A Deal with the Man in Black

Sweet Pea's foot lightly shook as he sat in the living room of the Andrews' house.

Fred leaned against the wall as the two made small talk about the Serpent's new camp and FP.

The older brunette hadn't known about Emma's status within the Serpents, something she hoped to keep from him until the dust of Archie's situation settled.

"Emma, come on. You guys are already late." The older man called out as Emma came down the stairs with a chorus of 'I know's'.

He was right, they were late, and Veronica was probably mad.

Tonight marked the official opening of the underground speakeasy, La Bonne Nuit. Veronica had started the project after learning about the speakeasy from Pop Tate. With an idea in mind, she enlisted Reggie as manager and bartender, and Emma for design and security, in particular the Serpents.

Emma stood at the bottom of her steps as the two men stood at the sight of her.

"Little Red, you look..." Sweet Pea looked at her with awe as Fred nodded with a smile plastered on his face.

"You guys sure? Cheryl had been pushing me to wear this..." She trailed off still unsure how she felt about it.

This was Cheryl's moment to style Emma. After countless hours of relentless bantering, Cheryl managed to convince Emma to dress different for the opening with a sheer, white-laced, form fitting dress. Emma rubbed her hands against it feeling like the exact replica of Cheryl; However, instead of a plunging neckline, she opted for the off-the shoulder scoop neck— lace peeped out from the edges

"You look beautiful, Peanut. Now, go." Her dad kissed her forehead.

Opening the door for the two, she made her way out with Sweet Pea walking beside her.

Emma ran her hands over the dress again and fiddled with her gloves, Sweet Pea shook his head. "What?" She asked already knowing she was acting nervous.

"You need a drink." He concluded causing Emma to laugh. She nodded and eyed the 1967 blue Chevy Impala in front of her house, "Nice wheels."

He shrugged, "Yeah well, a motorcycle doesn't fit every occasion."

"And thank God for that." He smirked knowing she hated motorcycles. Even as Betty learned how to drive one over the summer, Emma stood off to the side refusing to even go near it.

Though, he wasn't giving up the hope to finally convince her one day to at least try it.

He opened the door for her as she slipped inside before walking towards the driver's side. Closing the door, he started the car and looked at her as she exhaled.

He could tell that she was still over thinking how she looked. Emma hated showing so much skin, she felt exposed and uncomfortable.

"You are breathtaking, Emma Andrews." The strawberry-blonde's eyes rose to look at Sweet Pea.

Emma could feel herself slightly melt at how he said her name, and for a quick moment she enjoyed it.

Aside from his usual joking, flirtatious antics, it was one of the rarer moments that she could detect the sincerity in his voice.

"Though, you don't need to dress up to be the most beautiful woman to me." Emma ducked her head and smiled.

"Well, you look quite handsome yourself, Sweet Pea." Her eyes trailed his black button down and black slacks.

He smiled at the softness of her voice. Emma Andrews was far from the shy type. She was bold and outspoken, however, when it came to Sweet Pea and his signature lines she always fell victim to them.

Pulling away from her house, Emma stared out the window for a bit.

Just as he predicted, Emma's anxious exterior melted away as she put on the radio and started humming along to a song. As the next song played, Emma turned it up and began singing, egging Sweet Pea on to join her. He shook his head, swearing he didn't sing, but she knew he secretly did.

Everyone does.

He gave her a mockingly annoyed look, "We are forty minutes late and you really don't care, do you?"

"Well," Emma turned down the radio and sighed as she looked at the raven-haired boy, "as a dear friend to Riverdale's resident 'It' girl and the Park Avenue Princess— if I am going to be late, I might as well be late."

He looked at her oddly and smirked, "Ah yes, I forget that you are still a Northside Princess."

"I prefer just Princess." Emma teases back earning a softened look from Sweet Pea. She could tell he liked her reference to one of his nicknames for her.

Sweet Pea looked ahead once more as he sighed, "And who is trouble now, Ms. Andrews?"

He could detect the slightly flirty tone in her voice. She was giving him a taste of his own medicine, and it drove him insane.

