
Zayn's point of view:

'Zayn can you tell us what happened on stage?'
'Zayn!, Zayn! Zayn! Zayn!'

That's all I'm hearing, the same question over and over again. Like really please just forget about it. The boys haven't forget either, and I know this because lets just say they have started to keep a closer eye on me.

And by closer eye, I mean them literally sleeping in the same room. Now every hotel room we get, Liam always makes sure were all together. But hay you can't really complain since it makes everything easier.

The only thing I'm really really worried about, is that my wolf has been getting agitated since I normally sleep in wolf form. Now I can't because all the boys are in the same room, and Niall is always in the same bed as me. It's kinda cute because he could fall asleep on the other side of the bed but end up not even 10 minutes later curled around me like a koala.

Like right now, I should be asleep since it's some where around 1 or 2 in the morning. Yet here I am wide awake and running my hand through Niall's hair who's curled up around me. A twisting feeling ran through me signalling my wolf was once again getting agitated. I knew I had to do something, otherwise I'm afraid I wont be able to control myself for long.

So carefully I moved Niall's arms and legs from around me and slide out of bed. I made sure to be extra gently, because Niall was some what a light sleeper. Once out I double checked he was still asleep and that I didn't wake any of the other boys, I slowly tip toed out into the main living area of the hotel room. 

Niall's point of view:

Around me I felt something move. After a couple of seconds, I reached out to cuddle up to Zayn but he wasn't there. This caused me to sit straight up alert and wide awake. Looking around Liam, Harry and Louis were all still asleep, but Zayn was no where to be seen.

I got out of bed and walked straight to Liam.

"Liam wake up" I said shaking his shoulder. The only response I got was him turning away, and mumbling some nonsense. I huffed and tried again.

"Liam wake up, Zayn's gone" I said louder this time while shaking his shoulder. By saying Zayn's name Liam was sitting up and looking around. After looking around Liam's eyes met mine, I knew straight away what he was going to say next. So I beat him to it.

"I'll go wake Harry and you get Louis, then we'll go look for him" I explained before walking over to Harry's bed.

"Haz, get up we have to go look for Zayn" I said shaking his shoulder, but harder than what I did for Liam since Harry's a deep sleeper.

"Hm" Harry groaned rolling over to face me.

"Zayn just disappeared in the middle of the night, we have to go look for him" I explained, and this caused Harry to slowly open his eyes. I knelt down beside the bed and gave his forehead a kiss to apologise for waking him up. This must have worked since he started to sit up. I got back up and walked to his suitcase, handing him a pair of sweats to put on.

"Niall do you know where he went?" Liam asked walking up to me with a wide awake and alert Louis behind him.

"No I don't. I felt him move around, so I reached out for him and he wasn't there." I answered looking down at my feet thinking where on earth he could go at 1 in the morning.

"Well lets go look for him he shouldn't have gone far. Lets find out what the boy has been hiding from us. Zayn's been acting very weird lately." Harry instructed, holding the hotel room door open for us.

So one by one we filed out the door and began the search for Zayn.

Zayn's point of view:

After sneaking out of the hotel room, I crept down the hallway and decided on taking the stairs since the elevator makes a lot of noise.

Lucky for me the hotel lobby was completely empty, not a staff member or fan in sight. And that's a good thing because I'm only wearing sweat pants and no shoes, socks or shirt. Some people would say 'how are you not cold?'. But since I'm a wolf I never get cold. And I mean I could use my powers to create clothes for myself but, if I run into anyone they would start asking questions.

Just as I got halfway to the doors from the staircase, the ding of the elevator stopped me dead in my tracks. Turning around and looking up my wolf vision focuses on 4 very familiar boys walking into the elevator. I quickly turn back around and duck my head down since my wolf eyes were glowing bright red. I could tell they had spotted me because I could feel 4 eyes on my back.

Either way, I kept my head down and quickened my pace out of the hotel and around to the edge of the forest. I knew I couldn't just disappear, so I sat down in the grass closing my eyes to try and regain some control over my wolf. I was so focused on my inner wolf, that I jumped when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"You okay mate?"

Liam's voice broke through the silence but I didn't dare open my eyes. I knew they were still glowing. It took a lot of energy in me to calm my wolf, but by doing this it caused me to have a dizzy spell. Luckily for me Liam was right behind me and caught me before I could hit the ground.

"Zayn you okay?" Liam asked me, sitting me up straight and wrapping his arms around me to keep me up right.

"Yeah just don't feel well"

I lied on the spot to cover myself, and luckily the boys took the bait.

"Then why did you come out here then?" Niall asked, kneeling in front of me.

"Just needed some fresh air, it was getting really hot in the room." I lied again, leaning back into Liam just to add to the effect of me faking sick.

"Well you are feeling very warm" Liam whispers, using the back of his hand to feel the temperature of my forehead.

"Lets get him back up to the hotel room and we'll let Paul know in the morning." Harry whispered, Louis nodded next to him.

The next thing I knew, I was being lifted up into the air by Liam. Being the kind of man I am, I tried to get down and walk myself. But Liam's arms just held on tighter, so eventually I gave up and let Liam carry me back to our room.
