
With the end of the extended weekend, the Andrews twins slowly began to find themselves more out of sorts than either had anticipated.

Sitting in the student lounge, Emma half-heartedly listened to Veronica and Jughead's bickering regarding Hiram Lodge and his next move.

Betty was invested in their debate cautiously chiming in. Archie sat alongside Emma, matching her quiet demeanor.

Neither of them cared to hear about the eldest Lodge. They were too consumed by their own issues to be concerned with anyone else's.

Archie was filled with rage, day-drinking and punching things, the once peaceful redhead had taken a turn for the worst.

Unlike Archie, Emma internalized. She barely spoke, ate, painted. To those closest, Emma had become a robot, unsure of how to express her emotions and to who.

Though the twins had their good moments, it seemed they were more rare as of late.

"Achie, Em..." Veronica turned her head wanting to get their input.

Archie shrugged. 

The strawberry-blonde inhaled deeply knowing he had spaced out, not listening to a word that they had been saying.

Emma cleared her throat, "To be honest, I just don't want to talk about the man anymore, V... I'm sorry."

Veronica reached for her hand, understanding where Emma currently stood.

"Well, if it isn't my backstabbing, usurper ex-bff."

Emma closed her eyes and stood, she knew it was a matter of time. "Cher-"

"Hold." The redhead smiled at her sinisterly, "Now, Emmie, no need to explain. You and my mother are two peas in a pod. Two vipers waiting for me to fall, but trust me," she neared Emma, "I won't."

The strawberry-blonde's voice was calm as she tried to deescalate the redhead's feisty temper. "Cheryl, I was going to tell you, but then the Ghoulies attacked me and I left town because I thought Hira-"

Emma was greeted with a cold slap that left her cheek stinging. Her eyes sprung tears from the harsh impact.

Veronica stood, "Cheryl!"

"You do not lie to me, Emma Andrews."

Cheryl face had morphed from fake happy to vindictive and sinister. "You ran because you didn't want to get caught. You are just as greedy as the rest."

"No... No, no I didn't. I- I have it right here."

Emma riffled through her bag wildly before pulling out a file that contained the paperwork to transfer the buisness to Cheryl, all that was needed was the redhead's signature.

Cheryl looked insulted by Emma's pleas of innocence. "Cher, you have to believe me. I never wanted this, I hadn't even known-"

"And then you did. And now you are dead to me."

Turning her head towards Tina, who stood behind her, Cheryl spoke proudly. "Why don't you give good ole Emmie a warm welcome back from the Riverdale Vixens?"

The strawberry-blonde looked at her confused as Tina threw her caramel iced coffee onto Emma's face and chest.

Her face switched from shock to something unreadable.

"Posted." Ginger said happily as she clicked her phone.

Betty stood up and snatched the phone from her hand as Ginger gunned for it, "Try me." Betty threatened.

Ginger pouted her lip but knew better than to test the blonde.

All eyes moved to Emma as tears began to sting her cheeks. The lounge had been a popular meeting place and the red headed vixen always loved an audience.

Cheryl's face faltered at the sight of Emma crying, something she didn't believe would become an outcome. She had anticipating on confronting Emma and her fighting back as always, but this time she didn't.

She just stared at her, silently.

"Thea..." Jughead called for her as she continued to stare at Cheryl.

She inhaled deeply as an attempt to steady her voice, but failed to do so. "I- I tried. I tried and I try and no matter what, I will always have the shit end of the stick. You want the company? It's yours. I never wanted your cursed blood money anyways."

Shoving the file into Cheryl's chest, pushing her back as she made her way out of the lounge and into the hallways.

Waltzing up to Cheryl, Veronica neared at a threatening proximity. "When it came out, I told you to let her explain. Your mother locked you away at the Sister's once to get rid of you. Emma took responsibility to protect you. She thought for once your dad did something for you, to protect you from your mother and this is what you do? While you broke into my house with Toni during the quarantine and stole my mom's Fabergé egg, she was dying in the woods because of your mother. Look in the mirror if you want to learn a thing or two about who really is the messed up one."

