A Boy Who Couldn't Love

Emma quickly glanced up at the chime of Pop's door and saw Fangs breeze through. He smiled at Emma as she nodded at him before resuming her newest sketch.

She silently prayed that he wouldn't walk towards her booth, but— like clockwork— he did.

And so, she sighed quietly, "What are you doing here?" Her voice was soft, almost disinterested in nature.

"Sweet Pea wanted to meet up, so..." He watched as she continued her sketch of the quarry he had dragged her to a few times during the summer. "He didn't show again?"

Fangs spotted her alone through the windows of the dinner, and by her concentrated look, he had a feeling Jughead had left her high and dry again.

"And he won't any time soon." Fangs eyed her carefully. Emma could feel him waiting for an answer. "He broke up with me." She said in a low voice never looking up once at him.

"What?" He slid into the booth next to her. Fangs wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Emma placed her pencil down and turned her head to look at him. "The farm poses some huge threat and I was given an ultimatum. That, of all things, was the final straw."

Fangs was in the process of joining the farm with Emma. At first, he went because Kevin asked him to tag along and after everything Fangs had endured, he found it to be a safe haven. However, once Emma started attending meetings, Sweet Pea had pulled him to the side asking his friend to keep an eye on her.

The raven-haired boy looked at the girl before him and sighed. He knew that she wasn't doing good. Kevin had pointed it out and once, Sweet Pea told him that she was showing the same signs as his mom— Fangs agreed.

Emma was one of them. She was family.

He noted her slightly reddened eyes, most likely from crying. "I'm sorry, Em."

Emma simply stared into oblivion.

"What did I do to get this?" She questioned.

Fangs watched her as she shrugged attempting to wrap her head around the matter. "I did everything right, Fangs. I supported him on everything, cared for him, listened, and loved him."

She stayed silent for a moment before inhaling deeply, "Yet it seems I am meant to end up with the worst kinds of guys." He watched as Emma shook her head staring hauntingly in front of her. "A man who can't love and a man who loved control."

"Maybe it's so one day when the right one comes around, you'll know." Fangs smiled at her softly.

She smiled at him and placed her head on his shoulder. Fangs was always the optimist of the group, a rare trait for a person who lives in Riverdale. "Wow, you really sound like Kevin, it's actually scary."

Fangs smirked at her comment. He liked Kevin, in fact, he liked him a lot. But he wouldn't admit that because after Joaquin, Kevin was slightly oblivious to him.

The two sat in silence for a bit. Emma hadn't wanted to talk and so, Fangs simply placed his head on top of her and rubbed her arm. And for those short ten minutes, Emma managed to feel slightly better.

"You know, I do miss that Quarry." Fang said softly. He could feel Emma smile as he held her closer.

"Can I tell you something?"

He nodded softly before she continued, "After you told me that it was your special place to think or to escape, I might have copied your idea."

The raven-haired boy chuckled, "If I see you sitting on my rock, Em, I will not hesitate to push in that water."

Emma softly chuckled before silence had fallen over them.

The door chimed once more causing Fangs and Emma to lift their heads to see the same tall, dark-haired Serpent. He smiled at the two causing Emma to duck her head, "I can't face him right now."

"I've always got your back, Em." Fangs nodded at her before giving her one last squeeze and sliding out of her booth. He walked towards Sweet Pea, who eyed Emma quizzically.

"Did he stand her up again?" Sweet Pea looked to Fangs who shook his head, "I'll tell you at the table. Just leave her be."

The two walked over towards the booth across from the counter.

Emma stared at the counter that Pop wiped down, she had become transfixed. Her mind wandered to the orange juice that splashed on the ground after she came face to face with the Black Hood that one fateful morning. And slowly the memory of Retro Night and the opening of La Bonne Nuit circled in her mind.

Her eyes moved back towards her table, the very one her friends would sit in. She sat in her usual spot facing the door of Pop's and closer to the window.