Emma chuckled at his statement. It had been one of the things she had told him at FP's retirement party after he continuously kept flirting with her.

And she had meant it.

Sweet Pea was trouble, but Emma slightly enjoyed the devilish side of him.

She had already started receiving texts about where she was by the time Sweet Pea made it back to her house to clean up for the opening.

The past two days had taken a turn for the better as Sweet Pea and Emma kept a close eye on Hiram's plans for the Southside. He took Ghoulies and Peabody watch while she was on the Lodges and the Blossoms. Veronica had enlisted Cheryl and Toni to break-in and take pictures of the jingle-jangle lab under the Wyrm.

After blackmailing her father, Veronica notified Emma. Thus, the Southside evil liar became compromised, leading to an emergency meeting where the two girls sat and listened to via the cameras she still had access to from the Wyrm.

However, tonight was for Veronica.

Pulling into the parking lot of Pop's, Emma smiled at neon purple and red lights illuminated Pop's keeping the darkness at bay.

Sweet Pea walked over and held his hand out for Emma, which she graciously accepted. "Chivalry isn't dead, I see." She winked at him.

He smiled at her as the made their way towards the dinner. "For a woman like you? Never." Opening the front door for Emma, Sweet Pea trailed behind her as she was greeted by Reggie.

"... look gorgeous." He said softly as she followed the boy towards the back of Pop's. Sweet Pea wrapped her arm around the crook of his elbow, nerves had set in again for the strawberry-blonde.

The two trailed down the stairs to be greeted by Veronica, who smiled brightly. Betty and Jughead sat at a table near the stage. Jughead's eyes moved towards Sweet Pea and Emma's entrance, Betty's soon followed.

"Sweet Pea." Veronica smiled at him before turning towards the girl beside him. "Emma, you look absolutely delicious. Can't wait to dress you up next. Also, you're late, again." She smiled at her sweetly.

Emma rolled her eyes, the raven-haired boy responded for her, "Yeah, well I tried my best to drag her out of the house. Awesome place, by the way." Sweet Pea said earning a surprised smile from Emma.

Veronica smirked as her eyes glided from the tall raven-haired boy to Emma. "I might have had some amazing help on the design aspect."

Sweet Pea smiled at Emma. She hated being boasted, therefore, she simply shook her head at the raven-haired girl.

"Ronnie." Reggie called from the stairs causing Veronica to smile. "I'll be back, but enjoy."

Sweet Pea handed a mocktail to Emma, he had gotten from a waiter. "It's nice to finally see people in here." Emma said as she sipped her drink.

"Well, you did a really good job, Little Red." She smiled at him sheepishly. The two began walking towards Betty and Jughead's table.

"I'm happy we got this gig." Sweet Pea replied.

Emma nodded, "Penny threatened Veronica and forced her hand, clearly in our favor. That's enough to celebrate for." She smiled at the irony.

"Emma, you look amazing." Betty said with a smile.

The two girls slowly grew back from their ruptured friendship after Betty seemed to live in the Andrews house during the summer, working alongside Mary Andrews and Sierra McCoy.

Betty was loyal and Emma honored that.

Time and time again she managed to challenge the strawberry-blonde's personal excuses for not liking Betty. Therefore, Emma made an attempt to be nicer and from their the friendship slowly flourished.

"You don't look too bad yourself. Like Rapunzel, you should let your hair down more often." Emma mused back at her earning a smile from the blonde.

Jughead nodded at Sweet Pea before he walked over to Fangs. Jughead's eyes trailed over her figure and embraced her, "You're wearing a dress."

"And you're in suspenders." She observed. He knew this was one look she preferred over his typical Serpent attire.

"You look ravishing." He kissed her lightly. She noticed the blue lining on his lips and stared at them quizzically. "Uh, sorry. It's fresh-aid."

Kevin approached the stage and beamed, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen. Please welcome to the stage, Josephine Baker." The audience clapped.

