16. Why Me?!

Ariana woke up on someone chest. 'What the fuck!' She thought as she quickly pulled away and saw Justin. He woke up and smiled. "Hey Ari" he said in a husky voice. Ariana got up and walked upstairs to see if  her parents were home. She looked in their room to find a empty bed. 'Where are they?' She thought. She ran back downstairs to find her phone. "have you seen my phone?" ariana asked Justin. He bent down and grabbed it off the table and tossed it to ariana. Ariana turned it on to see 10 miss calls. Ariana quickly clicked on them to see they were all from officer Dave. Ariana pressed the call button with shaky hands. After a couple of rings somebody picked up. "Hey you called?" Ariana said. He sighed "Ariana...your parents got in a crash last night and we tried to call you. They're in the hospital but you may want to come and see them. They don't have much time." Ariana dropped her phone and fell to her knees crying. Justin ran over to her. "Ariana what's wrong?!" He said. Ariana didn't answer. He pulled her into his arms as she cried. "Ariana what's wrong?" He asked her again. "My parents are dying!"She sobbed. He held her tight. "Why?! Why does this have to happen to me?" Ariana cried. He ran his hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Shh" he said. They sat there for about 2 minutes. Justin helped her up. "Come on lets go the hospital" he said as he was walking to the door. He turned around and saw that Ariana haven't moved. She shook my head. "Ariana you have to go see them" she shook her head again. He came over to her and picked her up bride style. He grabbed the keys off the table and walked over to the door. He walked to his car and open the door setting Ariana down. Ariana wait as Justin got in. He pulled at the driveway and drove down to the hospital. Justin grabbed Ariana hand. "I'll get you through this" tears fall from Ariana eyes. The rest of the way there was silent. "Are you ready?" Ariana nodded her head yes. They got out the car and Ariana held onto Justin side. Justin wrapped his arm around Ariana as they walked in. They walked to the front desk. "We're here to see the Grande's" the woman looked through the book. "Room 473" Justin nodded his head and they walked to the elvator. After a minute they were on the floor. The door opened and they walked out to the hallway. Ariana followed Justin to the door. Ariana took a deep breath as she was about to grab the handle the door swung open. "Selena?" Justin and Ariana said at the same time.