Cheryl watched Veronica walk out in search of Emma, the other three behind.

Veronica began searching the bathrooms; one after another, she found Emma to be nowhere.

"Maybe the locker room?" Archie purposed as Veronica lead the crusade towards the otherside of the school.

Walking at a fast pace, Betty fell slightly behind while looking into classrooms.

She entered the art room to see the strawberry-blonde standing by the sink with the faucet on, crying.


Betty knew she was embarrassed and hurt by Cheryl's confrontation.

Grabbing a rag, Betty dipped it under the faucet and began cleaning Emma remained quiet as the other three entered the room. Betty looked at them and then to Emma who was only looking down, trying to contain her crying.

"Maybe we should get you a change of clothes." Veronica stated in a gentle voice, Emma shook her head.

The dam had bursted and she knew she couldn't get it under control. "I want to go home. Please." She said softly.

Archie nodded, "I'll take you home, Peanut."

"No... you missed too much school and you n-need to catch up." Archie shook his head.

She had always put him first, she had always put everyone first. Actions like that were the very ones that led her to this very moment.

"She's right, Arch. I'll take her. I have study hall first period, anyways." Betty said to him as she handed Emma a damp paper towel to cool down her face.

Giving Emma a moment to collect herself, the strawberry-blonde nodded at Betty and handed the car keys to her after retrieving them from her bag.

She walked past them, not wanting to meet their eyes. Jughead gave her a kiss on her head before releasing her. Betty guided Emma out of the room and into the hallway, where the student body stared at them, more in particular, at Emma.

Archie, Veronica, and Jughead exited the room to stop and see the amount of attraction Emma had gotten. The news had spread like wildfire with Ginger's gif that was posted on social media and word of mouth.

In under fifteen minutes, more than half the student body learned what had happened in the lounge.

"I could kill her." Veronica muttered.


"She hates me, doesn't she?" Emma said quietly in the car as Betty drove to her house.

The wind blew in her face as she moved a strand of hair that dangled in front of her eyes. Betty sighed and looked at her, "Em, she was wrong. What she did, and no offense, what she always does is wrong."

Emma wiped her tear, "But she isn't that wrong. It looks bad, I saw the way everyone looked at me in the hallway. To them, I am just as horrible as the Lodges."

"In a week it will blow over. It always does."

"But what if it doesn't?" Emma countered. Betty parked the car as she entered Emma's driveway. The blonde looked at her, noting how distraught she was. This was a side of Emma she had never seen. She was fiery and bold, not one to back down.

But Betty saw her for what she was: Struggling  to adjust and circling the drain.

"If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?" Betty watched as Emma pondered in silence for a minute.

"I wish my dad left with my mom when she got the job offer in Chicago instead of separating." She said softly. "Archie would be in music school, we wouldn't be on the run, or in debt. Life would be simple. Normal."

"But without all of us."

Emma looked down. She knew that and it hurt her to feel it, but she slowly began to resent moving back home. "I can't wait to leave this place." Betty looked at her and knew she was doing much worse than Emma cared to admit or even show. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't had said anything."

"No... no." Betty stated as she saw the girl rebuild her walls, guarding herself from anymore vulnerability.

"No, really... it's fine. Just drop it, please." Emma huffed before looking at Betty, "I'll see you later. Just give Archie the keys or you can drive my car back home after school. Doesn't matter."

Betty had lost her window of opportunity to questions Emma. She nodded as Emma exited the door and peered down at the blonde.

"But thank you for being there." She said with a genuine tone, Betty smiled.

"I guess it's payback from the time you helped me after I puked at school."

Emma chuckled as they said their goodbye's, however, Emma was far from in the laughing mood.


A knock at the door broke Emma from her concentration. "Uh, hey." Fred walked into his daughter's room and stood by the frame of the bathroom door. Emma sat in front of her toilet scrubbing it with a toothbrush.

Stress cleaning was always a coping mechanism to Emma, however, this had been brought to an extreme. Coming home from work for lunch, Fred found Emma meticulously cleaning the living room and dining room.