Emma scanned the crowd to see who was in the audience. Her eyes fell on Veronica, who stood by the bar. Signaling the strawberry-blonde to come over, Emma excused herself and made her way through the crowd.

Jughead and Betty's eyes shifted as she immersed herself into a group discussion with Reggie, Sweet Pea, and Veronica. Josie's voice filled the air in rendition of Cabaret.

"Why is he here?" Sweet Pea asked the one question that ran through Emma's mind once Veronica revealed her father was here. "I'm keeping an eye on him to make sure nothing happens." Reggie assured Sweet Pea as Emma and Veronica nodded.

"V? Why not kill two birds with one stone? Keep an eye on him and bait a deal." Emma chimed causing Veronica to smile.

The strawberry-blonde grabbed a pen from behind Reggie's ear and napkin. Veronica peered over her shoulder, "Very mafia, Em, I like."

Emma winked at her before shoving it in her purse and turning to see the older Lodge man watching Josie preform.

Sweet Pea shook his head, "What are you even talking about?" His hand wrapped around her arm.

She looked at him and placed her hand on his, "Just trust me."

Betty and Jughead missed Emma by a hair as they made their way to the group while she walked to Hiram. Emma smiled at the man as she neared his booth. Secluded and towards the back, Veronica had purposely ostracized him.



He was taken back by her boldness, but smiled at the challenge she presented. "It seems you and Veronica are such sights for sore eyes." He said as his eyes darted towards Veronica standing with the group watching the two.

His looked back at her and leaned back illustrating he was relaxed. Emma did the same as she mixed her drink playfully. "Well, that's because they don't know what your next move is, but I do."

She took a sip of her drink as he observed her. Emma knew he was trying to read her, but Emma always presented a strong front.

He smiled in a way that made chills go up Emma's spine. Not tickling ones, but cold and empty. "Oh, really? And what would that be."

Reaching in her bag, she pulled out the folded napkin and slid it over to him: an address, time, and date.

Southside High. Saturday 10PM.

She smiled sweetly at him.

"I will be expecting Madam Mayor as well." With that Emma slid out of the booth and glided back over towards Veronica. Hiram gave Emma one last look before shoving the paper in his jacket.

Veronica stood anxiously while Emma neared them.

Stopping before the raven-haired girl, she offered her a soft smile. "It's time." The group had seemed confused by her wording, but Veronica nodded.

She knew it was.


"Lovely evening, isn't it?"

Emma exited the car and walked in front of it towards Hiram and Hermione, who stood before theirs.

"Of course, not as lovely as you." Hiram chimed.

Emma was unimpressed by his cordial nature. She knew his comments were anything but, sincere. She noted two of their capos stood by the back of the car. Out of earshot, but still keeping watch.

"I would accept that as a compliment, but it seems I may have to pay price for it. The capos are a nice touch." Emma pointed.

Hiram smiled and gestured behind her, "As are the Serpents." Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Betty stood behind her, eyeing the man in black.

Emma could've sworn the two Lodges looked like they has stepped out of a mafia film. Hermione wore her black coat and dress with Hiram besides her in his usual black suit.

If she was being honest, the Serpents were the only ones sticking out. Even Emma mirrored their black Godfather-like fashion with her peplum blazer, paper-bag pants with an added twist of Cheryl's stark red heels.

Veronica was very strict on how it should be executed-- from what to wear to the mannerisms that needed to be displayed.

Emma smiled at him in a polite fashion. "Let's cut to the chase. I know how much you like backroom deals, I found this to be quite fitting, don't you think?" A condescending tone was evident in her voice.

Hermione's eyes trailed over the grounds of the old school and stared at her husband. From what Emma has heard from Veronica, Hermione hadn't wanted any of this. However, she was just as deep as he was in illegal affairs.

Hiram held his hands out, "Emma, if you think I can help you with Archie, I can't. He is a cold-blooded killer and needs to pay for what he did-"

"Relax, the press isn't here." The strawberry-blonde droned with a sly tone. He remained tight-lipped.

Emma gestured towards the bag in her hands. "Reason doesn't rule your actions, from what Veronica tells me, only greed does. So, I have an offer: A million dollars. That's the price for leaving Archie in peace."