Everything about this diner slowly became constricting.

This diner. This town. Held too many experiences for her. She was shot in this dinner. She was almost killed in her house, in the diner, at school. Almost kidnapped and was chased out of town.

Emma wouldn't lie, Sweet Pea and her dad saw exactly what she came to realize. She was going down a dangerous path and it wasn't something she wanted to experience again.

She slowly grew to hate seeing her friends faces. They served as constant reminders of how this town slowly wore her down. Emma couldn't understand what was the tipping point. The pinnacle where everything turned sour. What was it's origin?

Her move back home? Chicago?

She could see the light that danced on her skin from the 'Open 24 Hours' sign Veronica hung outside for out of towners, but even with the brilliant blue and red hues, Emma only saw black and white.

She had once again lost herself in yet another relationship and in the process, she also lost herself and her initial reason for coming home.

To heal.

Emma looked up to see Fangs looking at her as his body face hers several booths over. His mouth was slightly agape. She didn't know how long he looked at her or how long she had zoned out, but it was enough time for Sweet Pea to turn around in his seat and follow his gaze.

He didn't look happy at all. Bowing her head, she noticed a few droplets on her sketch of the quarry. Emma froze before ripping her glove off and wiping the tears on her face.

Now she knew exactly why Fangs was staring.

Emma was Riverdale's own ice queen whereas Cheryl was fiery. She consistently wore an emotionless mask unless she chose otherwise, so the rarity of finding Emma anything but masked was often a shock to people.

Emma missed her. She knew that the redhead would've picked her after the break-up and brought her to Thistle House. There, Cheryl would let her mourn the loss of her relationship in the unhealthiest ways. And by day three, the redhead would make it her mission to do things with Emma to make her feel better until she was able to walk on her own again.

It was moments like these she wished Cheryl hadn't hated her.

Within an instant, Emma felt the floodgates nearing as a few more tears rolled down her cheek. The boys watched as she abruptly stood up and shoved her sketch book and pencils back into her bag.

The strawberry-blonde rushed towards the front door, but was stopped by Veronica as she entered the walked in stopping near the tall counter.

Emma wanted nothing more to than to vanish into thin air.

The raven-haired girl smiled. "Emma! I'm surprised to see you here. How hav-" Veronica's cheery voice stopped mid-sentence during her attempt to peer down at Emma who hid her face.

"He didn't."

Emma's head peered up revealing her reddened face and tear sticken eyes. She stared at Veronica with disbelief. "You knew?"

Fangs watched on high alert unsure of what could happen, but either way he was ready to chase Emma out or hold her back from pummeling Veronica.

Veronica sighed knowing she stuck her foot right in her mouth. "Betty tried to talk him out of it and she told me. So, we sat him dow—"

Emma brushed past her and shook her head. She didn't want to hear this right now. All she wanted was quietness.

Veronica grab her arm in an attempt to stop her from running out on her. The strawberry-blonde recoiled from her touch, "Don't touch me."

However, Veronica Lodge was persistent.

"Em, he told us he wasn't going to— that he wouldn't." Veronica neared Emma, who stood in the small walkway between the booths that outlined the door. "Emma, he loves you. He would give you the world, but he is probably scared of losing you. Just give him time."

"What about my time, Veronica?" Emma looked at her unable to see what he approach was. "I watched as your best friend followed my boyfriend like a lap dog. I put him first every time and yet, I'm the one who has to understand? I don't give a crap about his feelings. He wasn't scared of losing me each time he rubbed Betty in my face or when he failed at being a leader to the Serpents and I had to assume his role or even the countless times he undermined me."

Veronica shook her head, "No, no. Em, you know how I feel about that whole thing. I would never sit idly around and watch you get hurt—"

Emma shook her head furiously, "Veronica, I can't do this right now." She stated as she turned around.

"He's just panicked, Emma. You are pushing us all away." Veronica caught her arm once more.

