25. Different

Ariana woke up to arm wrapped around her waist. She smiled and snuggled into him as she remember what he said last night. "Bing" she looked over to see justin phone lit up. She looked back at the snoring justin. She unwrapped justin arms from her waist and slowly slid out the bed. She slowly got out the bed and picked up his phone to see a message from Selena. She frower her eyebrows up and opened the message.

We still meeting at Starbucks? ;) - Selena

Ariana slowly laid the phone back on the table and walked to the bathroom. She shut the door and stared at herself in the mirror. She turned her head looking at her face in every direction. "Ariana I'll be back I'm going to... go get some milk." Ariana rolled her eyes "ok" she could her him go down the stairs. She opened the bathroom door and walked over to the window to see justin pulling out the driveway. As soon as he left she let out a sob. "You fucking lair" she yelled as she began throwing stuff. After she was done she looked around the room to see the mess she made. She turned around to face the bedroom mirror. "You shouldn't be crying over him." She grabbed her bag and walked around the broke glass and made her way down the steps.



He opened the door to Starbucks. He took a quick glare around and spotted Selena by the window. He took a seat in front of her "what do you want?" Justin said staring at her. "I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. I guess you could say I was jealous of her-" Selena started crying. Justin sighed and got up and sat next to her wrapping his arms around her. "Why didn't you tell me you were jealous of her?" Selena mumbled a i don't know into justin chest. Justin kissed the top of her head "look at me" Selena looked up and stared in justin eyes. "Don't cry. You're too beautiful for that." Selena smiled. Justin eyes landed on her pink lips. "Kiss me" she whispered. Justin lips smashed against Selena lips. His lips moved hungrily against hers. She pulled away and smiled at justin. "Let's go to my house." Justin quickly grabbed Selena hand pulling her out the building. He unlocked his car and opened the door for Selena. She smiled and thanked him. He quickly walked over to his side opening the door. He got in the car and drove off to Selena house.



Ariana carried the bags filled with clothes down the sidewalk. She had just got done with shopping. She looked up to see she was now walking in front of Starbucks. She looked over at the window to see justin and Selena kissing. Her heart sank as she saw justin pull Selena closer to him. She shook her head and kept on walking with the crowd of people. "I thought you were different." She sighed and walked to her car and placed her bag in the trunk. She then got in her car and drove off to justin house to get her stuff.

She parked her car in front of justin house and quickly got out. She walked up to the door and place the key in the door. Before she could even unlock the door it flew open. In front of her was justin. She rolled her eyes and tried to push past him. "Why are you trying to come in my house?" He said. "Just let me in justin" she said trying to push him. He chuckled and look down at her "oh you're my brother girlfriend?" Ariana gave him a confused look. She stared at his arms and noticed he had tattoos going up both his arms and some on his chest. She then study his face and notice his lips were a little more plump and his eyes had more green in them. Her eyes went to his neck to see he had a tattoo. Her eyes traveled up to his hair to notice it was messy and not in a perfect quiff like justin. "You done checking me out?" He said with a smirk. "He was never my boyfriend  and can I just get in the house to get my stuff." He stepped aside and she brushed past him. He shut the door and followed her up the steps. "You're not gonna ask any questions? Why didn't justin tell me he had a twin brother? What's my name? Anything?" Ariana ignored him and opened the door to justin room. "Wow what happen in here? He said bending down and picking up a piece of broken glass. She stepped around the glass and grabbed her suitcase of clothes. "My name is Jason but you can call me big d" Ariana laughed "I bet your shit is as small as my baby toe" she said as she walked passed him. She stop laughing as soon as she hit her back on the wall. "I bet you won't say that when you see it." Ariana tried to push him but he didn't budge. Jason looked into her eyes to see fear. He let go of her and chuckled to himself and walked down the steps. "You gonna tell me your name?" Jason said as he made his way to the kitchen. Ariana placed her suitcase on the floor and walked to the kitchen. "Why do you want to know?" Ariana said crossing her arms across her chest. Jason grabbed a beer and sat up on the counter. "Feisty. I like that." "I have to go" Ariana said turning her back to Jason. Jason sat his beer down and hopped of the counter "no hug?" He said raising his eyebrow. "I don't even know you." She said turning around to face him again. A smirk was placed on his lips and his arms out waiting for her to hug him. Ariana mumbled under her breath "I can't believe I'm going to hug you." She wrapped her arms around Jason waist and Jason arms wrapped his arms around her. After 10 seconds of hugging Ariana went to pull away but Jason kept his arms around her. His hands traveled down to her ass and gave it a squeeze causing Ariana to gasp. "You better watch out or I'll snatch you up" he whispered against her neck. She pushed him off her and she grabbed her bag before leaving. Jason chuckled to himself and sat on the couch.