Betty, Jughead, and Sweet Pea eyed each other, not remembering Veronica giving Emma money for the trade-off. Hiram chuckled lightly, "As generous as that is, Emma, I have my own money."

"I figured that, but like any reasonable woman, I always have a contingency." Emma smiled sweetly and pointed towards Betty who held a folder to her chest.

Hiram's eyes furrowed.

"In Betty's arms is a file that contains every dirty secret you shared with Archie. Every transcript of every conversation. And if that didn't drive you enough, I also have some honorable mentions of Agent Adams and your dear wife." Hermione's eyes flickered to Hiram as the man's face grew with anger.

Emma nodded, "It seems I have your attention. How soon do you think it will be before Riverdale calls for another special election, Madam Mayor?" She eyed the woman before her.

Hiram spoke before Hermione. "Are you sure you want to make an enemy of me? You saw what happened to your brother, your father..."

Emma's eyes snapped back in his direction. "Keep threatening me and you will see how fast this offer leaves the table."

The air was filled with silence. The Lodges were thinking, Emma stared mildly.

He smiled at her once a decision was reached, Hermione remained clueless on his next move. He nodded at Emma, "Very well, I will leave him be. Though," Hiram stepped forward nearing Emma causing Jughead and Sweet Pea to move forward in a defensive stance, making eye contact with Hiram's capos who did the same.

"I have to ask, where did you get that kind of money? It wasn't Veronica, or she would've negotiated, and it certainly is not Fred Andrews..."

Nerves erupted in her stomach as Emma knew her next claim would be her defining moment. A confirmation from the enemy that threatened to topple his plans for Riverdale.

"As you have been courting Penelope and Claudius-- giving them God knows what-- I have been revving against you."

"And what does that mean?" He challenged her.

Leaning forward, she met his eyes. "It means... You. Need. Me."

"You..." He looked at her quizzically. He noted Betty and Jughead's  confusion while Sweet Pea stared at him harshly. He turned to meet her eye once more. "... are Clifford's successor, aren't you?"

He was intrigued.

She was scared shitless.

Emma inhaled and refused to show any indication of fear. That was Veronica's biggest rule. No matter how bad things go, never give up your poker face.

Hiram smiled at her in a sinister fashion, "It seems I have been courting the wrong one. Tell me, Emma..." His voice was much kinder than before in his attempt to bait her. "... how did you obtain the company right from Penelope's nose?"

Emma gave him an unamused look, yet she could feel herself slowly become terrified by his questions. It led her to question what theories Penelope had whispered in his ear.

"A pleasure, as always." She said softly. Turning around, Emma was met with the curious triage of Serpents. She gave them a pointed look before walking past them and slid into her car. They followed Emma.

Hiram moved towards Hermione.

"She needs to be snuffed out." Hiram said definitively. Hermione shook is head at his statement. "Hiram, she's a child. She's our daughter's friend! Fred's kid-" She whispered harshly.

Climbing in the back of his town car, he watched Emma's car pull out. He was surprised at how well her poker-face had become.

Surely, she was nothing like her brother.

"This is her first request, not the only one. Unless you want to become her lackey, you will stand with me on this." He said firmly.


Within the first minute of driving, Emma began to shake with fear. Jughead placed his hand on her thigh to silent comfort her, but Emma had barely paid any noticed.

By the second minute, the strawberry-blonde was internally freaking out.

The group had remained silent as she pulled over a half a mile down the road, breathing heavily.

"I- I need you to drive." She said looking ahead with her hands still on the steering wheel. Jughead simply nodded and switched places with Emma. She remained quiet in the car, most of them did, until Betty broke the silence.

"Emma... do you really-"

Emma shook her head, "We can't talk here." She said stated abruptly.

Betty could see as Emma became more paranoid as the minutes waned on. "Are you okay, at lea—"

"Cooper. Now isn't the time." Sweet Pea said quietly to the blonde next to her.

