Toni became from them. They were her family, community and now it was all gone.

"What does that even mean?" One asked in the back. Emma could see Jughead become annoyed, "That in unity there is strength."

"You kicked her out. You think she gives a shit about unity?" Emma looked at him dumbfounded. Betty turned her head to the girl next to her who stood up, "You took her only family away. Now because she is creating a new one, you want her back? Please..." He eyed her carefully, "You only want her back because she threatens your livelihood, this gang's livelihood."

He stood up angry at her comment. They needed to present a united force in front of the Serpents, not a divided one. "She broke the rules, Emma. You weren't here, so you wouldn't get it. Hell, you didn't grow up on the Southside, so you never will." He spat at her causing her to be taken back.

Emma scoffed. "I was gone a month. What about all that time before? Who ran your gang while you used them to play some stupid game? Toni was loyal, all of the Serpents are loyal. However, I can't wonder where yours lies. I might've not been Serpent by blood, but at least I gave a shit."

She had reached her limit.

Everyone remained quiet as Emma smirked at him and shrugged her jacket off, "Clearly, I never earned it." Tossing it in Betty's lap she looked at Jughead, "Consider yourself down by nine."

Spinning around she walked out the door, leaving everyone to look once more at Jughead.


Emma ran into the bathroom and locked herself in one of the stalls.

Tears stained her cheeks as she tried to hold in her cries when the bathroom door swung open.

She hated for crying at school.

In fact, she hated crying in general, but something about her blowout made her realize the very things Sweet Pea pointed out.

She pushed everyone so far away that she was all alone in a time that she need them most.

She was spiraling and she had no footing.

Emma sniffled and cursed at herself for not being quiet. "Are you okay?" A voice called out.

She took a deep breath, "Uh, yeah. Sorry." She almost began to start crying again at the sound of her own broken voice. She heard a ruffling outside and then saw a small pack of tissues appear from a hand underneath the stall door. Emma reached for it, confused by the gesture.

"The school's toilet paper always irritates my face more." She took the small package, she noted it was the same one she had in her room. "Same here. Thanks." She said quietly as she wiped her face and attempted to put herself together. She unlatched the door and met familiar eyes.

"Evelyn." She said in a small voice. She had met her a few times. Mostly it was through Kevin.

"Emma." She smiled, "No wonder the toilet paper irritates your face, ginger problems." She smiled at Emma, earning a small one from her.

However, Evelyn knew she was still upset, "How are you doing?"

She shrugged and looked at herself in the mirror, "Shitty. But, I'll live." She wiped underneath her eye, "I always do." She muttered under her breath.

"Where are your friends?"

She shrugged once more as she attempted to fix her hair and outfit. Evelyn was a quiet individual, always listening but never engaging unless needed.

She had heard whisperings about Emma Andrews and her latest endeavors. Kevin ranted and raved over the strawberry-blonde, he saw that she was failing and hanging on by a tether.

"Well, if you don't have plans tonight, the Farm is having a game night of sorts. If you wanted to have some company? I'll be there and so will Kev and maybe Fangs..." Emma smiled at Evelyn's offer. She knew how much Betty hated the Farm, but it seemed to do well with Kevin. He had been heartbroken over Moose leaving, but Evelyn took care of him.

"I'd like that." She said softly as Evelyn smiled and nodded. "And don't worry about," Evelyn gestured to the crying incident, "It's our secret."


"Hey." Emma smiled at the top of her stairs as Sweet Pea smiled back.

Emma knew it was a matter of time before he came around to ask her what had happened during the Serpent meeting.

A few days had passed and she still hadn't heard from Jughead. In fact, he avoided her, only stopping by Betty's to pick her up and refusing to answer her calls and texts. She knew he was mad at her, but she couldn't help but feel slightly resentful at how he prolonged it.

"How are you?" He asked softly as she moved towards the front porch seat. He sat down next to her as she turned to face him.

"Better. He is still ignoring me, but whatever..."

