31. Do you miss me now?

Ariana POV
I placed my hand over my mouth to keep myself from giggling. "Ariana I know you're in here." Jason said. I stood quietly in the closet as I heard Jason in the room. He stop in front of the door. He open the door and pulled me out. In a quick movement I was pushed against the wall. He held my hands above my head as he lean down " found you." He mumbled and pressed his lips against mine. We've have been friends with benefits for the past month. I've only had sex with him twice. I've forgiven justin and we have become friends again. And now Jason will be leaving tomorrow for two days."Whatcha you thinking about?" Jason mumble against my lips. "Nothing." I lied. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. "You sure?" I nodded.
I brushed my brown hair into a high ponytail. I walk over to the mirror and checked out my outfit. I was wearing a black crop top with white high waisted shorts. I ran downstairs as I heard Sarah car pull into the drive way. I gave Sophia a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. I hugged Sarah and we hopped in her car.
I took a bit out of my hamburger. "Are you and jason a thing?" Sarah asked as she took a sip of her soda. I bit my lip as I thought if I should tell or not. I shook my head no and she raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? So you just kiss your friends?" She said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "can we talk about something else?" Sarah shook her head "no, tell me what you guys are." I sighed "promise not to tell anybody." "Promise." I looked around before telling her everything.
I was snap chatting Jason. I sent him a picture of me smiling with the caption "do you miss me?" After a minute he responded. I rolled my eyes as he sent me a picture of him looking away with the caption "no" i leaned back and took another picture. This time exposing some of my skin. I snapped the picture and caption "do you miss me now?" I pressed the send button and two minute later I got a notification that he had screen-shot it. I quickly texted him to delete it but he never texted me back so I went to bed.
Jason POV
I screen shot her picture. I'm pretty sure she will get mad but oh well. "Damn who it that." Alex asked leaning over my shoulder, getting a better view. "None of your fucking business." I said as I clicked my phone off. My phone beeped but I ignored it. "We need to go partying." I bit my lip. I thought about and Ariana and what she would want me to do. I shook my head no "I'm just going to hit the sack." Alex nodded his head. I ran my hand through my hair as I walked into my room and laid down on the bed. The more I thought about Ariana the more I caught feelings. That's it I'm going to tell Ariana how I feel.
Boring chapter. I Promise the next one will be better.