Jughead glanced into the rear view mirror. He had a feeling from Sweet Pea's calm demeanor that Emma's reveal wasn't news to him.

He looked towards his girlfriend and noted how her eyes were closed. She was softly counting backwards in an attempt to control herself, but he could see her panicked frenzy.

In truth, they all could see it.

Once they pulled into Pop's, Emma quickly exited the car and made her way towards La Bonne Nuit. Pushing the door open, she rushed down the stairs as the three trailed behind her.

Veronica sat at the barstool as Reggie shined some glasses. "Emma... is it done?"

She nodded at the raven-haired girl.

Looking around the room, Emma scanned for any abnormalities. "Em?" Veronica questioned.

Veronica searched for an answer on Betty's, Jughead's, and Sweet Pea's face, yet it was something they didn't have. The strawberry-blonde made her way towards the booth Hiram had sat in opening night, she checked underneath the table and the seat.

"Emma, what are you doing?" Reggie walked over filled with concern, grabbing her hand gently as it slid all over the booth. "I'm sorry..." She said quietly, "I had to make sure it's safe."

She looked at the group, who seemed concerned over her actions. "It's okay," Veronica stood up and walked towards her. "I get it swept once a week."

Veronica knew she was searching for a bug. She could tell the deal had shaken her. Veronica guided the girl towards the bar. "He bought the kill file bluff. Good call."

"Is it safe now?" Betty snarked and slightly peeved at what was happening. "Was Hiram right? Do you own Blossom Maple Farms?"

"Yes, Betty." Emma sneered.

The blonde eyes her carefully, "Does Cheryl know?"


"Why not?"

"Because it isn't public knowledge."

Veronica's eyes widened as Betty probed Emma like an interrogator.

"How come?"

"Because Clifford kept it that way."

"And you kept this from us. Why?"

Emma rolled her eyes as Betty waited. Looking to Veronica, who nodded at her to simply answer it, the strawberry-blonde turned her focus back on the blonde.

"To be frank, I could barely stand you up until recently, Jughead has been busy, and it was too dangerous for Reggie to know yet."

"So, Veronica and Sweet Pea knew."

Emma bit her lip, "Yes."

"Why?" Betty stepped forward.

"Because I needed someone to know in case your dad actually killed me after he stabbed the shit out of Midge," Emma gestures towards Sweet Pea while staring at Betty with annoyance and continued, "And Veronica, was taking her dad down and I clearly had a lot to offer. Now are you done?"

Betty stepped back after earning a side eye from Sweet Pea.

Reggie shook his head, "Wait. Is that what you and Ronnie have been talking about? You guys kept it from me for months...?"

Veronica looked at his sympathetically, "It wasn't like that. We had to be sure that my father never knew or even got a whiff. A secret can be a dangerous thing."

"In this case, it is." Jughead said pointedly. Emma knew he was unhappy with her having another secret. "You don't get it."

"No, I think I do. You and Veronica went off on a whim, endangering yourselves in hopes to one up Hiram Lodge." He spat. "Which, I might also mention, has never been taken down."

Veronica and Emma looked at Jughead knowing what he said was true.

However, the raven-haired girl refused to let him scold them. "And how many times have you done the same thing? You've threaten him countless times, but when we do it, it's not okay?" Veronica was firm in her response. "This was our leg up. We had to do it now or risk Penelope finding out and outing her."

"What does it matter?" Betty looked at the two girls as if they were insane. "She is going to know now."

Emma rolled her eyes at Betty's dumbfounded facial expression.

"Okay, Betty." She was already frustrated by Betty not letting her explain, not to mention Hiram's response.

"Let me put it in the simplest of terms so that you can easily grasp this." Everyone's faces shifted slightly at Emma's harshness.

"Archie wants out. We want him out. The first step is to threaten Hiram. He learns that I am his last needed pawn in his drug trafficking scheme. He knows you three know, and most likely Veronica as well. He is so focused on me, he turns his vision from Archie to me, to get me on his side. It's a matter of time before I have the Blossoms, Lodges, and the Ghoulies placing a target on my back. This ensures that I can't have one, I'm more dangerous dead, so they wait."