"Hey, dad."

"You're still going at it?" She nodded as he watched her spray more bleach. He could hear Archie in his room, punching away. Though it seemed as though they were dealing with their demons in a healthy way, the extremity made it worrisome.

"I just want to make sure it's clean."

"Oh, I think it's glistening, Little Red." Her eyes moved up to see reveal Sweet Pea standing behind her dad.

She chuckled, "Yeah, well try sharing a Jack-and-Jill bathroom with a teenage boy."

Fred bent down and took the bleach from beside her and smiled. "Well, leave the teenage boy with me. Why don't you two go out and do something? Maybe Pop's? I know Veronica is throwing a welcome back party." He hated seeing Emma slowly drive herself mad while confined to her room.

Sweet Pea could see the hesitation in her face at the suggestion of Pop's and the possibility of being in the same room as Cheryl. "Or a walk? It's nice out tonight." He proposed as Fred nodded.

"Uh, sure. Let me change and I'll be right down." They nodded and left.

Fred spoke quietly as they entered the kitchen. He was surprised to see Sweet Pea at his door instead of Jughead.

He hadn't asked any questions, but from what Archie mentioned in passing, Jughead wasn't around as much.

Fred slowly began to see Jughead less and less while Emma often was with Fangs, Kevin, Veronica, or Sweet Pea. His daughter was always tight-lipped on her life, something he hated but grew to understand why after learning about Emma's time in Chicago.

Fred sighed, "She wants to stay home tomorrow. I told I'd think about it, but..."

Sweet Pea nodded, "I heard about the confrontation. I know she's been off, but I can't help but wonder how far off she is."

"I don't know what to do anymore. She's distancing herself from everyone." Fred looked down and shrugged, "Are she and Jughead still together?"

The raven-haired boy nodded, unsure of how much he truly knew. "Yeah, but it doesn't seem good."

Fred looked at him waiting for him to elaborate. Sweet Pea exhaled and spoke in a softer tone, "If I'm being honest, it hasn't for a while." He sighed, "Don't tell her I said that or she would have my head."

Fred smiled, "Yeah that's Emma alright."

Sweet Pea noted how distant she had been, especially with Jughead; However, he was so wrapped in his investigation, he barely noticed. "Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her. She's had it rough, so..."

"I'm ready." Emma smiled slightly as the two turned their heads smiling at the sight of Emma.

Fred nodded and gestured towards them, "Enjoy. Now, if you will excuse me I think it's time Archie and I had a conversation about his boxing hours." Emma chuckled as her father passed her and headed upstairs.

Sweet Pea walked over to her and held the door for her as she grabbed a light jacket and made her way to the patio.

Vegas whined at the sight of Emma leaving. She smiled at her dog knowing he wanted attention. "Alright, come on, you know you want to." Vegas followed them out as Emma put his leash on.

The two walked down the stairs and passed Betty's house. Sweet Pea eyed the house as Betty's silhouette was visible from her bedroom window. "It seems Betty is getting ready for the party." He pointed.

Emma nodded as they continued to walk, "Yeah, Jughead is over there now. Probably heading to the welcome back/study party soon. They've been helping Archie study for the SATs, which I don't even know why he is taking it." She shrugged.

"So, you've been alone for the day?"

Emma nodded, "Pretty much. Betty dropped me home and then she stopped by to drop off the car after school. Everyone's been busy." They rounded the first corner as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Doesn't that bother you?" He looked at her confused.

He knew she had a hard exterior but he was worried about the demons she was battling behind closed doors. From what he can tell, so was Fred.

She looked at Vegas who eagerly walked. "Archie left, everyone continued on. Then I did, and I wasn't expecting anyone to halt for me. I can't blame them." She spoke nonchalantly.

"Your boyfriend barely spends time with you, you push everyone else away, and it doesn't bother you at all that no one has stopped ask you how you are really doing?"

"They do." She defended.