The strawberry-blonde looked at her with sternness."He doesn't care. So, stop."

Yet, Veronica continued as tears threatened to fall from her friend's face unbeknownst to her. "You hang out with the farm instead of us. If it wasn't for Archie, I don't think any of us would see you. You don't even talk to your own brother and he lives with you, Em! Instead, you lock yourself in the room and refuse to come out for days unless it's for school or some stupid Farm meeting."

She looked at Emma exasperated, "What happened, Em? You came back from Canada and you were a ghost. You barely eat, you don't sleep, you won't even let anyone comfort you--"

"Goddammit, Veronica, I said stop!" Emma yelled.

This was the moment she wanted to avoid. Emma Andrews crying over a boy, who didn't care that he had hurt her. It was broken record to her.

Fangs slid out of the booth and stood, Sweet Pea followed him. Veronica stared at her with shock while tears seemed to spill from Emma's eyes. She knew she had set Emma off and now, she could feel guilt wash over her.

Veronica didn't intend to hurt her and Emma knew that by the way the raven-haired girl looked at her. She had always liked Veronica.

She was a good friend. Veronica Lodge may have been scripted off as many things, but she was understanding, compassionate, and determined. While Archie cling to Josie, a small part of her hoped that her brother would wake up and get the raven-haired girl back.

Yet, in Riverdale things constantly changed and evolved. You either had to move in the direction that the wheel turns or become crushed by it.

"Don't you get it, Veronica? He picked up and left me. The way that he always does. How can you defend him? After everything you saw between us, after the numerous conversations we had with Reg when we started working on La Bonne Nuit."

Veronica simply stared at her, "I know that you know things. Things that Archie shouldn't have told you, but he did because he loved you and trusted you— I trusted you. At least with Michael I knew what I was going into. I knew that he would get mad at some point in the day and slap me. Or make it a point to get too handsy with me if he even saw a boy talk to me. But Jughead Jones?"

Emma shook her head and inhaled. "He told me that he wouldn't hurt me. That I was what he wanted and now? I'm the idiot. He was suppose to be my rock. There are so many things I had to tell him— that I need to say because if I don't, I don't know what I will do."

Emma looked off to the side of empty booths on the side she had sat before and inhaled. There was no point of wiping the tears that seemed to permanently stain her cheeks.

Her eyes fell back on Veronica's form as she lightly shook her head, "I don't need a reminder that I'm damaged goods. So do me a favor and just back off, V."

Emma turned around quickly and pushed the door open causing the bell to chime. She rushed towards her car while the three watched her.

Fangs looked at Veronica, who knitted her eyebrows together, visibly upset by the overall interaction.

Her eyes turned to see Fangs observing her. Veronica knew that Emma was much farther down her hole than any of their friends had seen.

She stared at Emma in her car, hunched over and crying. Veronica's eyes became watery at how broken Emma had become.

"Veronica?" Fangs asked her noting the tears that welled in her eyes. She shook her head and stared ahead at Emma before realization had hit her.

"Oh, my God. I have to call Archie."she said breathlessly.  The boys watched as she walked backwards and quickly dashed towards La Bonne Nuit without a second to spare.

Fangs looked over at Sweet Pea while he watched Emma's car pull out from it's parking spot and towards the street. He knew that Sweet Pea's mind raced as his knuckles turned white from how hard he held his curled his fists.

Sweet Pea was fuming, and a small part of Fangs didn't blame because he knew it killed him to see Emma upset.

"I should call Kevin and tell him what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if she was headed to the farm now." The raven-haired boy stated.


"A sight for sore eyes, Little Red."

Sweet Pea entered turned his head to see Fred closing his door as he left the house. Emma stood at her island with a soft smile in her lips. Her eyes drifted up to see the tall raven-haired boy.

"And what can I do for you, Gigantor?" She watched him pull a bar stool near the corner of the island where she stood.

