Your a what!

Zayn's point of view:

"Start talking!" Is the first thing I hear as we walk back into mine and Niall's room.

Ignoring them I across the room to the bed, sitting down with my back against the headboard, motioning Niall over who did without a single complaint. Liam and Louis stood at the end of the bed with their arms crossed, and Harry behind them still refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"Zayn!" Liam continued, taking a step closer to the bed but I silenced him was a single look. Liam stood their confused as no words would come out, causing Niall to hit the back of my head which broke my focus on Liam.

"Zayn don't" He spoke pointly, curling up into my side with a sigh.

"I know you three all want answers" I mumbled out, looking into Liam's eyes, then Louis's but with no luck from Harry who was still focused on the slight movement of his feet.

"Of course we want answers Zayn! Now start talking!" Louis spoke this time, as Liam took a step back still looking confused.

Sighing I pull Niall in front of me between my legs, and wrap my arms around him.

"First of all it's obvious I'm not human... I'm what humans call a werewolf..." I sigh avoiding looking at the three boys, but their wildly running thoughts hit my head like a ton of bricks.

"Werewolf? That can't be true?"

That was the first time Harry has spoken - well more like mumbled, since everything had happened.

"It is true Harry, you saw it with your own eyes" I answer, leaning my chin on Niall's head. In response, Niall curls up into my chest and takes a deep breathe, causing all his muscles to relax.

Liam, Louis and Harry look at Niall weirdly. "Okay now you need to explain everything!" Liam spoke, which was followed by a gasp and a hand to his throat. "I can talk again? What the hell!"

Before Louis could speak, I spoke up.

"Why doesn't everyone take a seat, and I'll allow everyone to ask whatever questions you would like?"

Simply nodding their heads, Liam and Louis sat down on the end of the bed, still keeping their distance. Harry squashed in behind Louis, keeping the most distance between himself and me.

"Who's going to start?" Niall suddenly spoke, springing up from against my chest and making Harry jump.

Looking strangely at Niall, Louis started.

"So your a werewolf?"

"Yes! That's what us humans like to call them. But in their world, they like to be called wolves" Niall explains, bouncing around with a large smile.

"And how do you know this?" Liam asked, looking at Niall with a sceptical face.

"Because Zayn and I are mates" Niall yells happily before I could stop him. Shaking my head at Liam, Louis and Harry's confused looks, I pull Niall back into my chest and whisper into his ear. "I think we'll tell them about that later." Nodding in answer he relaxes back into me, content to just rest against me and now listen.

"So........ Do you turn into a wolf every full moon?" Louis asks finally showing something close to excitement. "No we don't. The whole myth about werewolves shifting on the full moon is completely untrue. Until we reach the age of 15 we have complete control on when we shift into our wolf form."

"And no.... before you ask our clothes don't get destroyed or disappear when we shift" I answer Louis before he can even get a word out.

"Your eyes were red!" Harry cut Liam off. "Are all werewolves eyes red?" He mumbled nervously.

"To answer your question Harry" I start of softly. "No not all werewolves have red eyes. An Alpha has red eyes, a Beta has blue eyes, a Omega has yellow eyes and a rogue has black eyes."

"So your an Alpha?" Liam asks. "Yes I'm a Alpha".

"So if your an Alpha, that must mean you run a pack?" Louis asked, again cutting poor Liam off.

Laughing gently I answer Louis. "No Louis I don't run a pack, but I am part of one. I'm what we call a secondary Alpha, we have strength but no power over other pack members. That's why we make good pack warriors, because we have that Alpha strength and the need to protect." Louis seemed to be speechless after my answer, so Liam was able to cut in.

"Okay, I really want to know what's going on with you and Niall! You both have been extremely clinging lately."

Looking down at Niall, he's already looking up at me. Shrugging he closes his eyes and buries his face as deep as he can into my chest. Sighing quietly, I know he's not gonna be any help.

"Niall and I are what we call mates, a love bound bond that is formed at birth between two living souls. These bond are only between wolves. A wolf knows who their mate is as soon as they lock eyes, the connection becomes solid but breakable until the bond is fully complete. Which, we call mating - ".

"What does this 'mating' involve?" Louis asked, emphasizing the word mating. This caused Liam to lightly hit Louis on the arm for cutting me off. Liam was surprisingly listening very intently to everything I said.

Shaking my head I ask Louis, "Do you really want to know?" With a raised eyebrow. Louis and Liam both answered with a quick yes, which Harry answered with no causing Niall to giggle.

Ignoring the urge to cuddle the life out of Niall for his cute little giggle, I answer Louis's question with a complete straight face just to see their reactions.

"To complete a bond between two wolves is the human version of sexural intercource, but done a little bit differently. We have a knot that forms which causing us to be locked in our partner for an hour or two. During this the dominant partner will bite onto their partners shoulder with their wolf teeth, leaving a bonding mark inked into their skin for life. The dominant partner also develops the same tattoo like mark on their shoulder."

Louis, Liam and even Harry sat staring at me like I had two heads. "So y-you and N-Niall?" Harry stuttered.

"No no no, we haven't if that's what your thinking" I laugh softly, and watch as both Liam and Louis relaxed.

"WAIT! Isn't Niall human though? You said these 'bonds' are only between wolves?" Liam asked quickly.

"That's the thing. Sometimes us wolves can end up with a human mate, it doesn't mean anything really. Just means that we have to protect our partner more then we would normally, but for us it doesn't matter. If a pack member had a human mate, then that human will become apart of our family." I explain, which bought a small smile to Harry's face.

"But you will eventually will have to 'mate' with Niall though right?" Liam asked carefully, like my answer will physically hurt him.

"Yes I will have to eventually, especially since us wolves normally complete the bond the same day we find our partners. But since our little snowflake here is human, I told him the bond will be completed in his time." I answer as softly as I could as I felt Niall tense up, but relax at my answer. Liam had also relaxed at my answer.

"Is there any other cool things you need to tell us?" Louis asked excitedly, quickly moving on from the last answer.

"Well all us wolves have a special gift that we are given when we are born." I start before Louis cut me off. "A gift? What's your gift? And what do you mean gift?" All I could do was laugh at Louis.

"I was born with the gift of the mind, I can do what ever the mind offers." I explain. "For example my favourite part of the mind is telekinesis. I can move anything and I mean anything with my mind."

"Holy Shit!"

"Language Lou"

