
Niall's point of view:

I just kept walking calling Zayn's name every few minutes. My nerves were really sky rocketing because not only was it starting to get dark, but it has been dead quiet. The only sound to be heard was my shoes stepping on twigs, crushed dirt and my breathing. Not even a single bird was heard.

I dug my phone out of my pocket to see the time - 4:30pm - and also took notice that I have completely no service. So I couldn't call for help if I needed any. Taking a deep breath to try and calm myself down, I go to turn around to back track my steps to the hotel. When a snap sound came from behind me, and I knew that wasn't me because there was no sticks behind me. Just plain dirt.

Gathering some bravery I slowly turn around, only to regret that when I see two blue eyes starring straight at me through the bush. The only thing my mind could come up with was danger and run. But I knew better then to run. Staying as still as I could the animal or what I know learnt to be a wolf, came stalking out of the bush.

My eyes grew ten times wider after seeing the beast. This was no ordinary wolf, no this wolf was light grey and stood about 6'ft tall, towering over me. The wolf kept creeping closer and I couldn't stop myself, when I lent back on one leg to take a step back. This obviously set the wolf off and it growled loudly before lunging at me. Falling to the ground and covering my eyes the impact of the wolf never came. But the sound of growling and fighting hit my ears.

Slowly uncovering my eyes, I see the grey wolf fighting with another that looked to stand 8'ft tall and had pitch black fur. The fight was quickly won by the black wolf, when the grey ran off whimpering with it's tail between it's legs. The black wolf then turned to me showing his bright red eyes, but for some reason looking into the wolfs eyes only brought not fear but calmness and familiarity. This strange voice started screaming in the back of my head.


I ignored the voice and focused on the black wolf who had his head down near the ground, and was slowly creeping up to me. No matter how close the wolf was getting, I couldn't bring myself to move. What snapped me out of my trance was when the wolf laid in front of me, and turned his head to the side like a puppy. That caused a little giggle to escape my mouth, and caused a reaction from the wolf I didn't expect. The wolf was supporting what you'll call a doggy smile. This brought a full laugh out of me, and I simply just sat up crossing my legs in-front of the animal.

It was strange? The more I looked into the wolves eyes, the more of that familiar feeling I got. Slowly I lifted my hand up towards the face of the wolf and closed my eyes. Seconds later I jumped but smiled when I felt the soft fur between my finger tips. Opening my eyes I noticed the wolf also had his eyes closed leaning the side of his head into my palm, but this action from the animal made something click within my mind.

This is the same thing Zayn does.

I gasped lightly, what caused the wolf to snap open his eyes, to reveal not red but golden brown eyes instead. My mind started screaming 'MATE MATE MATE' again, but same as last time I ignored the voice and focused on one word.

"Zayn?" I whispered.

His face showed a mixture of happiness and sadness all at the same time. But non-the less crawled forwards and placed his forehead against mine gently. That only confirmed everything I was thinking. He moved his head back and in a blink of an eye, the boy I loved was sitting in front of me in human form. Zayn sighed before looking at the ground in-front of him.

"Aren't you scared?" He whispered looking up with watery eyes. My eyes softened and I gently reached over taking Zayn's hands into my own.

"Zayn I don't care who you are or what you are, but you'll always be my Zaynie." I answer truthfully because it's true. No matter what Zayn is, I fell in love with this boy for a reason and that won't change just because he can change into a wolf.

"Really?" Zayn asked, with a small smile playing at his lips.

"Really" I confirm before I'm being pulled into a huge hug. I smile to myself and wrapped my arms around his waist burying my face into his neck, while getting comfortable in his lap. We just sat there soaking in each others presence, until that voice in the back of my head started to really annoy me. Gently leaning back I smiled when Zayn automatically learnt down to rest his forehead against mine. He does this every time we hug.

"Zi?" I asked gently keeping my voice soft and eyes closed, but the smile slipping from my lips.

"Hm" Zayn hummed back tightening his grip around my waist.

"Why do I keep hearing this voice in the back on my head yelling, mate mate mate all the time?" I ask quietly. Almost straightaway Zayn moves his head back from mine, looking deep into my eyes with a shocked face. But after a minute of him looking into my eyes like he was searching through mine, a smile broke out onto his face. Then he did the unexpected.

He moved so quick I didn't know what was happening, until I felt a unfamiliar but amazing feeling on my lips. He kissed me. It took me a second from the shock but non-the less I started to kiss him back, while wrapping my arms around his neck and his hands on either side of my face. I could feel sparks spread through my lips, but they weren't a bad feeling. It was a good feeling, you know like a feeling you get when your actions or decisions are correct, and you get this happy giddy feeling?

Well that's the feeling I'm getting as Zayn's and I's lips dance together, in a slow but passionate kiss.

I knew this was all wrong, but it felt all right at the same time.

Eventually I had to stop when the need to breath become to much, and pulled away from Zayn's lips. But Zayn had other ideas and started kissing down my jaw line and onto my neck. At the feeling of Zayn's teeth nipping at the skin I couldn't help but tilt my head sideways for more access, while a breathless moan escaped my mouth.

I closed my eyes allowing my body to relax into every feeling, when I felt one of Zayn's hands slide up my back to gently cup the back of my head. Not knowing what to do since this was my first kiss let along make-out, I allowed Zayn to have full control of every reaction and every movement my body did. He's lips reconnected with mine as I felt myself start to lean backwards, but I allowed myself too knowing Zayn was the reason why.

Gently I was laid down on the ground when I felt some of Zayn's weight above me, so I left my arms around his neck and moved my legs to wrap them around his waist.

Zayn's point of view:

I couldn't help myself when I heard Niall quietly say 'Why do I keep hearing this voice in the back of my head yelling, mate mate mate all the time?'. I had to double check by looking through his head - And I felt bad for that - but when I saw it was true, I couldn't hold my wolf back. He lunged forward and kissed Niall.

I knew I had a lot of explaining to do, but for now you can't blame a man for living in the moment. Especially since my soul mate now knows the truth.

And let me tell you this. I don't give a hell if he's human! I'll love him and protect him at any costs.