"And even more so, how did you get in my house?" Emma teased.

Sweet Pea shrugged and took an apple slice out of the bowl in front of him. "You're dad likes me so." He observed her smile grew before leaning forward.

"Are you baking?"

Emma nodded.

She continued the conversation knowing that Sweet Pea was there to check-in on her. "Fangs told me about his mom's birthday so, this is me being his unpaid baker. " He watched while Emma fussed with a strand of her hair dangling in front of her face.

"You are something else." Reaching towards the strand, Sweet Pea placed it behind her ear. He then spoke in a low, soft voice. "How have you been?"

"I'm okay."

Emma casually shrugged while making her way to the fridge.

"Just okay?" He asked.

The strawberry-blonde nodded to confirm what she had just said. However, for Sweet Pea, he was still unsure if she was telling the truth or masking her pain again. "Em, it was only a week ago that you were crying over it before blowing up on Veronica."

Sighing, Emma walked back and placed a water bottle down on the kitchen island. "One, I wasn't crying over him, I cried about how overwhelmed I became. And I'm okay because I already knew it was going to happen."

And she did. It wasn't secret that Jughead and Emma's relationship wasn't always healthy. Spending more time apart than together, they slowly went downhill.

Emma glanced at the observant serpent besides her. "Anyways, I've decided to commit to the farm. He couldn't accept it, but my dad, Kev, Fangs, you... do. And honestly, those are the only people I need around me. Yeah, it hurt and yeah it really sucked, but he's the one who casted me out. Made me not feel good enough."

"I won't go through it again. Not ever." She said in a firm tone.

Sweet Pea nodded, "I'm sorry."

Emma shook her head while still focused on the dough. "It's not your fault. It's theirs's. They take advantage of me because I am willing to do everything to appease them, to make them feel better about themselves when I'm the one that is always torn down. I'm just the stupid Giving Tree and that's my tragic flaw."

He watched as she slowly grew slightly more aggressive with the dough.

The raven-haired boy reached his hand out and pulled Emma towards him. Loose flour seemed to stain her hands and trickled onto the floor. His eyes scanned hers before speaking, "You aren't stupid, they are for hurting someone as loving and devoted as you."

A soft sigh escaped her lips.

She wanted to believe his words, but the way she viewed it-- was that she allowed it to get this out of control.

"You will always deserve more than anyone can give you, Emma." His hands rested on her forearms. Sweet Pea looked at her softly and tilted his head as a small grin grew across his lips. "But if he comes crawling back I'm sure if I don't beat him, Fangs will cause he was pissed over it.

Emma rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Now can we please stop talking about it. I've spent more time than I want talking about Jughead. I have better things to do than waste my time on a lost cause."

The raven-haired boy nodded and stood up. "So what are you making now, Betty Crocker?" He leaned over her as she poured a little more flour onto the island.

Sweet Pea inhaled the soft lavender of her hair as he bent down. Emma smiled and turned her head slightly, "Apple Pie." She swiped her finger on his cheek leaving a bit of residue on his face.

He chuckled.

"Teach me?"

Emma looks at him with surprise.

"Wait. You want me to teach you how to make apple pie?" The strawberry-blonde looked at him with surprise. "The big bad wolf to my Little Red? You can't even cook."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, "I can cook."

"Then why am I always cooking when I come over?" She said moving her head mockingly side to side.

Taking her cue, Sweet Pea teased her right back, "Cause you are a control freak."

The strawberry-blonde rolled her eyes.

"I am so not." She responded while placing her hand in more flour and rubbing it on his nose in retaliation.

Emma watched as he began laughing. "Okay maybe just a bit. But only a little."

Sweet Pea merely gave her a look causing her to wave him off, "Go wash your hands."

She was happy that things finally began to look up. After a week of farm activities and late movie night with Kevin, Emma began to see what it was that everyone was telling her about her relationship.

