Chapter 12

This is a deleted scene from Thor the dark world, but in this scene Thor and Frigga walk around in what seems to be like someone's room which you can see parts of. This will be y/n and Thor's room. Keep reading to find out when you can come back and watch the video for it to make more sense :)

"Y/n! Y/n oh my goodness wake up dear!" My hand maiden said rushing into the room opening the curtains wide open.

"W-What?" I groaned.

"We have a busy day today dear, you are moving out!"

I open my eyes looking at the ceiling but the light from the sun hits my eyes insted. I placed my hand in front of the light and sit up yawning. "What on Midguard are you doing?" I asked my maid who was emptying out drawers from my vanity.

"Come along hurry up, I am afraid you will have to get dressed yourself today M'Lady I am tremendously busy packing your things. I would love to get this move done by the time lunch comes around dear." 

"It is no trouble, I have a dress I have been fancying for a while now."

"Oh how lovely!"

I ran my fingers through my hair and stretched for a couple of minutes. I walked into my closet and went to the back where a beautiful dress hung in a clear bag. I pulled it off the hanger saw the colors purple, pink and yellow. It was off the shoulders and had a gold necklace that went around my neck along with little gold bracelets that covered my wrists. It was extremely long and flowed in the air.

I walked out holding it in my hands smiling. "Do you like it?" I asked my handmaiden that stacked boxes in front of the door

"Oh it is astonishing my dear, but don't you think it's a bit gloomy to wear such a thing today?" She asks pointing over to the window. I frown as it started raining and the maid chuckled. "It's alright dear, do not let a little rain stop you from wearing what you would like." She smiled.

I smiled back and nodded agreeing with her. Then I walked into my bathroom turning on the bathtub and hanging my dress on the back of the door. I climbed inside the hot steamy water as I squirted soap into the tub. Later, I felt the nice foamy soap on my skin and the baby hairs on my neck getting wet.

There was not much for me to do in the morning compared to Thor and I wondered if we were still going to go on our walk through the villages. I sighed and sat in the tub with my eyes closed meditating. I loved the quietness that surrounded me and felt at ease.

I rinsed myself off and patted my body dry spraying deodorant underneath my arms. I took a strong peach smelling lotion and covered my body in it. The lotion was so soft but cold as I rubbed it on my arms and legs. I walked over to the dress and realized it's back was bare and I would not be needing to wear a bra.
I sighed in relief and smiled at my reflection in the mirror slipping on the silky soft dress. If flowed as I walked and was breathtaking. I combed through my long hair feeling at ease.
My makeup was packed away and I needed to eat breakfast with a bare face but did not mind. I looked good with or without makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and looked over at my maid who had taken the sheets off of my bed. I did a little spin as she looked up.

"Oh how marvelous!" She admired.

I giggled. "Thank you! N- now would you like some help taking those up to my new roo-

"Y/n!" Thor boomed walking in through the doors.

My eyes widened and I jumped a bit as the happy god waltzed in. "Hello my love." I chuckle as he walks over to me wrapping his arms arms around my waist.

"Oh my, how breathtaking you are." He smiles giving me a small kiss on the lips.

"I will leave you two alone for a bit." My handmaiden tip toes out of the room.

I smiled pulling my head away from Thor. "You look so happy my king, did you have a good dream last night?" I giggled.

He laughed. "My queen I am overjoyed for today! When I was in my youthful days my father took me to see this beautiful and enchanting bedroom." He smiled. "He said in his very words that soon I would be able to soon share it with a gorgeous girl." He cupped my face. "For years I dreamed of walking with my soon to be wife inside the walls of this room and I ask if I may show you it now?"

I breathed and nodded. "Yes of course Thor please, take me!"

He took me by the arm and we walked down the halls were walked up stairs and reached almost the top of the castle into another private grand hall. This whole level of the castle was blocked off only for me and Thor. All the way at the end were two enormously huge golden doors that were triple the size of Thor but quadrupled the size of me. I breathed looking up where the doors met the ceiling as Thor opened the huge knob. Inside was a massive amount of space.

A/n This is where you can go back and watch the video

Everything was amazing and blessed my eyes on how it was laid out. I squeezed Thor's hand as I saw the huge bed. It was grand and I sat on it looking outside the balcony in awe. The view of Asgard was amazing as I saw huge buildings and heard people talk beneath me.

"Do you like it?" Thor asks.

I turn to him as he still stood by the door. "Like it? Thor I have such an inclination for it! My goodness the color, space, design, architecture, e-everything is prepossessing!"

He smiled radiantly with exuberance. "How virtuous! I am over joyed my love! I thought you would not like all the detalles and-

"What? Thor I love it! I love everything about this room this is certainly a dream! Oh the memories we will have in here!" I smile and jump over to him in his arms where he spun me around chuckling.

He placed me down after a couple of spins and I leaned my head on his chest plate. "We are going to live such a happy life." I breathed.

"I could not agree any more my queen." He kissed me on the head.

"Tell me something." I whispered.


"You will fight for me yes? For my safety?" I asked looking up at his eyes.

He gave me a questionable look. "Of course my queen. I will move mountains and valleys for you. I will destroy planets of it means that you are safe and alive. Why do you ask such a thing?"

"I just needed to hear it I guess." I shrugged in his tight arms and leaned my head back on his chest.

"Do you sense something my love?" He asked.

"I-I do not know. I feel unbalanced at the moment."

"You were just jumping around seconds ago." He tried to chuckle.

I tried to smile as I laid my head on his chest. "That's the problem with being I Walyalkian, I can feel sudden shifts in the force so suddenly. M- Maybe I am just... overreacting. I am sure the galaxy is safe."

He held me tightly. "You know my love, you can talk to me about anything. You do not need to hide your feelings from me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked looking back up at him.

"You can talk to me about your thoughts and feelings my queen. I am here to hear your words, I am your shoulder when you need one to cry on."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I know my king, and I thank you."