Betty looked down, embarrassed from Emma's harshness. She nodded, indicating she understood.

"That sounds like the craziest plan, and that's coming from me." Sweet Pea chimed in.

Emma's eyes shifted to Jughead who stared at her, "So, you kept this from me." He said quietly. "You told him and not me."

"Um," Veronica looked at the two and then to the group. "Maybe we should give them some-"

Emma looked at him with annoyance, "Oh, so you can tell Betty all your secrets but I tell Sweet Pea and it's a big deal? Are you seriously doing this right now?"

"Yeah, Emma, I am." Jughead glared at Sweet Pea before looking back at the girl before him. "Since Midge. That means you knew since last April at least. And you didn't—"

Reggie and Veronica shared a look of awkwardness while Betty looked down at the ground. Sweet Pea simply glared at him with annoyance.

The strawberry-blonde scoffed before speaking in an icy tone.

"Yes, I knew and I did it to protect my best friend from her mom killing her and Nana off to get a hold of the company. The issue at hand is now I will be taking the heat, not that I decided to trust someone who actually makes time to listen to me for once."

Her words seem to cut him and burn. Jughead grew even angrier, "You hid this knowing that you could possibly get kille—"

"I didn't hide anything from you. You were wrapped up in your investigation-" Emma attempted to defend herself.

Jughead looked at her with vindication, "You would think I would forget about this? About you, with Clifford's plans? Do you know how stupid this is?"

His voice raised slightly with each word he spoke.

The group watched as the scenes unfolded before them. Veronica's mouth laid agape as the rest stared.

Emma looked at Veronica before turning back to Jughead, "You know what, it's already done."

Exhaling dramatically, the strawberry-blonde had reached her limit.

"Maybe if you weren't wrapped up in your little fantasy world with Ethel, Betty, and the Gargoyle King you would see what is actually happening here. In reality. In fucking Riverdale." Her voice became more steady with each word. "You think I don't know that you play that stupid game with Ethel? With the Serpents?" She looked at him.

His eyes never left hers. "I have people keeping an eye on you for me. While I run your gang for you."

Emma stepped forward before she began listing. "Hiram Lodge is real. Penelope and Claudius, the Ghoulies, Malachai, Penny... those are real dangers. Not this 'schoolhouse' game that gets teens to commit mass suicide. That's an epidemic, this is war."

She leaned back and eyed him harshly, "You're either in or out."

He looked at her with a expression that was mixed with fear and disbelief. In truth, the entire group was. Everyone of them had seen Emma use her words to knock Cheryl down during a fight or when she was openly hostile towards her brother.

But, this was new.

Her words were meant to sting because they were laced with a much deeper meaning. Either he stepped up as a leader and stop the game or he wasn't allowed to have a voice in matters that he wasn't a part of.

Emma was sick of him never seeing her side, but ready to fight with everyone else on what they did wrong. She knew that she threw a cheap shot about his need to constantly investigate, but she would be lying if she felt that Sweet Pea was more trustworthy than Jughead.

Or rather, everyone in this room was before him.

Sweet Pea walked forward and looked at Jughead before he made his way towards Emma's side. Veronica and Reggie stared at him as Jughead and Betty's eyes scanned the room in confusion.

Jughead had started circling the drain with his latest obsession and Betty began enabling his delusions. Emma stared at the blonde and then to him.

"So, it has been decided." With that Emma walked past them and up the stairs.


One week.

One week was the small window of opportunity to get Archie out.

For four hours on Thursday's, Archie was out of Leopold & Lobe; and had only one chance to break for it. Emma's leg shook wildly as she sat in Pop's waiting for the call. She hadn't spoken to anyone nor did she want to. It seemed as though with every moment that passed, her heart sank more. Barely touching her fries, she felt a vibration in her pocket.

She out her cellphone and answered the call. "Hello?" She began collecting her things and making her way to the door.

"Emma." Veronica's voice was filled with relief and that was enough for her.

Jumping in the car, she slammed the door shut. "I'll be there in ten."