Now, was not the right time. More importantly, she was sure that there would never be a "right time" for Jughead Jones and Emma Andrews.

Sweet Pea looked behind him while drying his hands.

To him, she seemed much better than the last time he saw her. He missed her playful attitude and snarky remarks.

"Oh and Em?" The tall raven-haired boy called out.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Yes?"

Sweet Pea walked towards her and stood alongside her, "You have something on your face." Giving him a strange look, she wiped the back of her hand on her cheek where he pointed.

"Did I get it?"

"No, it's" Pressing his hand to the flour on the counter, Sweet Pea swiped his hand down Emma's face leaving the white residue all over her, "right there."

The strawberry-blonde froze.

"Oh, you are so dead."

However, Sweet Pea didn't mind as the sight of her shocked exterior seemed to amuse him.

"Oh, am I, Ms. Andrews?"

Emma shook her head. "That's it. I'm wiping that stupid smirk right off your face." Grabbing the flour on the counter, Emma went to smear it on his face but was quickly picked up.

"You're not ruining my outfit." Sweet Pea said as he held her over his shoulder.

Emma squealed at how quickly he had lifted her, "Don't pick me up like a child."

"Who's the child?"

Rolling her eyes, "You threw flour in my face. I get payback."

Emma attempted to loosen his grip by wiggling out of his hold. Thrashing her legs, she accidentally hit the bag of flour, allowing it to pour all over the floor.

Sweet Pea spun around as they both looked at the mess on the floor.

"My dad is so going to hate you now." She stated.

"We can blame your brother."

Placing her down, Sweet Pea and Emma looked at one another.

"That's horrible," Hotting him on the chest, Emma crosses her arms and huffed, "but sounds good."


"Emmie?" Turning her head, Emma was greeted with Kevin's smile.

She smiled back at him as she swapped her books out and placed the unneeded ones in her locker. "Hey, Kev."

"How are you doing?" His voice was soft.

Emma shrugged.

She knew majority of their friends knew of her and Jughead's break up. The news had spread like wildfire as Cheryl made sure to throw in a quick jab earlier that day.

As the days passed, the pain lessened. She knew it was a matter of time before one of them ended it, their relationship was far from perfect, but she had expected it to be mutual at least.

"I'm okay. It is what it is," She stated contently.

Evelyn neared and smiled at Emma. "How are you feeling today, Emmie?" She fixed Emma's blue headband

The strawberry blonde put on a brave face and looked at the two sincerly, "I'm fine, guys, really. After talking it over and really thinking about it, I can't do anything to change it. He was my detractor. If he couldn't accept my affiliation with the Farm then, he didn't want me to get better."

"We are here for you always, Emma." Evelyn smiled at her as Emma closed her locker and walked with the two towards their morning Farm meeting.

"PS I love the outfit." Emma smiled at Evelyn as she looked down at her white paper bag pants and her white wrap around shirt. "Don't forget the shoes." Kevin threw in causing Emma to laugh.

"Yes, Kev, you finally had your chance to dress me."

"I feel like Oscar Del La Renta." She laughed at his reference as they passed the student lounge.

Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead filed out to see Emma front and center, laughing with her two friends. Dressed in all white, the three seemed to blend well.

Betty's blood boiled at the sight. "What is she still doing with them?"

"She's too deep in, Betty." Jughead stated as his eyes never left Emma's frame, "She chose them. So, let her be with them."

Veronica looked at him with an absurd look and grabbed him as he started towards the door to return to their usual seats, "Um, no? Emma has pulled us all out of trouble whenever we hit our 'worst-case-scenarios'. We owe her that."

Veronica hadn't told anyone what Emma had confessed at Pop's. Only Archie, and they both felt that if the farm was helping her than maybe it would be good for her.

"She chose them over me, Veronica." He pointed towards the girl who stopped to talk to Sweet Pea before entering the usual Farmies meeting room. "I don't know who that even is anymore." His voice was laced with disgust.