He stopped walking and looked at her. "No, they're curious about you, about your brother. Asking you how you are feeling and are, are two different things." She could tell he wasn't a fan of how everyone had brushed her aside while in the midst of all that has happened.

She looked at him with surprise at how heated he had become. "Why are you getting so mad about it?"

"Why aren't you?"

She was taken back by his rebuttal. "Because... I can't help it, it just is." Her voice was soft, she knew she normally would've been just as mad, but for some reason she wasn't.

He sighed and looked down. Her expression faltered as he began walking once more.

She watched as he deepened his breaths, "I watched friends, family, suffer the same way you did. The same way you are." He extended his hand as she placed Vegas' leash in his hand. The dog walked alongside them, clearly tired of them walking slowly. "Look, Emma, I know that you've seen things, done things, and experienced more than anyone should. We both know I can see right past that blockade you put up and you are spiraling."

Emma could feel her breathing hitch as he turned to look at her.

"I may not know everything about you. There are things that you don't want to share and I get it. Trust comes with time after all, but these people- your friends- do and yet, everyone around you ignore the signs."

"What signs? No they don-"

He looked at her and shook his head, "Look at happened to Cheryl." She was taken back by his reference. He sensed that as he looked forward, "I know, Emma. Toni told me. No one noticed until it was almost too late."

Sweet Pea knew that no matter how cruel Cheryl was to her, Emma would always come to her aid. And his statement, struck an old chord within her.

She stared at him. Emma knew exactly what his point was. No one had realized how bad things got for Cheryl until it was the last moment. She closed her eyes and sighed.

Emma had always wondered what would have happened had Cheryl never sent that goodbye text to Veronica.

Sweet Pea walked in silence for a moment before exhaling and stopping. He knitted his eyebrows together and looked towards Vegas as he simply sat down. He was sure that the dog was already irritated by the stopping and going patterns.

He looked back at the girl in front of him as she wore her joggers and a long sleeve. She hadn't even bothered to put on her gloves or hide the small bags under her eyes.

"My mom was the same way, Emma." Her eyes looked up from the ground and locked with eyes. His expression was slightly hardened, something she realized he did when he tried to keep him emotions in check.

Emma instantly reached for his hand taking him slightly by surprise. However, he laced his fingers in with hers.

He sighed, "I don't talk about it because it's not something I want to relive, but I can see you headed down a dangerous path. You and Fangs are the only close family I really have left now. I can't lose either of you."

Emma bowed her head attempting to collect herself, but just like Kevin and Fangs—he had a knack for knowing what to say to get an emotional response from her.

Emma bowed her head.

"I'm sorry." She breathed out, her voice slightly faltered.

Sweet Pea placed his other hand on the side of her cheek and met her at eye level. "Never apologize for how you feel, Emma. You know that I am the last person you should feel ashamed to showing your emotions to. I want to help you, but you don't talk— you won't talk."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything." He breathed.

She looked at him trying to hold back tears, "I'm terrified..." She said in a very small voice.

"Everything I do keeps backfiring, I'm a burden. I keep trying to get ahead of the issue, but I know I won't. I'm a sitting duck, trapped here until someone takes me." Her voice was defeated. He could see the fire in her eyes slowly dimming as she became consumed by responsibilities that were never hers. "I'm just tired."

"Why don't you tell us that? You came back with Archie, we thought you wanted to be back."

She looked at Sweet Pea and shook her head, "Because no matter where I go I'll never escape the inevitable."


"Everyone is dealing with something. Some are more subtle than mine, and others are outright like Archie. I'm the one person who no one needs to worry about. Not my dad, not my friends, no one. So why would they start noticing me breaking now?"

His eyes lowered as she offered him a meek smile.

She hooked her arm through his and began walking. Rounding the last the corner, she held his arm closer as Vegas walked at a slower pace. Emma could tell he probably missed the freedom of being outdoors, running alongside Archie in the woods.

Emma rubbed Sweet Pea's arm and looked at him. "I'm not an open person. I've always been guarded, so it's hard. I'm used to people just brushing me off because the shell was too hard to crack... And now that Hiram has forced me into a corner, I have no choice but to remain as such."

