28. The Accident

Who do you prefer Ariana to be with? Jason or Justin

Ariana sighed as she look down at her phone. Thirty minutes had went by and still no sight of Jason. She decided that he was not coming. She hopped of the swing and shoved her phone in her pocket. As she was about to exit the park her name was called. She turned around to see Jason standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets. Ariana smiled, showing her dimple. "I didn't think you were coming" she said walking to him. He smiled. They both took a seat on the bench. "So what brings me here?" Jason said grabbing Ariana legs and placing them over his legs. "Well, as you know I'm in the sing competition and I kinda wanted you to come." She said as she played with her fingers. Jason smiled "when is it?" "Tomorrow at two." "I'll be there." She smiled and hugged him. Jason wrapped his arms around her small petite body. As jason was hugging her she thought about how everything was moving so fast. She pulled away and stared at jason face. She studied his handsome face. To his eyes down to his lips. A smirked played on his lips "done checking me out?" He said in a cocky tone. Ariana playfully rolled her eyes. "So how did you get my number?" Jason asked as he raised his eyebrows. Ariana smiled "I have my ways." Jason chuckled "whatever you say."


Justin stared at the ceiling as he heard Selena soft snores. A million thought ran through his head. Was this all a mistake? He stared down at the girl on his chest. He shook his head and slowly slid his self from under her. She leaned up and ran her hand through her hair "where are you going?" Justin slid on his spongebob boxers " I was heading to the shower.... You want to join?" She bit her lip and nodded. Justin smiled "what we waiting for baby. Let's go." Selena slowly got out the bed. "Do you know if Jason is still here?" She asked while picking up Justin shirt and sliding it over her body. They both walked out into the hallway. "I believe he left." Selena nodded. Justin grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He smiled down at Selena but his smiled quickly left as he saw Ariana face. Selena stared at justin with a confused face. "What's wrong?" Justin blinked a couple times and he saw Selena face. "Uh, nothing. Let's get in that shower." Justin said pecking her lips. Selena bit her lip and pulled Justin into the bathroom.


For the past thirty minutes Jason and Ariana had gotten to know each other more. Ariana laughed as Jason told her about the time him and justin tricked their teacher. "We got into huge trouble." Jason said ,chuckling. Ariana leaned on Jason "where have you been all my life." She whispered against his chest. Jason closed his eyes and smiled. Ariana phone rang which caused her to sigh. She sat up and grabbed her phone to see Sophia was calling her. She cleared her throat before picking up "hello?" "You're okay! I was worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Sophia said with relive in her voice. "I'm sorry! I should have told you." She could her Sophia moving around. "I have dinner ready." The wind started to blow and Ariana stared up at the sky. The clouds covered over the sun. "I'll be home." She said before clicking the end button. She slid her iPhone back into her pocket. "I should get going." Ariana whispered. "I'll walk you home." Ariana smiled "okay." As they were walking rain drops started to fall. It soon started to pour which cause Jason and Ariana to run. Jason had his arm around Ariana. She laughed as they fell in the dirt. Jason looked down at the girl who was under him. He smiled as he watched her laugh. Jason pushed her hair out her face. "You have a little something on your face." She said picking up some dirt and smashing it on his face. "Oh,you're going to get it." Jason said, chuckling. He began wiping the dirt off his face and rubbing it on hers. She gasped. They both stared at each other's dirty faces and began laughing. Jason stopped laughing and stared at her lips. He wanted to feel her lips on his again. He leaned down and placed his lips on hers. It took his breath away. He hasn't felt this way since Rachel. The memories flew through him.



"Jason!" Rachel yelled as Jason threw her into the water. Jason laughed as Rachel came above the water. "You dickhead!" She yelled. "Help me out!" She said holding her hand out. Jason chuckled and placed his hand out to help her. She yanked his hand which caused him to fall into the pool. Jason came up from the water and gave Rachel a dirty look which caused her to laugh. He slowly swam over to her and she giggled as she was backing a away.her back hit the wall and Jason stood in front of her. Jason began tickling her "stop! I'm sorry." She said laughing. Jason stopped tickling her and stared into her beautiful green eyes. She leaned in and pecked his lips. It felt like her lost his breath ,but he smiled. "I love you." She smiled "I love you too.



Jason pulled away from the kiss. Ariana has her eyes closed and was showing off her straight teeth. Jason couldn't help but smile. He stared up at the sky. The rain pouring onto his face. He ran his hand threw his soaked hair. "I think we should get home." He said standing up and helping her. They walked to her house in silence. Jason looked down at Ariana and notice the cuts on her wrist. He grabbed her hand and held it in his. She looked down and notice her cuts were showing. She looked up at Jason hopping he didn't see them. "Why do you harm yourself? You're too beautiful for that." He whispered squeezing her hand. She looked down and smiled. "Let me take you out for dinner Friday." Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "O-okay." He smiled and pulled her hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly. "I'll see you tomorrow, love." He turned away and walked down the street. Ariana smiled and opened the door. Sofia walked to her quickly. "Oh dear, you're soaking wet. You can get sick!" She said running to the bathroom and grabbing a towel. She walked back to Ariana and handed her the towel.


Jason open the door. He saw that Selena was still here. As he walked up the stares he yelled "what smells like fish! Damn." He said waving his hands under his nose. As he mad it up the stairs to see Selena in justin shirt. Her face was red because of what he said. Justin walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Justin gave Jason a dirty look before pulling Selena into his room. Jason laughed and walked to his room. He turned on the light and almost had a heart attack as he said Lucas sitting on his bed. "Fuck, you almost gave me a heart attack." Lucas chuckled "hey man I heard you were back in town." He said getting up and giving Jason a bro hug. "How did you get in?" Lucas pointed over to the window and Jason chuckled, shaking his head. "What brings you here?" "Boss has something he wants you to do." Jason shook his head "no man I'm out of all this. It's the whole reason I was away for two years." Lucas ran his hand down his face "you know boss won't be happy about this." Jason sighed. "And you know he will end up doing something that might hurt you..." Jason ran his hand threw his hair. "I can't risk nobody getting hurt... What does he want me to do?" Lucas smiled. "Alright, I'll text you in the morning." Jason nodded "see you later." Lucas climbed out the window. Jason walked over to the window "you could have just walked out the front door." He could hear Lucas laughed "I don't do doors." Jason shook his head at his best friend.


Rachel pushed Jason hard. "You're a fucking lair!" She screamed. Jason grabbed her hands "I didn't cheat on you! You have to believe me Rachel. I love you." She yanked her arms away and grabbed her jacket. "Goodbye jason." She said before opening the door and leaving. Jason quickly slid on his shoes and ran out the door after her. He ran down the street and what he saw next made his heart stop. Her body laying in the middle of the street. The man who hit her got out his car. "Someone call 911!" People started to surround her. He could hear someone scream. Jason ran over and pushed his way through the crowd. He stared down at her bloody body. A paramedic pushed past Jason and bent down to check Rachel pulse. Jason couldn't move, like his feet was clued to the ground. Another paramedic bent down to Rachel. He failed to find a pulse which caused him to turn to his partner and shake his head. "We need everybody to back up!" A police man yelled. Jason falls to his knees and grabbed his chest. There was so much pressure in his chest. So much pain. Jason watched as they placed a white cover over Rachel body. He fell over and everything went black.


Jason sat straight up from his bed. His breathing was uneven and he held his chest. He hated having this nightmare. To see the love of his life die. To know it was all his fault. Thunder made him jump. He started out the window to see it was pouring rain. Jason look down and a tear ran down his cheek "I-I'm sorry."


Poor Jason 😢
