Rogue wolf

Recap: Not focusing on anything Liam was saying, my wolf finally connected the dots. The scent from this wolf was different - very different, because it didn't belong to a pack - it was what we called a rouge. They followed no one and followed no rules, left their human side behind to become full animal which is why they are extremely dangerous - and to be killed on sight.

Zayn's point of view:

I just managed to grab Liam's arm and pull him behind me, as the rogue pounced missing Liam by a centimeter and skidding along the ground into the bushes. The rogue growled loudly in our direction getting ready to pounce again. Standing my ground I get into a ready position and growled, allowing my eyes to change and my fingernails to sharpen.

As the rogue charges forward, I push off my back leg grabbing the rogue around its neck and throwing it directly into a tree, causing the poor tree to shatter into pieces. The rogue doesn't seem to show any form of pain, for it simply jumps back up getting ready to charge again.

Knowing that I didn't stand a chance against a crazed rogue in my human form, I charge forwards shifting midair and colliding with the rogue which charged when I shifted.

Snarls, shattering tree branches and snapping jaws is all I could hear, and the taste of fresh blood filling my mouth and sharp claws digging into my skin. Being a highly trained and skilled fighter I had the upper advantage, landing many damaging bites and scratches to the rogues neck and face, causing the animal to lose balance and focus.

My alpha had completely taken over and wanted to make the final blow to kill the rogue. As the other wolf tried to jump up onto my back, I turn at the last second shifting my body and using my back legs for extra power. My jaw clamps around the rogues neck, slamming it into the ground then twisting its neck making a sickening crack then a bone crushing snap.

Quickly dropping the rogue, I step back and watch as the last of the light in its eyes fade to a dull grey. Shaking my fur out I turn away knowing it had to be done. Even though killing a rogue has to be done - For their no longer sane, it still hurts the same. Knowing that whoever that rogue was, once was a man or women who came from a family - Good or broken, and most likely had love ones somewhere in this world.

Trying not to think about what just happened, I slowly start to walk back to where the others were with my ears pressed to my head. I never wanted them to find out, and if they did, this was most definitely not how I wanted them to find out about the supernatural world.

As I emerged from the bushes I hear a very quiet "I'm not fucking seeing things" come from Louis's frozen form, who was holding an also frozen and scared looking Harry. Liam was frozen with a look I couldn't place, with a wiggling Niall in his arms. Having to block all the wild thoughts hitting my head at once from the three boys, I shift back and grab Niall from Liam softly which seems to break the trance Liam, Louis and Harry were in.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. JUST. HAPPENED!?" Liam spoke, looking at Niall closely before looking at me - Still with the same look I couldn't place.

Louis and Harry still haven't said anything, but they do step closer to Liam refusing to meet my eyes.

"Let's go back to the hotel before anything else happens" I murmur, gently pushing Niall forwards.

The others followed behind in silence, which I expected.
