Chapter 10

Sometimes I wished I was the sun. Sitting up in the sky watching people throughout the day as they worked hard and talked with one another. I would be a light to those who were in the dark, but sometimes I wished I were the moon. I came up during the night and watched the world fall sound asleep. It would be very calm and quiet and I made sure that the people got there rest.
But no, I was a Walyalkian. The protector of galaxys and savior to mankind. A Walyalkian soon to be queen.
"What a life." I chuckled to myself as I entered the kitchen.

"Hello lady y/n." Hope says walking towards me with a basket full of apples. "Did you already finish everything out in the garden?" She asked.

"Hm? Oh yes hehe, I did." I said placing the empty basket and bags on the huge island.

She smiled walking over to the sink and started washing some apples.

"W-would you like some help with those?" I asked walking over to her.

She smiled. "It is alright Lady y/n I can do it by myself, it's actually quite relaxing."

I nodded and cleaned the counter top instead. "How's Caroline?"

She shook her head. "Not good, I feel so bad for the girl. Loki is such a manipulative bastard, he made Caroline think he was madly in love with her when in reality she was just a pawn in his little game." She scoffed. "Me, Caroline and Rebecca are practically sisters and it's hard to see Caroline go through such a thing."

I sighed. "She's such a lovely girl and I wished there was something I could do."

We talked as Hope cooked a delicious snack and I swept around the kitchen.
"I think I should be heading out." I said taking a bite into the apple slice that was covered in a sweet syrup that filled my mouth. I chuckled as some slipped down the side of my lip.

Hope giggled. "Go on I can take it from here." She says walking over.

I handed her the broom and walked out of the kitchen with a napkin in my hand. The hallways were empty but I heard a lot of noise coming from outside. I walked over to the window that showed me the huge garden behind the castle.

"No no no! The chairs have to have four rows of twelve! Not six!" My handmaiden held a clipboard in her hand and was ordering a maid who was placing chairs down on the grass.

I looked out the window and did not want to get involve of what was going on. I kept walking down the hall and made my way in-front of Odin's office having memories of the last time I was there and quickly shook my head trying to forget it.

As I walked alone I had a feeling of changing into a new outfit to train in the training room. Although I had none Asgardian warriors with me, I decided it couldn't hurt to just have some time to myself punching a dummy. I walked into my quiet room rummaging through my closet trying to find the outfit that lady sif had given to me. She was out today in one of the nine realms along with Thor and I finally found my outfit.

I changed quickly and took some time slicking my hair back into a high ponytail. I grabbed my huge sword and slipped it inside its holder next to my side and made my way to the end of the Asgardian castle.

"Lady y/n!" I heard a voice call out from behind me. I turned around and saw it was Loki jogging towards me. I groaned walking down stairs.

"Hey hey hey!" Loki said running up to me and holding my arm not letting me go.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"Where are you going?"

"To train now unhand me." I said snatching my arm out of his grasp.

"May I accompany you?"

"Not unless you have Asgardian warriors by your side."

He chuckled and smirked. "Feisty Walyalkian."

I scoffed and kept walking down the stairs.

"Hey wait!" Loki called out. "I-I can get you your men. I know you want to train lady y/n a-and I can help you."

"Well then, where are they?" I asked looking around Loki. "I see no Asgardian warriors."

He chuckled. "Follow me."

I followed him outside onto the gigantic fields where I was this morning with the little girl. The fields were such a huge spot and was equivalent to about 6 football fields on Midgard. There, exactly 100 Asgardian warriors stood ready to fight as Loki walked infront of them and stook his hand out at the men smiling.
"Here are your men."

I looked across the field and shrugged. "I usually can take on about 200 for a fair training session-

"Lady y/n let us not get too ahead of ourselves."

"What?" I asked.

He chuckled looking back a at the men and then back at me. "Surely a fair maiden like you cannot handle one hundred Asgardian-."

I slapped him across the face as the soldiers ooo'd. "Do you not know who I am?" I asked.

He slowly placed his hand on his black cheek and at me.

"That was for Caroline." I said getting my sword out looking over at the men. "Ready?!" I yelled as Loki walked off the field.

"Ready!" They shouted

"Then fight me!"

The men yelled and my training began as a whole army came running towards me in different directions and soon men were flying all over the place. I flipped over bodies and fought bravely as the men tried there hardest.
"Come on hit me!" I yelled fighting one tall muscular man. I raised my hand and the men flew back about a 100 feet away from me.

"Hey that's cheating! Loki said from the side lines.

I shrugged as more men got up on there feet and charged at me. The sun made the situation harder for them as they fought. A long time went by and there were still about 75 men who gathered there strength to try and brawl but failed.

"Stop stop!" Loki says waving his hands. "Yield man for goodness sakes!" He looked over to a boy who held is spear.
The warriors and I both surrendered as Loki walked onto the fields. "I cannot bare to watch lady y/n kick another mans moke to the ground for the hundredth time." He sighs. "That's enough for today." 

"What? I barley got the chance to break a sweat, I am use to training for 3 hours at least."

"Well these men need a rest lady y/n, not all warriors are as fine as you are when it comes to a duel." Loki explained 

I sighed annoyed and placed my sword in its holder. "Good job today." I said to the warrior who stood in front of me and looked passed him. "You men fought well."

He bowed as some men took off there armor and others laid in the grass trying to catch there breath. Some soldiers walked off into the cold castle and I turned to Loki.

"Now if you would excuse me." I say. "I am going to go wash up and change into something more...... serene."

"Wait." He turned around to me as I was walking away. "No thank you?"

"For what?" I asked.

"I brought you this whole army for you to train with."

I sighed and looked at the men who wiped there faces then back at Loki. "I thank you Loki..... your actions mean well to me." I walked off letting him feel satisfied.

"No problem lady y/n."