He looked at her as she shrugged, her cheeks and nose were slightly reddened but her facial expression remained neutral. "I was gone a month and I had a lot of time to think. Too much, if you ask me."

She looked at him and stopped a house away from her own. "I appreciate you. You are my rock in a time that I don't have many. I don't mean to scare you or my dad, I'm just... as lost as you all are. I have a lot to shoulder and I-"

"Then let me shoulder it with you." He pleaded with a sincere look in her eyes.

In that moment, Emma simply wanted to open the floodgates. He could tell by her expression. The strawberry-blonde stared at him. While those around her now knew various hidden aspects of her life, there was even more stashed away.

Some would present themselves soon while others could stay hidden for longer.

And telling him that meant that he would be the only person to know her fully and she didn't know if she was ready for that.

"If you don't want to tell me everything in the past, it's okay, but don't hide anything else from me. From here on out just tell me talk to me about these things— talk to Kevin or Fangs or even Jones, just talk to someone."

She smiled at him. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

"I accept cash."

"And you call me a princess." He laughed as she lightly slapped his shoulder.

Bending down, she undid Vegas' leash, the two began walking in his direction as Betty and Jughead stood on the porch of the Andrews' house. "Have you asked Josie out yet?"

"Curved. Hard." He said in a low voice as they neared them. Vegas jumped up, clearly excited at the sight of visitors.

Emma's mouth dropped. "What? No way."

Glancing at Jughead and Betty by her house, Emma turned her head and whispered, "You are so telling me when we get in the house. Do you want me to punch her in the throat?"

Sweet Pea laughed and whispered back, "Nice try, evil Emma, but I've seen you punch and like Fangs said, you have noodle arms."

Emma's face dropped as she smacked him on the arm harder than usual.

He didn't even flinch and just smiled.

Betty and Jughead eyed the two as Sweet Pea and Emma approached them.

"Sweet Pea? I didn't know you were here." Jughead said with suspicion in his voice.

Sweet Pea nodded, "Yeah. I thought I would stop by for a bit."

The raven-haired boy nodded at Sweet Pea; Betty could see the odd tension between the two boys.

Archie came out the door and smiled, "Oh, there you are. Dad wanted to know if you guys were having dinner here."

"Uh, yeah." She looked to Sweet Pea who nodded. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Betty asked.

Shaking her head Emma smiled, "No, I'm fine, thanks. If you guys want, you can take my car."

Emma pointed at her brother sternly, "But not you. Let Betty drive cause you suck. I actually trust her."

He eyed her knowing that she had found the empty liquor bottles in his bottom desk drawer earlier as they had mysteriously disappeared when he returned home. She chose not to fight him on it, but kept a very close eye on him. "Fine. Even though it's half my car." He grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, "Well if you didn't fail the test twice then it could have been equally yours, but I've imprinted on her now. Plus you have the jalopy. Family tradition doesn't apply to girls."

"Alright, lets go before Veronica has your head," Jughead said pointing Archie has he came down the stairs, "and before she starts pull out her receipts." He smiled at Emma as she gave her brother a pointed look that she won the battle once more. Archie handed Betty the keys as they began walking towards the car.

Jughead nodded at Sweet Pea before pulling Emma into a slightly longer kiss.

Emma stiffened at Jughead deepening the  kiss. She hated PDA. After suffering dealing with Veronica and Archie, she told herself that she didn't like the attention it brought.

Sweet Pea stared at him, hard, out of annoyance knowing this was Jughead's lame attempt at trying to remind him of his relationship with Emma. He could see her body was slightly tense up signaling she was mildly uncomfortable by it.

He broke the kiss and placed a small one on her forehead before saying goodbye to the two. Earning an odd look from Emma, Sweet Pea followed her up the stairs into her house.

"Technically, tonight is Indian because Archie is out, but I'll sacrifice and let you pick... I'm sure my dad will be happy."

Sweet Pea chuckled in a low voice as he walked towards the door with her, "Why can't you be normal and eat a burger?"