She hung up the phone and raced towards Dilton Doiley's bunker. Unbeknownst to her, she had began running through Fox Forest to get to the bunker. Anxiety pulsed through her body, she needed to see that he was okay. Opening the hatch to the bunker, she climbed down and began making her way through the underground entrance. She saw as Josie and Kevin were dressed in costume as Betty wore her Serpent jacket. She met Cheryl and Toni's eyes before locking eyes with Jughead.

"Em?" Veronica stood to see the girl round the corner. Emma's eyes laid on Archie's figure. "Oh, thank God." She breathed as Veronica smiled.

"We did it." Veronica cooed. Emma nodded furiously in agreement.

Archie smiled at his sister, "Hey, Peanut." He said weakly as Emma half hugged him.

"I'm so happy you're okay. Dad will be too."

Archie looked at her, "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. He's doing as good as he can." She was misty eyed. She placed her hand on his arm and smiled. "I- I can't believe the plan worked, but here you are, and that is all that I need."

He could see she was hiding something. "But what?"

"I, uh, we can't see you that often." Her eyes were casted down. "Once the Sheriff and Hiram are notified all eyes will be on dad and I."

He nodded, "It's the most logical place to start."

Emma smiled mildly at him and slipped her hand out of her glove. She placed her hand on his face and looked at him intently, "If you ever do some stupid shit like this again, I will personally drown you in the toilet." He laughed softly as did she.

Veronica's eyes flickered from the twin's frames to Emma's hand, most likely where everyone else's eyes trailed towards as well.

Gossip spread like wild fire in Riverdale and the prosecution's attack on Emma to discredit her, it was nothing short of gossip.

Veronica noted the white marks with undefined circular light brown rings on her hand.

Emma never took her gloves off, even when eating. Many times she only used utensils or slipped her glove on and off. She had a plethora of gloves in every color ranging from wrist length to mid-forearm.

To Veronica, it was Emma's unique staple, until it wasn't.

For Emma, touching Archie made him real before he was out of her grasp once again and into the arms of those she had to trust.

"I have to go, but we'll talk soon." She pleaded him to which he smiled.

"Love you, Peanut." He said as she began to stand. "I love you too." She said softly as he let go of her hand. She inhaled as she passed the group once more, in hopes to keep her composure

"Call me later?" Veronica nodded to Emma as she made her way towards the ladder. Once back on stable ground, she began walking.

She felt a few tears sting her cheek, "Emma!"

The strawberry-blonde wiped the tears away hurriedly and spun around. Sweet Pea smiled at her and slow jogged towards her. His smiled faded as he saw her slightly reddened cheeks, "Hey, are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah. What is it?"

"I kept playing like you told me." He knew the next thing he would say would bother her even further, "Emma, when everyone was breaking Archie out, Jughead called the inner circle Serpents to play, to help the Red Paladin escape."

She sighed and shook her head, "He doesn't care. What I said and did... it did nothing."

"I'm sorry, Em." Sweet Pea looked down at the ground before meeting her eyes. "I think Fangs and Toni are becoming really hooked. Cheryl is only in it for Toni, but it's a matter of time before she is sucked in too." He stated in a low matter-of-fact tone.

She breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. Emma could feel the weight of responsibility slowly crushing her.

"And you?" She looked at him with concern. Sweet Pea shook his head to signify that he wasn't becoming consumed by the allure of the game.

The strawberry-blonde let out a breath of relief, "I need you to tell me the second you begin to feel compromised. I won't lose you too."

The raven-haired boy sighed, "You won't. Trust me, Em. I know where my allegiance lies."

Pulling her jacket closer to her, Emma looked towards the bunker and then to Sweet Pea. "Just make sure it stays to the controlled group. I don't want the others playing it." She said with concern.

Sweet Pea could tell that she was slowly beginning to lose faith if Jughead would get his act together. "The Serpents are in the harshest of times. This game is an escape. If they fall victims to it, I- I don't know if we can stop them."

"I'll keep you updated, Little Red."
