Chapter 5

"Lady y/n are you listening?" Loki waved his hand in my face as we walked through the garden.

I shake my head. "I-I am sorry Loki."

He looks over at me while I played with the ends of my hair awkwardly. "You know Lady y/n, if you wish to become more of my friend you must remember the listening part, it plays a very big role when talking to someone." He smirks.

"I understand Loki I'm just having a rough morning." I apologize.

"Hm, did everything go as planned yesterday night or did Thor mess up something?"

"No everything went well and I enjoyed myself very much. I just think I need some time to meditate, it has been a while since I had some time alone."

He nods. "Well then I will not get your way."

"Shall we come up with a day where you can show me around the planet?" I ask walking towards the back entrance of the castle.

He chuckles and looks up at the sky. "That is Thor's job not mine Lady y/n." He looks over at me.

He left and walked off as I opened the door that was behind me thinking that it was a back entrance, but instead it lead to the kitchen where maids ran around cleaning.

"Good morning M'Lady." A maid says mopping the floor next to me. "What brings you to this end of the castle? Would you like some more tea from breakfast?" She asks mopping around my feet.

I lift up my skirt and step over onto a part of the floor that was already dry. "Oh no thank you I was actually looking for a different back entrance. An entrance that lead closer to my room."

He smiles. "That is on the other side of the castle dear."

"Oh." I chuckle.

"No worries, you may go through the kitchen." She lets her arm out pointing to the door.

I did a small curtsy and thanked her as I walked through. All the other maids seemed a bit shocked that I was in the kitchen, but I soon made my way into the hall and looked left and right thinking about which way to go. "I think it is left." I whisper to myself. "Or wait wasn't it a right?"

I ended up taking the right and was correct. I walked down to my room ready to clear my mind but ended up walking into a bigger mess as I opened the door.

"Hello M'lady!" My handmaiden said standing in the middle of my room next to a mannequin that wore a ginormous wedding gown.

My eyes widened as I walked towards my handmaiden. "What is this?" I smiled.

"This my dear is your wedding dress."

I got a hold of my breath as I walked around the room looking at the detailing that was embroidered into the layers of fabric that made the skirt. "Oh my goodness." I breathed. "This is- this is everything I ever dreamed of." I studied more of the dress and noticed it had pearls placed randomly on the chest part of the dress. As I looked closer I could see tiny butterflies sewn into the lace sleeves.

The handmaiden claps her hands. "I am so glad you enjoy it!" She turns behind her and grabs a clipboard from my table. "Now we must plan everything else we are immensely behind schedule."

"Oh." I said my head popping up from behind the dress. "I-I thought the maids took care of the food, decorations, music etc."

"W-well yes we do, but you must tell us what your intentions are my dear." She says sitting on the edge of the bed.  "What would you like the main color to be for the day?" She asks.

I sighed as my ambitions for my afternoon meditations faded away. I thought as I walk around the dress. "Well I am getting married, but also becoming queen."

"Mhm." The maid says pulling down her glasses from her forehead getting ready to write.

"I would like the two main colors to be white accompanied by a very very pastel pink." I smile looking over at her.

"Good choice my dear." She writes down. "And would you rather have classical or jazz music being played through out the day?"

I shrug. "Why not both?"

She nods and writes. The whole morning I planned for me and Thor's wedding and already was becoming so excited thinking about the day. I began to have butterflies in my stomach as I looked out the window planning my meals, music, and decorations. Soon it was time to eat lunch and my handmaiden brought me my meal up to my room as we planned even more. I gave the thought of taking a walk through the village as I showed her where I wanted everything to be set up.

I saw children run by playing with other as I walked through the roads of Asgard, it brought back many memories of my home as I smiled. People came up to greet me and give me hugs as I talked with my maid.

"I would love to have pink roses placed in every bag for the guests who will be attending the private dinner, along with small treats and diamond crystals mined from the caves." I said as we walked back into the castle. "If it is possible of course."

"M'lady it seems as if you have had your wedding planned out since the day you were born." She chuckles as she clicks her pen. 

I laugh. "I've had my moments to stop and think."

"Well then, tomorrow we will start working on your goodie bags for the guests."

"Is there anything I can do to contribute? It is not in my personality to let people do things for me, much less prepare my wedding." I ask as we entered the cold castle.

"Write down the people you would like to invite to the private dinner, you must have at least 20 names." She smiles.

"I barely know any families." I sigh.

"Maybe you should chat with your fiancé about whom to invite." She chuckles nodding her head past me. I turn around and see Thor across the room with his enormous cape flowing behind him.

She walked away as I ran to Thor with open arms. He smiles and places Mijönir on the gold marble floor.

"Hello my love!" Thor says.

I was beaming as my body collided with his. "Where were you all day?" I asked letting go. The sun started to set in the tall window next to us.

He shakes his head. "I am sorry my love, early this morning I went to one of the nine realms discussing business."

"I understand." I said softly

He smiles and cups my face. "But now I have the whole night to spend with you."

I smile. "It is a shame, we have dinner soon."

He picks up Mijönir and we start walking. "I am sure mother and father will not mind of our abstence."

I giggle. "Where would we be going?" I ask the God as we walked down the hallways.

"The towns of Asgard are beautiful at night and if I remembered correctly." He turns to me. "You have not been properly introduced to our people."

I play with my fingers. "Well." I start. "Today I was planning our wedding and decided to go into town to get a better understanding of where our morning and afternoons would be taking place."

He nods.

"I already had the chance to meet some people today."

"I see." He said having a sad reaction. I looked at his face from below and felt unhappy.

"I-I know you wanted to introduce me to the people yourself but I-

"No my love." He tried to smile. "I am happy you went out to the town, sure I am saddened that I was not able to be there with you but I am overjoyed you had the chance to go."

I smiled. "Thank you Thor."

He looks down at me then back up. "I shall visit you in your room to walk with you to dinner and we can discuss anything you would like."

"That sounds lovely, I shall see you at dinner." I beam giving him a hug.

He hugged me back and we parted our ways as I got ready for dinner.