Archie placed his hand on Jughead's shoulder. He knew he was hurting, and naturally, he pushed himself towards isolation. "She's just as hurt. She felt alone, Jug. You guys are the same, you get hurt and push yourselves away from everyone. You had the Serpents and she felt they were yours, so the Farm was the other option."

"But we are the other option!" Betty protested.

Archie shook his head, "No, Betty. We are what pushed her. She won't tell us that, but she feels it."

"How do you know that? For all we know this is her ploy to get us off her back." Jughead stated.

The redheaded boy watched as his sister walked into the classroom with Fangs' hands on his shoulder, most likely trying to cheer her up. She was oblivious to the prying eyes that followed her.

"She doesn't have to say it. I know because Kevin already told me." Josie walked up to them as she saw Kevin walk towards the door and closed it, revealing a "Farm Meeting in Session" poster over the door's window. "According to Kevin, she's starting the process soon and then she will be 'baptized'."

Betty shook her head and walked towards the Blue and Gold office with Jughead hot on her tail.

Veronica and Archie sighed as Josie shook her head, knowing the two were up to know good.


Emma sat across Edgar who smiled at her brightly. She had met him here and there at some events she attended with Kevin. The strawberry-blonde shifted uncomfortably in her chair, she was nervous and he could easily see that.

"Emma, you are in a safe space" He assured her, she nodded in response. "Now, I am going to record our conversation, but this won't be seen by anyone else except for you, Evelyn, and I." She nodded once more, knowing that other Farmies use the tapes to see their progress.

"We'll start off easy. How was your day today?"

"It was fine, better."

He observed her facial expressions as she spoke. Edgar knew she was guarded, but he was patient.

"Tell me something that isn't in your journals." He attempted a new approach.

Her eyebrows furrowed as he referenced the daily journal entries she had to do as a recruit. He could tell she was unsure what to say. "I know you were shot, almost poisoned and kidnapped. I know you have identified your detractors and have expressed a desire to join our home, our community. We need to know every crevices so that we can rebuild you once more, this starts at your foundation."

He stared at her intently. She could feel her palms sweat, she was nervous at what he would think of her. When she began to bond with Evelyn she told her everything. Her and Kevin listened with no strings attached, just open ears, no judgement, and no unsolicited advice; however, not about this.

She inhaled deeply, she hated opening up.

"I'm pregnant."

His face never faltered from his calm, empathic expression.

"Congratulations." He smiled lightly at her.


"Is that so surprising to hear?" He looked at her quizzically. She was taken back by his response, "I'm sure that is the last thing people will say in Riverdale."

He shook his head, "You are carrying a gift. One that can become many, a door of opportunities that could lead to so many outcomes." She was slightly confused by his proclamation but watched him in awe as he stood from his seat and walked around his desk before settling in front of her. He perched himself on the edge of the desk and looked at her.

"They all hate me... I can't give them another reason." Her voice was small and nimble.

He shook his head, "Emma, you have options. Adoption is good alternative or you can stay with us and we can help you raise-"

"I know..." She cut him off. Her voice lowered, "I just need some time."

She didn't want to say it in the first place, she feared saying it.

She hadn't known until she returned home, she came back and the world around her changed. Jughead was different, Archie was scarred, Betty was backed into a corner, and Veronica was in a showdown with two very ambitious drug-traffickers.

She considered telling Sweet Pea many times, but she knew a secret stays a secret when no one knew. However, this would be a secret that would soon show.

He could tell she was beginning to feel unsettled once more, so he retracted. "Evelyn tells me the school musical will begin soon. I hear it may be Godspell, I think it would be good for you to join. Many of your friends will be in it, Kevin is directing with Evelyn, Fangs is helping, and Jamie is doing lights."

She smiled at the man and nodded lightly, "Oh, I know. Kevin has been hounding me about it."

He smiled back.