"He's been pretty mad. He held a Serpent meeting earlier, telling the Serpents that you defected." She scoffed at Sweet Pea's news. Typical of him to jump the gun and control the situation. He was pissed that she called him out and therefore, took her brief blowup to a new extreme.

Sweet Pea examined her outfit and noticed she was in all white. Her make-up was light and subtle but wasn't enough to cover her slightly puffy eyes. "Are you headed somewhere?"

Emma nodded, "I was going to meet up with some friends... things have been a little off since Archie found that kid. He kind of creeps me out, but he's a kid so I just steer clear." She referred to Ricky.

Emma didn't mention that her brother had also found Ricky while with Josie. She didn't need Sweet Pea going off the rails and channeling his anger towards Archie like he had during Riot Night and the Rumble.

"With Veronica and Reggie...?" He fished.

The strawberry-blonde lightly shook her head. "Farmies and maybe Kev."

He nodded at her before inhaling, "Is that safe? I know Betty—" She gave him a look as he stopped mid-sentence.

He looked at her as she bit her lip, "They aren't bad. She thinks they are, but she always expects the worst. I feel safe with them. They listen and make me feel welcomed."

Emma shrugged, "Everyone hated the Serpents before and now there is no more bad blood between the northside and southside."

"That's cause there is no more southside." He said in a defeated tone.

She placed her hand on his knee, "You know what I mean."

He looked at her and nodded, "I just want you to be safe. If they are good, like you said, then I will trust you... Just don't push me out."

She smiled at him and looked at him endearingly, "Sweet Pea. Please, don't worry about me. I've survived two close calls, I think I can handle some hippies."

He laughed at her antics. She knew that's what he had referred to them as every time Betty went on her prolific rant about the evils of the Farm.

"Well I won't hold you up," He stood up and extended his hand to which she accepted.

Lifting herself, she let go of Sweet Pea's hand, "Just promise me that you'll tell me." She nodded at him, know what he truly meant.

Just promise me you let me know if you are in trouble.

"Do you want a ride?" He pointed to his bike as she smiled.

"I would like to show up in a white outfit." She teased as he laughed. He walked her towards her car, "Sweet Pea?"

He turned an eye to her as she opened her door and looked at him. "Thank you for checking up on me." She smiled softly as she dipped into her car and he stood back.

He watched as she pulled out of their driveway and waved to him before driving away.


Emma sat on the ottoman in their usual spot- the student lounge- as the group was discussing their latest pursuits. She hadn't know why she sat there in the first place, but all she knew was that it was safer than running into Cheryl's crosshairs. She hated the constant stares she received when she made her way down the hall.

It felt as though everyone was waiting for another catfight to ensue between the two.

Veronica and Betty discussed the latest on Betty's tactics at trying to scare potential buyers from her house. Emma's eyes lifted as a group of Farmies entered the room. Betty attempted to wave at Kevin, who had slowly detached himself from her after she attempted to enlist him in her crusade against the Farm.

"Emmie." He called, Emma graciously stood and walked towards him, leaving the group without a goodbye.

Archie looked at the blonde curiously, completely unaware that Emma had walked away. "What's with Kev?"

"The Farm, Arch. They got him too." Betty was highly irritated. She looked at Emma who linked arms with Evelyn and laughed at something the girl had said. "And from what I hear, Emma's next."

Jughead and Archie looked at one another as Veronica sat up, "Wait, hold on. Emma? Our Emma? A Farmie?"

Betty nodded at her, "My mom told me that she's been all "buddy buddy" with Evelyn and Kev at some events. Now, Fangs joining only enables her more. It's only a matter of time."

"How did I not know this?" Archie leaned in, confused at the news. He had recently thrown himself into training and boxing with the help of Tom Keller. However, every time they spoke, she never once brought up the farm. "She's with them constantly." Betty retorted.

Jughead shook his head, "But why?"

"It doesn't matter, we have to get her out before it's too late." Betty stated blatantly. Veronica nodded, "Okay, B, so what do we do?"


