19. Watch Your Back

*1 week later*

Justin pov
Ariana hasn't been to school since the accident. I just wish I could go back in time and change everything. I walked to my locker and grabbed some books. After I was done I  made my way to Mrs. Greens room. As I walked in something caught my eye, Ariana. She was wearing glasses and a pink sweater. I sat down in the back and stared at Ariana. I must have been staring for a long time cause soon the class was here. "Hello, how is everyone?" Mrs. Green asked. Everybody just groaned. Mrs. Green went to Ariana. "It's nice to have you back ariana" Ariana just nodded with a small smile. "Well we have another competition! You have to have a romantic song. Which is really hard so you will have to work hard on this." She said with a smile. I sighed and played with my pen as she went on. I grabbed a notebook. What should I write. After a couple of minutes of sitting there I finally start to write. I looked up at Ariana a couple of times. She was writing in a journal. I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked to her table. She looked up and then looked back down. "Look.. about last wee-" she cut me off. "I don't want to talk to you" she said looking back down at her journal. I sighed "okay, but you will eventually have to talk to me sooner or later" I said. She nodded and kept writing. I continued
writing my song. Ariana dropped her pencil and I leaned down to pick it up. As I was going to grab it our hands touched. She pulled her hand away and I grabbed the pencil. "Ariana" I said. "Hm" she said looking at me. "Can we just talk after school?" I asked her. She looked down and shook her head no. I sighed and grabbed her hand "please" i begged. A tear fell down her face "I'm sorry" she said pulling her hand away from mine. She grabbed her stuff and got up "bye Justin" she said walking out the  room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
(End of pov)


Justin walked out the school. "She thinks everybody should feel sorry for her" selena said. Justin looked over and saw four girls in a circle. "Leave me alone" justin heard a familiar voice say. He walked over to see them pushing a girl around. He looked closer and saw that girl was Ariana. "Ariana?" Justin said. They held her by her arms."What do you want Bieber?" Selena spat. "What the fuck Selena! Let her go" selena looked at her girls "let the bitch go" selena said. They pushed her to Justin and she cried holding onto Justin, tightly. "You better watch you back tomorrow, grande" selena warned. "Come on girls" she said, walking away. Ariana sobbed into justins shirt. "Shhh. It's okay" he said wrapping his arms around Ariana. "Come on I'll take you home." Justin said while fixing her glasses. She nodded and grabbed his hand which sent sparks
through Justin. They walked to the car and got in. Ariana told Justin where her aunt house was. The rest of the way was silent. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the car."Thanks for helping me" Ariana said. Justin smiled " your welcome and if they every do anything to you tell me." "I should get going" she said. "Ok i guess i'll see you tomorrow" justin said. She leaned over and kissed his lips softly. "Thanks again" she said getting out the car. He watched as she went inside the house. He smiled and pulled out the driveway.


Omg it's snowing :O

Anyway I'm going to try a new thing. Every Monday I'll

update 'can I fall in love with a player' and every Friday

"the singing competition" so yeah let's hope it works out :)