"We need to talk." Jughead's voice was quiet as Emma walked back towards her room. She closed her door and looked at him. They still hadn't spoken to one another after their fight. He hadn't even returned any of her calls the first few days, and therefore, she stopped trying.

Therefore, when he showed up at her doorstep, Emma made a promise to tell him everything that gnawed at her. He had the right to know and she hoped that this conversation could pave the path to a different ending.

She could see that his face was grim, her stomach dropped.

She placed her cup down and sat next to him. He sighed and placed his arm over her shoulders and pulled her in, "Thea, I'm sorry. For how I have been, for us, and where we are." She looked at him, unsure of where he was going.

"I can't stop thinking about what you told me before you left to Canada. You're right, life hasn't treated us kindly. I haven't treated you kindly... I love you, Emma," she observed his expression as he looked at the ground, deflated "but you have a choice to make..."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "We know about you and the Farm."

"What about them, Forsythe?" She spoke timidly, unable to bare his next words.

He shrugged as he let go of her, "I can't watch you go down that path, the very one that Betty is dealing with right now. It's either us or them, Thea. We want to help you but we can't if you have Evelyn and all the other Farmies blocking you from us. You've barely spoken to any of us." He had hoped that Emma would wake up and see how bad the farm was.

Betty had told the other three about Polly drowning her mother at her "baptism" and the list of farm escapees, all that detail similar accounts.

"Don't ask me to choose..." Her voice broke.

She knew it was a matter of time before she would cut the old bonds in order to forge new ones. Evelyn told her that much so.

Jughead grabbed her hand and looked deeply in her eyes, "Emma, these people are taking advantage of you. When you are at your weakest-"

"But you didn't help." She breathed. "I left and came back, and we were different. You moved on and were immersed in whatever you and Betty were doing. I had no one except for Sweet Pea, Kevin, Fangs, and my dad." His lip tightened at Sweet Pea's name.

Jughead had known since his return back to Riverdale High that Sweet Pea and Emma's friendship was much different than the other friendships she held.

And part of him hated it.

It wasn't a secret that him and Emma had their issues, but that didn't mean he liked that the two of them had grown extremely close. He never anticipated the two of them getting along, let alone becoming friends.

The incident at the registration desk, he first saw it. The way that he looked at her as he picked up her books that had fallen on the ground. Or when she jumped in to stop a prospective fight between Sweet Pea and Reggie, he stayed right behind her ready to jump at a moments notice if it went south.

Yet, the raven-haired boy knew that she cherished her friendships with Sweet Pea and Fangs. So, he went on about his business and without realizing it, he had left her in the dust.

"You didn't even return my calls. Evelyn offered me a home, somewhere that I can be safe and cared for." She looked at him and held his face.

He licked his lips and closed his eyes.

He had lost her.

"Maybe it just isn't our time, Thea."

"What?" Her hands fell from his face as he sighed. Tears welled up in her eyes as he looked ahead. He was on the verge of crying as his voice waivered as he began. "Emma, we have tried for a long time. In a year and a half, I have fallen for you, hard. But we are no longer on the same page. Maybe we just need sometime apart."

"What? We have been apart. This entire year we have slowly distanced ourselves. I don't want space, I want you. Please..."

He shook his head, "I don't know if us wanting it to work is going to be enough. I'm sorry." He stood up as she broke into a sob and stood up.

Jughead made his way towards her door and opened it, "So, that's it. I joined the Farm and we are done? That's the fine line? After everything you put me through, I deserve an explanation!" Her voiced raised.

He refused to look at her. "I thought you wanted us. Two months ago, you told me you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. How can you change so suddenly?"

Jughead knew the minute her met her eyes, he would take it all back.

"Forsythe... please." He walked out of her room and was greeted with Archie who came out of his room with Josie to see what the commotion was. Jughead refused to meet his eyes as he walked down the stairs and out of the house.

Josie peered into Emma's room to see the girl sobbing, running into the room she grabbed Emma as she collapsed onto the floor. Archie stood there unsure of what to do.

Unsure of what had happened.

Josie's eyes raised and met his.
